
Todo Sobre Nosotros (ENG)

How many fangs are needed in a pack to make them start to respect their people? If they are there every time you ask for help (probably howling and growling at each other), you start to think about them like your family. A weird but warm family with fleas.

TefiGaby · Komik
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6 Chs


She couldn't believe it. The young wolf with long hair was running as fast as she could, away from the people who was calling her, entering in the forest... After hearing the answer of her young friend there was just a thing to do. She couldn't stay on that decrepit flat. When she abruptly stopped to avoid get bumped into a thick tree, she had her jaw clenched and her hands formed two trembling fists. She was furious.

Now she remembered with frustration all the bad decisions she made since the beginning of her travel: to ask to her mother to let her go to find that being, to visit every place he used to go, Come on! She even went to that stupid valley where used to be that stupid giant dragon (that could had fed her people for so many moons) and which body went to waste because that stinky dog! She had lost so much time and her clan needed her. She would have to go back with empty hands. Now she understood that she would have been more helpful if she had accompanied her sister.

But she really thought she could make it. When she finally, after been running through that marshy mountain, she found that weird talking tree (the creepy talking tree) that was the only creature that Sesshōmaru-sama seemed to heard, she thought everything was solved.

The gigantic vegetable was very nice to her and after some hours of a banal conversation (she could guess how bored was a life full of immobility and loneliness), the older confessed it didn't know where exactly the powerful monster was, but it was sure about one thing, he visited his favorite human with some frequency, and that the girl was living in a little village under the watch of a decadent Priestess.

Of course, she didn't think once she reaches the place she would find out that Sesshōmaru-sama was patiently waiting for her to give her all the support. But, at least, she let herself held the hope that the great white dog would be so kind to say Rin where she could find him in case it would be needed… Or, in the worst case, she thought she could leave a message for him, something simple that the hatred half-brother could remember until his next visit.

She never considered the horrible truth could be possible…


"Rin" She said whilst she stood up. "Where can I find Sesshōmaru-sama?"

The joy on the younger's face immediately faded. "That is exactly what I was about to ask, Keruri-neechan."

The room sank into a deep silent. Even the soft breath of the fox kid stopped. Keruri, the wolf girl, was sure that the little twins were cautiously studying her expression too. It seemed like time stopped, and everyone would have kept thinking like that if it wasn't for the sudden noise that made all those weapons by the entrance when they fell… Miroku was trying to surreptitiously take his crosier, just in case.

"I thought you knew." The breath of the young woman became loudly. It was obvious she was focusing on control her rage. "The old tree said Sesshōmaru-sama visits his human friend every time he could."

Rin's eyebrows were about to touch, she made a pout with her lips before talking; while she left her sandals and crossed the place to hand out her basket, she avoided to face anyone. "Well, the fact that Sesshōmaru-sama comes to see me does not mean I know all his plans. I cannot know what he does while he is far away… And… Also… I am not just a friend of Sesshōmaru-sama!"

Again a deep silent. The poor Sango leave her baby on the arms of the young father to have both hands free so she could cover the ears of her girls (right, to cover an ear of each girl); Shippō had fully opened his eyes and changed his position so he could see all better; the old Kaede sighed and mumbled something about how the youngers never learned and do not know what to do with that misguided brat. Just Inuyasha didn't got the meaning of those words, with those he was always like that, every time the girl expressed her love goals directed to his brother he acted like she said nothing… Or maybe, he didn't understand for real.

"As you like. I just thought Sesshōmaru-sama would say someone where to find him in case his favorite human pet was in danger or something like that." The eyes of everyone traveled fast (and with lots of interest) from the calm face of the older girl to the red face of the younger.

"There are enough people to protect Rin here, don't need the idiot of my brother close."

Both girls looked at Inuyasha with rage enough to make him shut up for some time. How does he dare to talk about him without a piece of respect?!

Keruri was losing her patient. "Let's end this. When will be the next time Sesshōmaru-sama will visit you?"

"Why do you want to know?" Any care and familiarity that was in the girl's voice suddenly left.

"So you have no idea." The arms of the wolf crossed on her chest. Her tail made an abrupt movement because the tension. A half smile was drawn on her lips but her eyebrows kept serious. "When was the last time you saw him?"

Silent. Rin tried to hide her expression behind the hair that felt on her face. It didn't work.

There was not time. By what she noticed, it was long ago, there was no hope of trail him. Even so she pushed it a little more. "How long?"

"Two years… It had been two years ago since the last time he came!"


She kicked a rock that rolled by the hill until it hit the side of that old pit. She loudly sighed. Keep looking for him would be useless, there was not a hint to guide her. Found out you know nothing about a being you considered as close to you and that you appreciate, it's disappointing. How was that possible? That she was incapable of picture out what he was doing on that moment?

It didn't matter. She took the decision whilst choose a big tree: It didn't matter now. They wouldn't let her alone for much more time (one of the things she knew about that group of bugs was they thought they owned the right to take part in every issue), and she had to thought what would it be her next move. She climbed the branches of a tall and leafy cherry tree she found some meters from the clear she just left behind.

She took the case of her arc, and among her arrows she took a little scroll. Without open it, she looked at it for some minutes. Maybe, at the end, it wouldn't help, maybe that made no sense. Like her mother had said, the best was to trust on their numbers, if they showed up with an army as large as their enemies', they'll have an opportunity… In that case… The would be the best if she started her come back as soon as she could. On her way she would try to find some allies… Those that probably her sister left aside. Talk to stranger wasn't her best ability, but she'll try. She was sure by there lived that weird big head wolf, her father had told her about him, and surely he wouldn't care to throw up a pair of wolves to help her.

Not too far from there she could heard the voices of the girls, the exterminator and the Monk; they were still looking for her. The only who wasn't moving, chosing respect her space, now, was on some roof of the village.

She thought on destroy the paper she had but when she detected the human smell so close, she put it back to the case. She would think about what to do with that later, now she had to left. From her provisions she took a bright bottle and drank the fresh water left on it. She still was hot. It would be better to say goodbye; they won't see each other any time soon. With that on mind she descended with an agile jump to the ground.

Stood there, resting on the tree she just left, was the young girl. Keruri perfectly knew it even if she didn't look at her, she could imagine the expression on Rin's face at that moment. "I'm leaving right now, I have not time to play with you so go back home."

Why human's kids want to be treated like adults before it's time? She couldn't understand but she kind of enjoyed to heard the irritated girl. "I am not a girl anymore. I am not here to play."

"Then go back home." She didn't look at the minor. And fixing her things on her back started to walk… In a slow pase easy to be followed even for a human being.

"No." As she predicted, the girl behind her was following her very close. "If you are looking for Sesshōmaru-sama, I will go with you."

"Rin, you more than anyone knows how dangerous it could be…"

"Yes, I perfectly know." Whilst she said those words she stepped in front of the taller girl forcing her to see. "But I can assure you things won't be the same, Keruri-neechan."

Rin was wearing a miniature version of the Priestess uniform from that place, on her shoulder her own arc and quiver, her hair was tied up in a messy bun and had a decided expression.

It would be easy to go out of that situation… She just needed to run. But… "I don't doubt all monsters would want to run away from you, and belive me, it would be so funny to heard all the stories you have to tell about your calm life on that village while we go looking for him; but the truth is I have other things to do. If I came here it was because I thought I could find an answer right away. It's not like that so I will get back to my way and you have to do the same."

The cheeks of the girl were filled with air. Then her expression was about to make the wolf girl to laugh… If she were in a different situation. Rin was so stubborn when she wanted. "Even so I'll go with you."

She kept a growl in his throat. Where were the stupid humans or the flea dog when you need them?! "I already told you from now on I'm not looking for Sesshōmaru-sama. Be a good girl, stay at home and wait until he gets back."

"This is not my home! And stop talking to me like I'm a kid!" That insolent brat… "I told you I'm coming with you."

"I said you won't!" That definitely was a growl. "I don't have either time or patient to carry with you!" She was about to lift the girl on her shoulder, take her back to the town and chain her up to a tree.

"Don't do it then! I'm decided and even if you leave me behind I'll follow you, I'll scape from here at night and I'll follow you. I'm sure if you keep traveling alone you'll end up in some kind of trouble."

"And what? Will you be the one to help me out of those troubles?" The older voice was more calmed. "Rin, I don't want to offend you, but…"

"I won't. Sesshōmaru-sama. I know once he hears you want to see him he'll look for you."

And how long will he take to know? Two years? Three? Usually those periods of time would mean nothing for their kind… But this time her home was in danger and the situation couldn't wait. She wanted to shout two or three things to the half-blood and those humans who were hearing them behind the threes and boulders around them.

But the girl was already walking in front of her and no one of those who supposedly should take care of this was trying to stop her, Keri shrugged and restart her march. One day or two of forced walk will show a good lesson to the stubborn human and would be a little distraction for the young wolf.

After all… If she was lucky and Sesshōmaru-sama decide to show up to protect someone, it wouldn't be for her but the little Rin.

The tempter idea didn't stop the chill that ran through her spine. Keruri corrected her mind whilst gulped. If Sesshōmaru-sama decide to show up probably (surely) he will get mad at her. She was lost.


Less than two hours.

It passed less than two hours when Rin started to be a real problem for the young wolf.

And that was not because the girl was a helpless being. No. It was a problem for the opposite reasons. The girl was a creature that was too young when she had to look for her own food and her own needs while she kept the pass of an important monster like Sesshōmaru-sama; the truth problem was her independence.

After noticing she didn't know where to go she let Keruri to lead and without worrying about what would happen from then, Rin spent her time keeping a (very unilateral) conversation about what had been of her boring life since she was living with the old Kaede. She did not stop.

Not even when Keruri with clear intentions to put away from the girl whatever thing that inspired her to talk declared the necessity of safe water. The only thing that happened was Rin starting a deep conversation about how much she liked the river that ran in front the town where she and Inuyasha used to fish when she was sent for some aquatic roots.

After a long distance into the woods, the older girl decided that the little lake with clear water they found was far enough from humans and other creatures, telling they were taking a break, decision that was well received not only for Rin who immediately left her footwear behind and let her feet in the water; but the idiots that followed them and were hidden between the branches.

Keruri shook her head. Sometimes she didn't even want to understand the rest. She walked by the bank until she found a boulder tall enough, where she left her weight and started to put order all the bright bottles she had (and they were many).

While she filled them one by one, she saw Rin with a smile on her face, surely her sister would have been acting like that if she were there with them.

"Why do you have so many of those things? I bet you thought I would end traveling with you when you packed." The girl finally calmed down and now she was talking to the wolf with a playful tone.

"You're wrong. This is what I need. When I started my travel never thought I would see you again."

"It doesn't matter. Now we'll share everything so from now on I'll help you with all these height…"

"No, no, no." Keruri hurried to take away from her hand the bottles. "Rin, you decided to get into this for your own, and if you are not prepared the best for you will be if you act like an adult and head back to your village. I'm sure you have a lot of useful things to do for that town."

"Very well." Very well. Those words seemed to close the issue. Rin, in a bad mood, walked away making some noise. She will be back to the village and her security will be the problem of the idiots who followed them and the rest of the half-blood's friends. Keruri could focus on what matters, to find allies and get back to home as fast as she could.

Those were her thoughts that were stopped when a high cry drowned her ears. It wasn't far away from where she was. And without thinking it twice, Keruri left her things, took the long arch, a dark arrow and ran toward it.

On her run whilst jumped over an enormous rock with agile moves that were well measured she opened the vial that hanged from her belt and sank the arrow point on the dense silver liquid. It was decided, after rescue her, she would tear up the two idiots that weren't taking care of the girl and that now she was leaving them behind.

All the little animals of the forest: from little squirrels with spongy tails, bunnies with cute cheeks and little fieldmouses with pink noses; to big colorful birds and some fatty raccoons; ran scaried from the place after the shout of the wolf girl.


She had found Rin hung upside down from an exuberantly tall tree. The girl had shout out when she thought she would fell to the ground before reach a big abandoned hive that was near to the top. She was sure it would be a perfect jar to carry all the water she wanted.

Another skull of some kind of deer on the ground.

In that filthy cave hidden behind the waterfall there were all kind animals' bones on every centimeter of the ground and werewolves that seemed to fall asleep just if they could snore as loud to let the whole world to know. Teruri could never sleep there.

That was the reason because, while she put on her hood and walked through the water, she couldn't hold her glee. On that day she had have the best luck. Not only she succeeded on making Kōga, the tribe's leader, to agree on fight with her clan to help her to defeat a big group of bat creatures that split acid (Well, maybe she forget to mention some details, but they'll have time enough to do it); she also managed to make the leader promised to her he would left with the group who would protect their territory, the muscled one who offended her that morning.

Her tail didn't stop moving when she sat up next to Yato, the enormous wolf who accompany her. Whilst she petted its dark fur she couldn't stop thinking with proud the way she also convinced everyone that was a nobly and disinterested act that she declined the kind attentions of the pack and decided to sleep outside under the stars so they could take the decisions needed in order to prepare the travel in the morning with full privacy. She was admired by her allies and escaped from spend more time on that stinky place. Today was a good day.

Probably, that was the reason she didn't get mad when she detected that someone else stepped outside the cave. She had supported the absorbent curiosity from that girl, she had been polite with her during the day, and decided that one or two more answer don't be bad for her or Ayame.

"Some fresh air before to go to sleep?" Teruri asked once she felt her close enough.

"No. I was just thinking it better and I think if I go now I can reach you with my people in less than three days."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Where are you going?" Seeing Teruri's face the taller girl sighed. To live near to the ice makes you slow, isn't it?

"I'll go to my tribe, I'm talking to my brother and I'm sure my warriors will join your clan in short time."

"Your brother is the leader of your tribe?... Anyway, that doesn't matter, Ayame, I'm thankful for your intentions, but before coming here I passed by the North mountains."

"Are you saying my brothers denied you our help?"

"He expulsed me from your territory before hearing me out, and then he sent five of your people to rob me the beautiful deer I offered them as a gift."

"And you? What did you do to them?"

"Nothing. Yato scared them a little, but at the end I left them to take what they wanted. It would be a waste to not give a good use of all the meat."

"I'm so sorry… If my grandpa still… Thank you."

After that both girls separated in silent. Teruri couldn't believe it, adding to all the success of the day she just grew up to the eyes of an allied that could be very helpful in the future, and without making a big effort. That night she would have a nice sleep. Today had been a good day.