
Regil and Nigil

"What is this kid talking about?" Arry says as Hubrid readies himself, he begins stretching by reaching for his toes and then lunging up and reaching his hands as high as they could go. He began to do a sprinter's stretch and just as Mwop called out to Arry to warn him of what was coming, Hubrid had already given him a blow to the stomach.

 Arry coughed up copious amounts of blood as he fell to the ground from shock while Mwop looked on in fear, desperately trying to conjure any magic she could to stop Hubrid.

"Why do I have to do this," Hubrid speaks while facing towards Arry as his eyes drifted beyond the fairy lying on the floor.

"This is really the only way?" Hubrid begins to walk towards Mwop as she stood there in shock as Arry tried to stand back to his feet but falters back to the ground after receiving such a heavy blow to his abdomen.

"You promise I'll get to see them again if I bring them to you?" Hubrid says as he walks to Mwop in nonchalance as his fist gleamed with a yellow aura.

"Who are you talking to?! You should keep your eyes on your opponent!" Arry says as he picks himself off the ground, both hands covering his chest as blood leaked from his mouth. With the remaining magic he could shoot out, he thought he'd managed to hit Hubrid, he thought he saw his attack hit Hubrid with the ferocity of a stray star encumbering a lone planet.

"Okay!" Hubrid ducks to the ground without looking back at Arry as he narrowly dodges the burst of fire, the stray fire began to set the library on fire as the books began burning. 

"You will?!" Hubrid says in excitement as his hands began trembling with small splatters of blood staining them as he dashes to Arry hitting the top of his head with a crunch knocking him unconscious as the library continued to burn into ashes as Arry let out a small grunt before he fell to the hardwood ground. Hubrid worried not of the books but of the fairy standing in front of him.

"What will you do to them after I bring them to you?" Hubrid asks in a worrisome tone as his excitement began fading and reason returned to him.

Mwop looked at Hubrid shaking with fear and worry as he continued to slowly walk towards her as she shivered at his sight. She began taking steps back but falls onto the ground as she trips over a book, causing her to hit the ground as she continued scurrying away from Hubrid.

"Ooh… So they work for you?... Wait, you told me to help them?... You've been telling me this entire time? Sorry, I guess I've been mishearing you," Hubrid says as he scratches his head in shame while he stands above Mwop outstretching his hand to help her up.

"Okay, I'll give her some," Hubrid says as he nods his head.

Hubrid's hand begins to glow, this time it's different, the yellow light that gleamed from his palm all the way to his fingertips gleamed with a purple light. He touches Mwop and her clothing began repairing itself and her rugged appearance turned into a cleanly one. Her disgruntled hair fixed itself as it fell down to her shoulders, behind her back and she felt her magic energy returning. 

She laid on the ground, eyes closed, bracing for Hubrids impact only to open her eyes to reveal Hubrid's hand being held above her. Sprinkles and sparkles of yellow and purple aura spread from Hubrid's hand and into the girl. 

"Pup out the fired,"

Mwop ignores Hubrid and uses her magic to snuff him out, she barricades his face in a large bubble of water as Hubrid's mouth sat wide open and he began drinking the bubble. 

The fire waged on, Arry awoke from his swift slumber and shouted to Mwop. 

"Put it out!" Arry says as blood leaked from his mouth.

Mwop ignores Arry's call and continues choking away at Hubrid as the water regenerated itself faster than Hubrid could swallow.

Arry carries his worn body over to Mwop, blood leaking onto the floor as the fire raged on, consuming everything in its path as it began spreading. A trail of blood followed Arry as he felt himself losing consciousness once again. He shouted a final time before he fell to the ground from his injuries.

"Wait, look closely! I remember that face!" Arry hits the ground before nearly reaching Mwop and falls to the ground face-first as Hubrid kicked a book towards him as he choked on the water to break his fall.

Mwop looked confused, 'Why would our enemy do something like that? What did Arry mean by his face?' She wondered to herself. 

She stopped the use of her magic to see what Arry had been talking about, she looked at Hubrid's face as it sat soaked in water as his black hair fell down to his chest covering his face as water continued dripping down his body.

Mwop began generating more water, this time though, the water she made was from her tear ducts, her eyes glimmered and her tears shimmered as she looked at the Hubrid's face as the growing flames continued to tear apart the library. With a hope that'd left her eyes long ago, she looked at Hubrid and remembered the man who saved their people.

Rain began falling over the library as the books sat in the flames. Water poured across the bookshelves, soaking every book and making the ground moist as puddles of water grew across the library. Mwop looked at Hubrid and her fear and anger turned into gaiety and joy as she realized who it was she was staring at.

She fell to her knees and bowed before Hubrid, she thought she'd never meet that man again. They were mistaken by Hubrid's looks. He looked confused as the girl prostrated herself before him.

"Sowry!" Hubrid says with regret in his voice.

"No… I'm the one who should apologize for not recognizing who you were! I never thought you would gain access to magic, King Hmrid!" 

Hubrid digs his pinkies in both his ears to remove the water that'd gotten stuck inside. He continues wriggling through his ears as Mwop continues kneeling on the ground, head bowed, on the ground crying while spitting out a long monologue, presumably about all of the pain she had to endure throughout their internment. Hubrid finally manages to free his ears from the water.

"You'll help us do that right?" Mwop says as her tears continued leaking onto the ground, disguised by the rain pouring on top of her as she begged Hubrid. 

Hubrid begins fighting with himself as he spits out water with a hic-up accompanying it.

"But you just told me to help them!" Hubrid shouts out as he looks around the library, the fire stopped churning and the books were damaged from the fire and water they had to endure.

"You want me to guide them to the next world?... You keep saying different things to me!... I'm just gonna do what you told me to do last time... No! I'm done listening."

Mwop looks up at Hubrid as a perplexed look overshadows her pity and joy as she narrowed her eyebrows and stared at Hubrid.

"Who are you… talking to?" Mwop says softly with her head lifted up slightly.

"I think there are two of them, one of them calls themselves Regil and the other one calls themselves Nigil," Hubrid says as he started knocking on his head as if it were a door while he begins racking his brain on what to do.

"Regil!? So the king has been looking for us for that long?" Mwop says with a bittersweet smile as her head is lifted completely upwards and she forms a smile.

Arry awakes slowly at what he'd just heard, he groans as he lifts his body off of the ground and begins to talk to Hubrid.

"Did you say Nigil?" Arry says as he hardly manages to stand as his tattered clothing looked to be soaked in blood.

"Did you just say Nigil?!" Arry shouts out as he stared at Hubrid in a rage.

"Arry! Sit down and rest, I need to heal you!" Mwop says as she runs over to Arry and places her water on top of him. 

The two voices inside of Hubrids head began to clash for dominance as Hubrid falls to the ground and loses consciousness.

Strange voices talk to Hubrid and he can't decide which one to listen to. Should he listen to any of the voices at all? He cant make up his mind.

Yoekkocreators' thoughts