
To rule and to conquer

Mark Noxx is the CEO of the Noxx equity and Investment group centered in Frankfurt, Germany. He is controlling a large web of companies and NGOs battling in an invisible fight the onslaught of american and asian industries and investors to the european market and society. While he defeats, overcomes and conquers his enemies his dark secret gets more powerful until he discovers he is not the only one who shares this secret and a whole new level of war arises which needs all his cunning, power and competence.

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6 Chs

Elevator talkings

For the next three hours the two women were working at the list of stakeholders. Time flew by and soon they did not find place to write new entries down.

Janine said nervously:" So many stakeholders. How we cover them all? It seems impossible."

Nicole answered:"Do not worry, we will write down the needs and don´ts for every single stakeholder and then combine them in a stakeholder matrix. This will clarify for us quite easily which are the most important matters. We will also judge them if they are in accordance with other needs and don´ts or if they are just irrelevant to others or even oppose them. This will alow us to build clusters. You will see. It is just important to go step by step and not get overwhelmed." Then Janin put her head to the side and yawn silently while holding her hand in front of her mouth. "I am tired, I am working since 7. It is 17 now. I want to leave soon. Gym is waiting."

"Ah come on, forget the gym. We have to celebrate the day. I invite you to Taisho.", Nicole answered.

"Mhh Taisho. Sounds very tempting. I would like to have one of his Ramen."

"Oh yes they are great. I will also have a Ramen."

Janine smiled:"Ok let´s go then. I am hungry now."

Nicole played nervous:"Oh no. Let´s rush then. Janine is hungry, don´t get in our way. Police move aside we have to reach Taishos in five."

Janine laughed:"Hey I am not like that."

"You are. Even worse. You once said ´I would kill a baby bambi for Mako Sushi now´. Since that time I always have a Snickers or Bounty in my bag."

Janine made a pout:"Don´t be so mean, it was a joke."

"Yes but you get aggressive anyways.", then she searched in her handbag and draw out a snickers and presented it with a teasing smile, "Hungry?"

Janine stared at her. "I can´t believe it ! Give me that snickers!"

Nicole laughed and handed the snickers to her."Enjoy."

Janine put it on her desk and then took her Lady´s coat. Nicole looked at her suspiciously but didn´t want to ask. "I wait till tomorrow", she thought. Then she turned to Janine:" Let´s ask Lars to drive us. He has no tasks actually. I checked his schedule today morning. He will be needed at 22:30 to drive Carla to the airport but until then we will be back. But you need to ask him"

Janine grinned:" We get driven by Lars ? That "I carry your bags, Mrs. Bartelli" Lars ? Or that "May I drive you home Mrs.Bartelli?" Lars ?"

"I like him, he is polite and a gentleman and he never took advantage of me. Not many men like him around anymore in this world."

Janine pressed her index finger on the button to call the elevator. "You know my sister talks to me like that all the time. Men are shit, no one needs men, no honorable men on this world and so on. But you know what? Men adopt immidiatly to whom is in front of them. If you act like a scoundrel girl you will be treated like that. Men love to spoil women, but they hate to throw pearls to the pigs. If you get bad treated, it is all your own fault. I almost never get ill treated, and if I do, I know exactly why."

The elevator arrived and the two ladies entered. Janine was wearing a long black lady coat with gold accentuated scarf and a high collar. Nicole was holding her thick grey woolen coat over one arm. Nicole looked introverted, thinking about something while she was entering the elevator. Then she looked at Janine:" What is this place?"

Janine looked irritated:" What do you mean, it is our place to work, a real cool place to work." Then she pressed the button for the lobby level.

Nicole still looked very thoughtful:" You know what you were just telling me. Your sister, my own opinion." She looked at Janine. "I suddenly understand." Then she laughed:" Oh no, I start to understand. What Mr. Noxx was talking about and now it frightens me. Who is he?"

Janine made a pout and laid her head a bit to the left side. "What do you mean ? I do not understand a single word."

"I told you Mr. Noxx was talking to me about society, my past and lust. Then he came up with the temple. But I just now, talking with you understand how deeply we are messed up. I think bad about men. I mean in general. And when you told me about behavior and men reaction my first thought was ´oh shut up little house wive and go get the beer for your fat ass sitting at the couch watching soccer´."

Janine rose a brow:" You are really fucked up."

Nicole nodded and looked despaired:" I never questioned that you know. It just developed like that. I did not have a bad dad. He was not at home very often, but I think that is how dad´s act. They work. And...."

The elevator door opened and two men and a woman waited in front of the door to enter the elevator. Nicole and Janine made place and walked out into the lobby. Janine just caught a glimpse at a man who left the elevator to the left of them. She took the arm of Nicole and turned with her to the left, arming her face with her most charming smile.

"Good evening Mr. Leinenberger."

The tall man looked at them. He wore a complete black suit, custom tailored with perfect fit, italian dark brown business shoes and a blue tie with pattern of broad stripes. He had brown hair, short cut and also brown eyes and also his skin hat a bronce color like he sees the sun regularly:" Time to go home ladies, get a good dinner and grasp some sleep, we need you in 1A condition." Then he saw Nicole. "Mrs. Bartelli, my congratulations for your new assignement. That´s a ´once in your life´ opportunity. Don´t mess it up."

Since they were in the lobby they should not talk about the project. It had to be secret as long as possible so Nicole decided to answer quite general:" Thank you Mr. Leinenberger. I....We, will not let you down."

He was walking on turning his head to them:"Mrs. Schneider, introduce your last researches to Mrs. Bartelli. They will help you a lot in your endeavor. NEIG is very pleased with the results. Don´t forget to sleep." Then he was far and Janine was still looking at him.

"Hello, he left the building."

"He is amazing. You just do not understand because just have not even scratched at the surface of where you are. You did not understand who he is and by far who Mr. Noxx is. If so you would be screaming when he called you by your name."

The both of them were walking to the large reception. Janine walked up to lady at the counter. "Good evening we would like to get a drive by L61 to the Taishos."

"Your card please."

Janine handed over her key card for the building. The woman lay it upon a reading device.

"Floor 26 ? NEIG? Of course I will call him immidiatelly please take a seat at the garden lobby. It will not take long.", she said hastingly. "Can I be of any other service for you?"

"Please let us bring a coffee while we are waiting."

"Sure, please take a seat, the coffee will be served soon."

The two ladies turned around and walked through the huge entrance area to the garden lobby, which was located in the west side of the building. Its ceiling was about 60 meters high at the 23rd floor and there were small cosy couches and armchairs with tables, surrounded by trees, bushes and flowers inside the building. Even it has been raining since lunch the colored glas and the smart lighting effects produce a warm feeling of an early summer day. Naturally this place was quite crowded.