
To Love You Again

Xiong Zhi ran away from her unwanted marriage. That day, Linfeng, her aide, died while protecting her. The man who she held dearly in her heart died in her arms. In her last breath, she uttered, "Never again to be weak...Never again wasted our precious time...I'll promise...In the next lifetime... I will protect you...and..love you..." Full of regrets, she closed her eyes, wanting to be united with the man in the underworld. However, when she opened her eyes, she found herself in her sixteen-year-old body. Realizing she had a second chance, the cold, indifferent, obedient, and meek young miss of the Xiong family was reborn as a strong, sharp, vengeful, bold, and confident woman. In this lifetime, she will fulfill her promise with no regrets. Of course, including seducing Linfeng again. ----------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and my original. English is not my first language. So please pardon me for any gramatical errors. All characters, name, place and plots are from my own world. Thank you! Happy Reading (*^▽^*) https://discord.gg/Btpq6P4 This is the permanent link for my novel server. Other upcoming novels will be there as well. please join and grace us with your presence hehe p ^^ And thanks to my new editor, who work like a sloth but very amazing, my sis, Letmesleep,. And the kind hearted Rei who help me edit the earlier chaps for free. I can't thank you enough! Though, not all chaps had been edited yet, they makes my novel so incredible. Thank you guys!

Avalondra · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
872 Chs

We meet again

Xiong Zhi usually took a bath for an hour. But this time, she only took ten minutes.

Without calling for her maids, she wore her uniform, combed her hair, and simply let it flow freely down her back. Without putting any makeup on her face, she hurried down the stairs.

The maids who were supposed to serve her were gossiping in the kitchen.

"Hey... Have you seen Mr. Zhou today?" Maid 1 asked.

"Nope. Why? You know you should stop daydreaming about Mr. Zhou. Can't you see that he would never look at you? He probably doesn't even know your name!" Maid 2 said.

Maid 1 scoffed.

"Stop it. You know I won't listen to you. Who doesn't want to marry him? Even if he has a son, he is still so handsome. And of course, he's the richest amongst us who's working under the Xiong's!"

"Speaking of his son, I saw them today. His son is so gorgeous than his own father!" Maid 1 continued.

"Hey, don't tell me you plan to seduce him? You're an old hag already! Leave it to us, the blooming maidens," retort Maid 2.

Hearing this, Xiong Zhi could not help but imagine a scene wherein Linfeng was surrounded by pretty maids, with him showing his usual gentle smile to the maids.

She felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Imagining that Linfeng had a girl by his side, loving her and protecting her. There was an indescribable feeling, making her heart heavy.

This feeling was like a tiny thorn scratching her heart, making it a bit painful.

But she promised not to be weak anymore...

'In this lifetime, I will do everything to make Linfeng love me again... to finally be with him.'

'Even if he has a girl. I will snatch him away from her.'

'Linfeng... In the past, you stayed and loved me secretly by my side. This time, I will boldly express my feelings for you.'

Gaining courage, she took another step and coughed loudly. She looked coldly at the maids and said:

"What are you gossiping about? If my grandfather hears you, he will surely not let you take another step in Xiong mansion ever again, nor would you get to see whom you want to see."

She then walked away like she had not said anything while the maids were left with open mouths.

"The... The young miss... spoke. She spoke!"

(A/N: of course she can speak. She's not mute )

They did not seem to focus on the fact that the young miss had warned them.


At the dining table, Xiong Zhi sat on her usual seat.

She was earlier than expected. The food was being served, and the maids secretly peeked at her. Their young miss was earlier today. What scared them was that their young miss sat there unmoving, unblinking, with her usual cold, expressionless face. If not for her chest's light ups and downs, she could be mistaken for a beautiful statue.

Xiong Zhi was waiting for her grandfather. Actually, Xiong Zhi was holding in her excitement and anxiety at meeting her grandfather again after five years, the last time she had seen him from her previous life.

Even if she did not have an attachment to the old man, he was still after her guardian. Although the old man saw her as his pawn, he never schemed against her. The only mistake he had was choosing that beast as her marriage partner. 

She wanted to say many things to the old man, both her hatred and her gratitude.

But when she saw the old man walking towards her, all of her words were stuck in her throat.

The old man still had his domineering aura that seemed to say: 'I am the King. Bow to me, you commoners.'

Swallowing hard, she stood up and bowed respectfully to her grandfather.

"Good morning, grandfather. Have you had a good night's rest?"

She still remembered her usual greeting every morning.

Her grandfather looked at her and walked past by while saying :

"You will meet Zhou Min's son today, your aide," her grandfather said expressionlessly.

Following him was Zhou Min, Linfeng's father.

Xiong Zhi looked behind his back, wanting to see Linfeng. Not seeing him, she became anxious.

'Where is Linfeng? Is he still the same Linfeng? Did he also travel here?'

"Zhou Min, invite your son to come and eat with us," her grandfather said, pulling her attention to him.

"Yes, sir. Linfeng, come here and introduce yourself to Young Miss Zhi," Zhou Min said to nowhere.

A tall shadow appeared, stood up, and bowed at a forty-five-degree angle.

"Zhou Linfeng pledges his loyalty to the Xiong family. I will serve as a reliable aide to the Young Miss Xiong Zhi," Linfeng said with his head remaining lowered.

Black hair that was slightly curly at the end partially covered his face.

Xiong Zhi felt as if time was frozen. For a moment, she stopped breathing. She stopped thinking. She stared at him, unmoving.

His figure, his tall stature, all of it. She wanted to engrave it in her mind. She wanted to see his face, caress it while proclaiming her love that she was never given a chance to say to him in that life before the tragedy struck.

She missed him... so severely that her heart stopped beating for a moment.

Noticing no one answered, Linfeng took a quick glance behind his hair. He did not dare to raise his head.

But what he saw startled him.

He knew the rumors about the Young Miss. Since he was her aide, he was informed and trained since young to serve this young miss.

He had investigated everything about her. Although he had not seen her personally, he heard about her stunning beauty.

He heard about her cold, indifferent yet meek behavior. She spoke few words, treating them like gold. She had never shown any emotions or reactions to anything, like a lifeless doll.

Unlike any rich young misses who were socializing on the top of the food chain, this girl was alone in her world. No friends, unapproachable.

But the rumors about her did not give her enough justice.

Her beauty was not just stunning. He had seen countless beauties while following his father in ballrooms and parties.

But this girl who was a year younger than him had an otherworldly beauty.

Her skin was translucent like jade. Her jet black hair that was so smooth and looked so soft to touch reached to her waist. Without any makeup on, he can clearly see her bare beautiful face. Her straight nose, her thin kissable lips, her jaw that was carved at the perfect shape. Yet, the most that stunned him was her phoenix eyes framed by long lashes.

From those beautiful eyes, thousands of words seemed to speak to him. Many emotions intermingled.

When she closed her eyes, his heart skipped a beat. Then it thumped very fast. He could even hear it loudly in his ears.

'Wha... What's this? Am I sick?'

Linfeng was confused. He cannot describe what he was feeling. He even forgot himself and raised his head to stare dumbly at the Young Miss.

Noticing this, his father rebuked him.

"Outrageous! Who told you to raise your head?"

"Ah... My apologies to Mr. Xiong and to the Young Miss," Linfeng hurriedly apologized. He felt foolish. How could he stare so boldly at the Young Miss!

"It's alright. No offense taken." Xiong Zhi tried to soften her voice at Linfeng, but it appeared rather cold and expressionless since she was unused to it.

When the young man slightly raised his head, she clearly saw the face of the man that she missed and loved dearly.

His thick brows, his sharp and dark eyes lidded with thick lashes, his tall, straight nose, his full red lips, his sharp jaw— every detail of his face was exceptional, like a beautiful sculpture carved perfectly. He looked dashing and gorgeous. It was that familiar face, only younger.

How could she not notice him, such a beautiful and awesome man, in the beginning? She really lived an empty life before, not knowing what 'beautiful' is.

She closed her eyes, engraving every detail of his perfect face in her heart.

She wanted to run into his arms and tightly hug him and say those words that she wanted to say.

But it's not the time. She had to be patient. There was still a matter at hand. Until then, she would not hold back her feelings for him.

Opening her eyes, the sharp, cold, and penetrating gaze returned.

She continued gazing at the man who was still bowing his head.

'Linfeng... It seems only I turned back to this time, but even if you don't remember those times, I will treasure them and make them more precious and unforgettable...'

'Linfeng... At last, we meet again.'

'This time, I will fulfill my promise. I hope you will also fulfill yours....'