

Alba was silent for a while observing the young Arian and when he took note of what Ford was talking about he quickly said:

"Aha! Seems he has a strong dragon scent all over him. Now who could it be? Although I can't say that I don't have ideas who it might be."

*** *** ***

As Tariq was falling down a blue cold bright mist enveloped his body and one after the other appeared four enigmatic men as he spoke:

"Sinai prepare the heavens, today I shall grace them with my presence" Sinai flew into the heavens at once under the command of Tariq preparing the way for him. 

"And Tellus grant me stamina like no other, for today I battle with the strength of the earth." Tellus grunts and flexed his muscles, making a show of his muscular physic as he moved speedily to stand behind Tariq, protecting him and guarding him.