
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · Komik
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19 Chs

Chapter 1

'What, what is this place? Uh. Why, why can't i feel anything?' Thoughts that seemed to echo, were heard as if speaking in this blank space.

The world a void of nothingness, while sounds of large structures collided. In this sea of endless nothing amongst the echoing sounds and deafening silence. There floated a gray light, it's form was strange while the body was human there were no distinct characteristics. It was with out true form as it floated, the only light in this void.

"Wake up already." A loud voice shook the realm, while all other echos faded to nothing.

The light soon slowed as its body was pulled out of the endless dark. Dropped into a room of white, in front of the now black hair middle aged man sat a table.

'What is going on?' The man thought to himself as he looked away from the table, seeing the expanse of white in every direction.

"You finally woke up, I thought I'd be waiting another thousand years. From your face you seem confused." Turning back the man saw a figure sitting across from him. It's pitch black eyes, full black suit, handsome face and slicked back black hair. Contrasted well with the white around them.

"Huh? Who are.." the man's face twisted while he looked at the being, seeing him put his hand to his mouth in a 'shh' manor. The middle aged man found that he was unable to speak.

"If you'd let me finish, I could go back to other, let's say more meaningful task. Look your dead but you seem to already know this. Yet you didn't raise the question of it, either way I enjoyed your work in your last life. Well all be it that change of heart at the end, saving people at the cost of your own life was, hmm how do humans say it. Ah, yes. Pathetic, none the less I'm impressed still. You managed to survive the trek across the void. But enough of that." The man spoke, his words having a noise that thumped across the middle age man's ears. While he laughed at the man's sacrifice.

'I just wanted to do something meaningful, at least before I died.' The middle age man thought.

"I know you did, you were doing something meaningful. You guided souls to my realm, that is why you are here." The god's voice becoming neutral as he looked at the Man, reading his thoughts as he spoke.

"For your Service, I am here with a gift. While I do delight in seeing you kill or the rest of the horrible acts you committed in your last life. I think it is enough, you have already did so much for me. So I will do for you in return. You will be sent to another world, No you do not pick. I do that, I know of the books humans like to write, fanfics was it?" The god spoke again, holding his hand out as a book appeared. Flipping through it as he watched the man struggle to try and talk.

"Just like these books you love to read. You will be brought to a different world, able to live again. Isn't that exciting? Lucky for you I know just the world to send you to.. what was it again. Oh yes, bleach that's the name. That will be your new home, what do you think?" The god fired off words fast seeing if the man was digesting everything that happened.

'Bleach!? Like Ichigo? And soul Society?! Fuck yeah but wait, if it's like the fanfics don't I like get wishes? I didn't get to pick the world but I get that much right?' The man thought even if he found this being rude, he was never the less excited.

"Yeah about that, I can give you two. Listen though you can always grow your strength. You won't be getting world breaking powers from me but I can form the Idea you want from your subconscious for your sword. The other thing I can do, is allow you to keep your memories. Great wishes right?" The god laughed at what he said as the man's face changed.

'So you pick the wishes?! How is that fair.' The man wanted to yell as his face was grabbed.

"Don't speak to me of fair, you humans always want things with out work. I am not like those gods in your books. So enough of the complaining. But I do have a gift for you, if you overcome it. I'll let you live and grow as you want, if not then it probably would have been better if you stayed in the void. Now that that's out of the way, do have a good life and while harsh I am truly thankful for the souls you guided to me." The god lifted the man up, holding him close to his face as the white was replaced by black. The last part he did say with gratitude as he dropped the man into the endless void.

'I fucking hate this guy, still I was given another chance. Maybe I'll be bore a human and just live out my days. Hollows and all that, I don't think I'd be cut out for it. I'm tired of killing anyway, I just want to live a normal life. Isn't that what that little girl said, i hope there safe. No matter what that being said, I've changed.' Thinking as he fell the light soon disappeared. Fading into nothing as the void went back to silence.

'I truly hope you have changed, i had to be harsh. Your soul is one of change but to do so one must go through hardship. So survive and find that life, you so desperately want.' The gods body changed to that of half black and half white as he spoke and disappeared.

(Mc pov)

'Uhh my fucking head!! Huh?? What is that.' Thinking to myself as my mind came back to me. Feeling my arms and legs I tried to move, feeling myself stuck in place and unable to.

"What the hell is going on?! I can't see? Where am I?" Finally able to get words out, my voice deep and horse as I could feel the dryness of my mouth. Licking my lips as I tried to look around.

The place I was in was completely black, no matter how long I looked my eyes would not adjust. Calming my racing mind I moved my arms back and forth, feeling my right arm was able to move. Pulling harder on it as it fell, then the other as I lifted my legs. Falling to my knees as i thought of water, I was so thirsty.

'Water, I can't fucking breathe. Hmm.' Thinking as I heard rattling from where I fell. Feeling the floor was uneven and not made of wood or stone.

'Let's just get up, I don't know where he sent me but I can't stay here.' Putting my hand on my knee while I stood. Putting my arms out in front of me, to feel along the wall. Slowly moving as I finally felt something that seem to be two massive loops. Pushing on them to no Avail and then pulling.

Fresh yet hot air rushed in, the light from outside slowly coming in as I was taken back. Seeing the black stone like steps that led down on to a long black stone walk way. The scattered trees on one side and the other a mass of fire. Looking back I moved outside the door, seeing what I had been walking on was bone of many creatures, even humans.

Moving out of instinct I disappeared, confused as I was now somewhere above, looking down on the valley of nothing but bone, fire and death. Seeing a massive explosion as a force destroyed the place I was just at, watching a pillar of dust and bone fly high into the air.

'What the hell! No seriously.' I thought looking at the huge being, It had an elongated skull-like head and a large piece of armor on its right shoulder along with gray skin.

"Hahaha, hahaha.. so this is what you meant?! Haha, actual hell!!".

The yell I let out as I laughed shot high into the sky, pulling away from me as it moved through the clouds. Moving past each layer of hell, until reaching the massive doors that housed it. The door opening as the yell echoed.