
To Save The World I Became The Villan

I fall to my Knees once again short of breath. I use the last of my strength to look up at that damned demon, looking at me with those eyes full of hate and malice. If I fall here then I know what It'll do again. Though the Mind is willing, yet the flesh is weak and gives up to limitations. I feel my consciousness drifting away... dammit I failed again. back to square one, I go and as always that wretched old man enters my vision, lazily dangling his fishing rod and whistling at the dock of our clan lake. Slowly he starts reeling in his hook and smirks "how many attempts does this make?". I grit my teeth in an effort not to drown the old man. Meticulously putting bait on his hook with the experience of a thousand lifetimes he asks"how many times are you going to watch them suffer? how many more heads will roll BOY?" Searing anger and shame filled my lungs. "I've tried EVERYTHING!" His eyes cast a condescending gaze "EVERYTHING?" I fall to my knees. "Every path a take ends in failure!" The old man throws his hook into the lake. "hmm.. there's a path to success I know of......but it requires a great sacrifice". My chest puffs up with confidence."A hero knows how to sacrifice! I'm willing!" "Who said you had the hero to save the world?" "What?" Just a WARNING I'm probably going to revise chapters a lot because I always have a feeling the story could be better. (Tragedy, Psychological, Fantasy, Villain, Mystery, Romance.)

89thBAMM · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 4. Heros Indignation & Demons Indifference


A once grandiose throne room was now a dilapidated battlefield. The once pristine marble floors are now defiled with craters and gashes. The crystal columns were riddled with fractures bearly able to bear the weight of the room. Only the king's throne was left untouched as if there was never a battle, to begin with.

The demon lord stood at the storm's eye motionless. His back was riddled with arrows, which burned with Gathorns purple soul flame. A green liquid dropped from a hole where his liver would be, corroding the ground that it fell upon. Ugly gashes dug deep into his chest, his uneven breathing echoed through the the throne room, his black blood was even darker than his armor, trickled from every crevice. His obsidian armor no longer glisten but was dull and brittle, flaking away with rust.

Despite his sorry state, his great sword, a large blade with baring barbs and pieces of flesh in its grip. A thorny guard protected the hilt, bearing a red Eye that glowed with a red hateful aura. Even the boy was surprised at the demon's calmness, in reaction to being forced on the back foot. 'This is the most damage we've ever inflicted him with. He should be weak enough. prepare your scrolls. I your selfless hero will make the ultimate sacrifice' His team round about him wasn't fairing much better.

Rock's shield was mangled beyond recognition and the arm holding it was dislocated. Zwart had a massive gaping hole in his stomach, black energy surrounding the wound prevented Maria from healing it effectively.

Boog's quiver and mana had run dry, effectively making him useless. Rosario was suffering under the effects of mana backlash from overdrawing his mana. 'It'sthe time!' As they activated their scrolls the boy who lost his right hand during the battle charged.

In effort to distract the demon from the nature of his intentions he threw a flash bang to obscure his sight.

Meladoras taking advantage of the opening, sprang from the demon king's shadow. the wolfs eyesight was destroyed from one of the demon's previous sword strikes. The rest of the team's bodies began to shine and slowly disperse into parties of light.

In the split second before Meladoras's jaws closed on his shoulders, the demon king pointed a finger at the boy's heart, shooting a red beam through it. Thorny vines erupted from underneath the dissipating five binding their movements.

The beam that burst out the hero's back split into five beams piercing the heads of the hero's companions.

Light faded from their eyes before they could even process what occurred. None of them knew how they died. The boy fell to his knees and hit the ground face-first, blood gushing from the hole where his destroyed heart once lay. Meladoras's giant maw was sidestepped by the demon lord. Using the momentum of his movements he swung back his great sword decapitating the beast.

The boy's body shivered as he struggled to comprehend what just happened. He could sense the life force of his friends was severed once again by the monster. With faded eyes, he gazed up at the fallen head of Meladoras beside the demon lord's feet.' Thank you for everything...Meladoras... my friends. I won't let your sacrifice be in vain.' tears began to stream from his eyes.' I have failed you once again.'

With great struggle, he began forming the seals for self-detonation. He fought to keep from fading away before he completed his duty. Blood gushed profusely from the gaping hole in his chest. Within the boy's gaze the demon lord's feet began to make their way to him. A dispassionate voice similar to his fathers broke out." No matter how many times an autumn leaf flips and twirls its destination will always be the ground."

The demon's feet stop before him,and his eyes struggled to meet the gaze of the demon king, those soullesss eyes full of hate and malice for all things living disregarded him as nothing more than an ant under a microscope.

The boy knew if he fell here without finishing the job, destiny was in store for the rest of the world. Though the Mind is willing, the flesh is weak and gives up to limitations. The boy was almost finished with the last seal when the demon king's great sword fell through his scull. A thudding crack echoed throughout the throne room.

The Golden light fades from his once resolute eyes and they become dull. As the darkness crept in and his soul faded, the demon's body turned to ash giving way to the ridiculous sight of the demon king sitting on his throne, as if he was never even fighting, just an audience watching a show. And by his glum expression, he was not impressed.

'What a shitty joke'

A sad scenery paints the throne room as blood flows slowly from the frustrated boy's mouth, who is pinned to the groun with a sword in his head. Now dead, his expression of defeat remained, his eyes saw light no more yet they were still open as tears streamed down.

'Damn it...'

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I have to say I've been dissatisfied with my Imagery in this chapter expect some changes.

your feedback is much appreciated!

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