
Todo Sobre Nosotros (ENG)

How many fangs are needed in a pack to make them start to respect their people? If they are there every time you ask for help (probably howling and growling at each other), you start to think about them like your family. A weird but warm family with fleas.

TefiGaby · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Face to face.

Everyone was there. Everyone was in that cozy cave hidden behind the powerful water current of the great waterfall. From clan members whose names no one mentioned long time ago because no one was really sure to remember which their name were, to the respected leader and his self-proclaimed fiancee. In fact. These two were in the center sitting face to face.

Everybody was silent impatiently waiting for the moment both of them stop to act like they were doing, in other words, they were waiting for she to stop fixing the gigantic flower crown that decorated her head, and for him to control the expression in his red face and to start to talk once and for all.

Then, in the precise time the wolf's lips were parting to let a word with meaning out...

"Eh... Kōga, maybe you would like to take a breath outside for a while." The young werewolf's voice that just stepped inside brutally cutter the moment. A general growl from the tribe members was the immediate answer.... This was taking too long and the truth was everyone was desperately hungry.

The furious look that the girl threw at him was what made him react at the end. With a grin he mumbled to the boy: "Is it too hard for you to understand the situation? Right now it's not the time to go to hunt, Mio, stop acting like an idiot."

"You're the one who don't understand... Outside... There's a little problem maybe you want to take care of right now." Even if the boy was risking the woman next to him decided to tear his head off, he knew pretty well that if he didn't do this the one who would end torturing him will be his leader. Even though, when he looked at the girl he was not sure what was worst.

"Speak now! What on Earth could be so important?!" The woman dressed in white fur raised her voice. Deeply offended.

The echo of her words had not completely disappeared when the instincts of every wolf and every werewolf made them react. Everyone stepping back from the center surprised saw how their muscular friend (who was the only guarding the entrance moments ago) soundly landed on the wet ground. He was thrown through the current of water for someone!... Or something.

Then the senses of all those present went to the waterfall. Kōga, taking an alerted posture, took a step in front and with his hand asked the others to keep calm whilst some well known claws appeared on it, the ancestral weapon that the leader possessed.

The attacked werewolf was just getting over the terrible blow he had received and was trying to sit up. But nobody was capable to make a single question because in that moment a beast was pouncing on him. The enormous paw of the biggest wolf than anyone of them had saw (and well! They do know many of those wild beasts) landed on the chest of the victim. Only the blue Iris of its eyes and its great fangs could be seen between his black fur. The criature was fiercely growling to their terrified comrade.

Nobody was sure who did it, but one of the tribe members couldn't stan the scene anymore and did the bravest things in his life... He pushed the back of his perplexed leader with both of his hands who after staggering took a step forward recovering his courage and recomposing his expression. Then everyone knew he was ready to start his threats directed to their enemy, they were save! Kōga will fight!

Nevertheless, before they could admired the exploits of the young wolf a thrift figure passed through the waterfall. This time was a criature that walked on its two legs. They couldn't see it well against the light but they were sure about a thing... it was hooded and it was... small. Every wolf mentally took the decision that when the fight started they would fight the (not so scaring) newcomer.

"That's enough, Yato." A female voice filled the place. The black silhouette was clearer as the young girl came close to the great animal's fangs that hearing her stopped its growls. She squatted next to the muscled man that was still on the ground, she put back the hood revealing her face and a short dark brown hair. "I'm sure that from now on he will think it twice before making mating offers to females, isn't it?"

Stuttering the man made a effort to pronounce the words considering the little air that reached to his lungs. "Ye... Yes... Yes, ma'am."

The girl sighed satisfied. It just took a single pat from her on the gigantic animal's paw to make it calming and step back not without first show his fangs for the last time to the werewolf who could be its dinner.

Once she stood again, they could confirm the girl was young and not that tall to be of the same specie. With a hand she put a lock of her hair behind her pointed ear that had a little dark round pendant on it while the tribe's leader tried to not loose a single detail. Her green eyes like the grass, her tan skin that looked like his own, her black tail. A thick piece of black fur was on her shoulders covering a part of her chest and back, it was the hood that was down now; the neck was slightly visible thanks to the cut in form of 'v' of it. Under that heavy (and wet) piece, that wasn't long enough to cover her ribs, it could be seen the armor made of dark metals similar to the one he was wearing; and under it a long sweater that reached her waist made from a gray fabric that adapted very well to her figure with long sleeves that covered a little more of the young woman's wrists, like they were gloves (infact, ther were a holes on the piece that let her thumbs free). She was also wearing warm skinny black pants that followed the lines of her legs and that reached to a pair of thick short boots made from some black fur. She had a leather belt were, only her knew, were those special knifes that her little sister took from a rude ninja some years ago; a katana in a sheath with a curious design and a small sack with provisions on a side.

The werewolf couldn't help but to immediately catch the nice icy and forest scent together with the flower smell that made his nose to clench. Stinky! He smirked remembering the noisily girl that not long ago seemed to be fifteen or sixteen and had her long hair tied on two braids; the same that took part of his adventure and he liked to treat like a big bother. "You have grew absolutely nothing since last time we spoke."

"Don't tell me..." The girl's expression softened to the point the whole clan decided it was save to take a closer look. "Is this the way you welcome me to your territory?"

"And this?" The young man pointed with his jaw to the way the enormous wolf was standing. "Is it your way to make your entrance?"

The moment Ayame could see both, Kōga and the unknown women, they were extending their arms ready to have a very friendly salute, she was not letting that happen, and if it wasn't for Ginta and Hakaku, she would step forward.

"Teru-chan? Is that you?" The boy with the funny hairstyle had stepped between them without noticing it.

"Can't believe you're coming to visit us." Said the young man with the armor that let his abs exposed.

"Well, believe it, dear friends, 'cause I had brought a little gift for you." Responded the girl with a smile making sure the whole pack heard her; and to his fluffy partner. "Would you bring it, Yato?"

The beast didn't take long, just time enough to let Ayame get next to 'her' man. The big wolf stepped outside the cave and got back, with some effort, that big body of a gigantic wild pig.

"In our way we stepped on this creature, it attacked us and we haven't any other option than hunt it." The woman on black furs said the ohray with ease, like it was not relevant. "I thought you could have good use to its meat."

The surprised and thankful expressions from the big group of beings that always were hungry didn't took long to be pronounced. More than one got close to their new benefactor to shake her hand or to lift her up on the air before running and take part of the carnage.

In that mess, just four of the criatures on the cave didn't dramatically changed their position towards the big prey: the big black wolf that just yawned and curled on the cleanest space of the place; the only two women who stood there; and the clan's leader who was suspiciously looking at the shorter girl. She didn't take too much to noticed it and slowly getting close to him mumbled: "Of course, I hope it's not to much to wait you to give me a private audience."


In the most hidden part of the dark cave, in the end, carved on the rocky wall (or digged on it, nobody was sure of it), was what everyone called 'Kōga's room' what in fact was the flatter surface smoothe with furs and hay, being covered with part of the walls it was the most discreet space that the tribe knew. And in that moment, on top of the thickest furs was the owner of the place, with his legs and arms crossed, waiting with closed eyes to the start of the conversation.

Sitting in front of him was the new savior of his people, the girl who saved the life of everyone with her arriving that day because those werewolves hadn't eaten anything after the breakfast... And it was midday now... She on her knees was perfectly sitting, trying to keep her back straight, even though the uncomfortable sensation she had having the ceiling so close to her head. That wasn't all. Also she was irritated because the other girl who acting like a pup forced them to make herself part of the reunion. Ayame didn't want to hear the man and stubbornly sat next to him, hugging her knees, her eyes traveling between the other two.

The newcomer was really mad, and had to remember many times how far she was from home. She should stan this kind of rudeness until she could get back. "Right. I suppose you know my presence here is not merely a social visit."

"Of course." The young man directly looked at her. "After such a little casual gift, you wouldn't care if I ask you why are you here? Are you expecting me to babysit you again?"

A low growl escaped from the girl's lips. "No. This time, I'm here as a representative of my mother."

Kōga was about to say something when a happy Ginga came in with three heavy bowls full of clean cuts of wild pig's meat and another with fresh water. "Time to eat..." And put the plates in front of them. "I know you're busy but everybody needs energy."

Before he left, the girl dressed in black stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Thank you so much, but you know you can take my part."

"You sure, Teru-chan?" The excited boy didn't hide the happiness on his voice. And looking the nod she made, he took his precious bowl with no doubts leaving with an exaggeratedly show of gratitude. Not everyday you gain a leader portion.

"What? Was the animal sick? Is the meat poisoned? Is it good enough to give it away but not to eat it?" Ayame didn't like to be treated with contempt by anyone and was suspiciously looking the piece she was about to put in her mouth.

The other woman just looked at her with a rhetorical expression, but was the man who finally spoke. "Ayame, she is part of the South Territories' tribes."

"I don't care. She can come from the ocean bottom for all I care, that's not excuse enough for..."

"Ayame, she's part of the legendary South's tribes." The wolve's leader interrupted her before she kept going.

"She took a few minutes to understand what he was saying. She knew an important number of werewolves tribes but she had never met those who came from from territories that are so far away... Even so her grandfather told her stories about the beginning, about how their specie survived before human's existence, about how those traditions were still alive on some of the clans that are little known... The legendary clans. Finally, mumbling in order to not show her surprise, she asked: "Are you a 'Dragon Hunter'?"

The smile full of proud that took place on the short haired girl was clear enough, but she still added. "That's right. And like you should know, once our body is adapted to depend from those criatures it's hard to try any other thing." And bowing a little she continued. "Esutefuni, heiress of the leadership of the Fire Warriors. Still, if you want to, you can call me Teruri."

"Ayame from the North Mountains Clan." She introduced herself imitating the other girl. And hurrying talking she said. "I always thought you would dress a special kind of armors... You know..."

"Decorated with dragon drags?... Yes, of course we have that kind of traditional clothes but their energy can't be easily taken. We couldn't wear it every time. They attract too many enemies." And suddenly cutting the words from the girl with a flower on the hair, like Teruri remembered why she was there, she turned to the werewolf that kept silent. "Talking about enemies, I need your help with one."

"Do you need us to defeat a dragon?!" Ayame couldn't contain her emotions and almost hit her head with the ceiling tasting the glory that would mean to take part of that hunt. "I got it! Surely it's about the heir of an old adversary that your clan brought down centuries ago and know it's blood thirsty and..."

"Ehhh... No." Teruri tried to stop her as calm as it was possible. "Those familiar revenge are too common. We know how to face them. We do it all the time." She sighed before keep going. "Almost two moon'd cycles ago our territory was invaded for a lot of great bat criatures. They made their nest on a inaccessible place and since then they'd had caused problems. They had not directly attacked any of our clan members but they did attacked our allies. Kōga, you know what that means, rumors had traveled even if they tried to avoid it, monks and priestess had been showing up on our forest... Many of our members pack are on bed because they tried to purifier them. My mother wants to solve the problem and to do it we need all the allies we can have by our side."

"I understand." The boy's expression was serious whilst he thought about the consequences of his next actions.

"I don't." Ayame took part of the conversation again. "Do you want Kōga's clan to confront those... Monk's? After all they are who are hurting your people?"

"I'm asking for help to expul the bats. My mother tried to talk to them but they don't want an arrangement. Monks and priestesses just showed up as consequence of the attacks against the humans... We protect." Saying the last part, she looked directly at her.

"Are you saying that the most important ancestral clan of our specie have deals with those inferior humans?... Now I understand why were you looking for this man. Kōga loves stinky humans."

That last comment took away the concentration of him who sent a dirty look to the girl with two tails on the hair while his cheeks were blushing.

Anyways, Teruri ignored them and just decided to point out a thing. "We try to get the most benefits from our treats. We're practical. Even if because of that some members of our own kind give us their back."

"Our own kind?" The question of the confused Ayame went out at the same time than the question of the clan's leader. "Then, I'm not the first, how many other tribes had you visited?"

"As many as I'd could. This is my seventh stop. But you know we're not popular between our people. Tell me, Kōga-kun, will you team up with traitors like us?"

It stinks.

The dark liquid that the old woman put in front of the girl wolf with long hair tied up in a ponytail who was on her knees, sitting with her back straight in front of the fireplace that was the only light on the house... Stinks.

The girl heard it was black tea. She knew the weird smell. She knew that drink was common in human places. But she didn't understand why. If the liquid tasted like it smelled would be impossible for her to swallow it. Delicately she lifted the mug and saw her olive eyes reflected on it... After doubt it for a second, she put it back on the floor. Would it be too rude from her to ask for another kind of tea? Would they feel offended if she asked for one of those infusions she loved? Those that were made of herbs that maybe (surely) would be poison for weak beings like them.

Trying to being not obvious she let her eyes travel through the space they were in. Next to the door were the boomerang, the Monk's crosier, the arcs and the sword they used to threaded her minutes ago. Her left hand instinctively touched her own case she didn't want to let it go and ended by her side: the Monk enjoyed his tea whilst his left hand was slowly getting close to the young woman who was distracted by her drink and her little son; Inuyasha was trying to control those energetic twins who were cruelty playing with his ears; Shippō was on deep sleep on the floor and the old woman Kaede was looking at her with intensity.

She frowned noticing she was being caught. "Where is Rin?" Repeated the question.

"She should be on her way. She's collecting some herbs for me." The old witch didn't softened the intense gaze full of suspicious.

The wolf girl was about growl at her. But in that moment a female voice that she perfectly remembered distracted her.

"Keruri-neechan? What are you doing here?" Definitely the stinky black tea affected her nose and didn't let her to catch the familiar scent before.

A sight was heard full of irritation and relief whilst the young woman turned to see from head to toes the teenager who was about twelve and was seeing her with curiosity. She was exactly how she remembered her, taller, bringing a basket filled of medical herbs and wearing one of the most beautiful kimonos she had ever seen. Her dark eyes expressed how happy she was for the older girl's presence... But Keri was not there visiting and old friend.

"Rin." She lowly called. "Where can I find Sesshōmaru-sama?"