
A TRUE god!

At that instance the Dominion Elders and the gods all came into the prison. They stood in front of all their bars peering into their eyes. One of the goddess stood in front of Alba who was standing in front of the bars of his and Mahina's cell. She creased her browse furiously at Alba and said: 

"I sensed Nirvana!"

Alba shot her a sardonic smile and exhaled saying:

"And you are telling me this, why?"

"Because out of the lot here, no one is as crafty as you are."

Alba quickly raised his hands in the air in surrender and said:

"I am cunning as it gets but I am a sun descendant I hope you do not think so highly of me to the point that you think that I have suddenly developed the power of the water descendants; Mm Maki?"

Alba's friends and his mentor Helio including Loki all laughed at Alba's remark to spite Maki. Loki stretched his body and added: