

got reincarnated In another world but as a weak ass adventurer who is part of the hero party and got NTR'ed before being kicked out of the party now armed with an OP system I can do what I want which is having adventures and my own harem

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantasi
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11 Chs

chapter 4: helping a village pt 2

The burly man's gruff voice cut through the air,

Burly man:Think about it, we barely have money to feed ourselves or even crops, and now you're saying the guilds will pay attention to us?

His words resonated, casting a sobering light on the harsh reality of the low-ranked village. Elyra and Sylara exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring a mix of concern and acknowledgment of the financial struggles their community faced.

Listening to the burly man's straightforward assessment, I couldn't deny the validity of his points. "You're right," I admitted, feeling a sense of responsibility for overlooking the complexities of their situation.

Hiro:The guilds might not readily offer assistance, especially considering the financial challenges your village is grappling with. I underestimated the depth of the challenges you face.

The burly man grunted, his stern expression softening slightly as if my acknowledgment validated his perspective.

Burly man:Damn right. We'll handle our own problems. But not now, I'm tired

he declared, a weariness apparent in his eyes.

Elyra and Sylara, absorbing the weight of the discussion, turned their attention towards me, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.

Elyra:What are we going to do then?

Elyra asked, her voice carrying the weight of the village's uncertainties.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts.

Hiro:For now, we'll focus on what we can control. Rest is essential. We'll settle this tomorrow when we're all in a clearer state of mind. Confronting low-ranked demons is no small feat, and we need to approach it with a plan. Tonight, prioritize rest and recuperation. We'll face the challenges with renewed strength when the time is right."

Sylara nodded

Sylara:Rest sounds like a luxury, but you're right. We need our strength for what lies ahead. Thank you for understanding, even if it means not seeking immediate help from the guilds.

As the group settled into a momentary calm, the forest surrounding us seemed to echo the quiet resolve that lingered in the air. The challenges faced by the low-ranked village were complex, requiring careful consideration and a strategic approach.

The old man, with a demeanor that spoke of wisdom and experience, welcomed me back to the village. As we walked through the modest surroundings, he revealed himself to be the village chief. Lines of gratitude etched his face as he expressed his thanks for my willingness to assist.

Chief:Thank you for agreeing to help us

he said, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity.

I simply nodded in response, understanding the gravity of the challenges the village faced. The old man, perceiving my unspoken acknowledgment, continued guiding me through the winding paths.

As we reached a quieter part of the village, away from prying eyes, the chief turned to me with a look of genuine curiosity.

Chief:Now, young one, what is it that you desire in return for your assistance?

I considered his question, recognizing the practicalities of my current situation.

Hiro: place to stay would suffice

I replied honestly.

Hiro:I'm currently lacking funds, and finding even a low-rent inn has proven challenging.

The chief's gaze softened, a subtle understanding in his eyes.

Chief:Ah, a place to rest your weary head. We may not have much, but our village is known for its hospitality. You're welcome to stay here, free of charge. Consider it a token of our gratitude.

I expressed my gratitude for the generous offer,

Hiro:Thank you, Chief. I appreciate your hospitality. I'll do my best to assist the village in any way I can.

He nodded

Chief:We look forward to working together. In the morning, we can discuss our plan to address the Nightshades. For now, rest and find solace in our village. You're one of us now.

As we walked towards a simple dwelling that would be my temporary abode, the chief shared snippets of the village's history and its resilience in the face of adversity. The echoes of gratitude and a shared determination to confront the looming threat lingered in the air, intertwining my fate with the destiny of the low-ranked village in Mystaria.

Alone in the small hut provided by the village, I couldn't help but mull over the system's intriguing response. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls as I asked,

Hiro:if I can successfully defeat the Nightshades and save the village, is there a chance that Sylara and Elyra would fall in love with me?

The mechanical voice of the system echoed

"there is a 95% chance it would occur."

A smirk crept onto my face as I pondered the implications of the system's prediction. Basically I would be able to start a harem with twins

The prospect of having both elyra and Sylara by my side amidst the impending darkness added a layer of complexity to the already intricate tapestry of my journey in Mystaria. The thought of earning affection through heroic deeds fueled a spark of determination within me.

I leaned back on the simple cot, staring at the ceiling, lost in contemplation. The soft rustling of leaves outside and the distant murmur of the village added a serene backdrop to the unfolding drama within the confines of the hut.

Hiro:What a peculiar twist

I murmured to myself, the idea of forging connections in the midst of adversity playing out like a subplot in the grand narrative of Mystaria. The 95% chance, a numerical promise of potential companionship, stirred a mix of anticipation and intrigue.

As the candle burned low, casting a warm glow that danced across the room, I considered the implications of my newfound quest. The Nightshades, the village, and now the intertwining threads of camaraderie and affection—it was a delicate dance in a world where every action carried consequences.

The moon hung high in the night sky as I found myself unable to sleep. Restlessness fueled my wanderings through the quiet village. As I strolled through the peaceful pathways, I noticed Elyra sitting alone, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight.

I approached and, with a gentle smile, said,

Hiro:Can't sleep either?

Elyra glanced up, her eyes reflecting the same restless spirit that kept me awake.

Elyra:No, the night is beautiful but... there's something unsettling about it tonight.

I nodded in understanding, taking a seat beside her. The cool breeze rustled through the leaves, creating a quiet melody that seemed to echo the mysteries hidden within the forest.

As the silence lingered, I decided to delve deeper into Elyra's story.

Hiro:you and Sylara, you seem close. Tell me more about your journey, your life here.

A subtle sadness flickered in Elyra's eyes as she began to share,

Elyra:We're orphans. Our parents passed away when we were young. The village took us in, and we've been here ever since. Sylara and I have always relied on each other.

I listened attentively, the weight of her words mingling with the night air.

Hiro:Being orphans in a village like this must have been tough

I remarked, empathizing with the challenges they must have faced.

Elyra nodded, a hint of nostalgia in her voice

Elyra:It was, but the village became our family. We found solace and support here, even if life was never easy. Sylara and I have always shared a special bond, and we vowed to protect each other, no matter what.

The distant howls of a nocturnal creature echoed through the forest, emphasizing the quiet intimacy of the moment.

Hiro:You've been through a lot together

I acknowledged, contemplating the strength forged through their shared struggles.

Elyra continued

Elyra:Yes, and now with the Nightshades threatening the village, it feels like we're facing our biggest challenge yet. We can't lose this place—the only home we've ever known.

In the soft moonlight, I could see the determination in Elyra's eyes. The bond between the sisters, forged in the crucible of loss and shared experiences, was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

The air grew tense as I mustered the courage to ask Elyra a question that had been lingering in the back of my mind.

Hiro:Elyra, what's really going on here? There's something more, isn't there?

Elyra's expression shifted, a mix of hesitation and vulnerability. After a moment, she broke down, her voice trembling with suppressed emotions.

Elyra:I suspect... I suspect that the village chief and Mark, the burly man from earlier, were involved in the death of my parents.

The revelation hung in the air, a heavy silence settling between us. The moonlit night seemed to amplify the weight of the accusation, and I struggled to comprehend the gravity of what Elyra had just disclosed.

Elyra:I can't be sure, but there have been whispers, hushed conversations that I've overheard. My parents' death was never fully explained, and there are too many unanswered questions

she confessed, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and uncertainty.

A surge of determination welled within me as I processed the information.

Hiro:I'll conduct my own investigation. If there's any truth to your suspicions, we need to uncover i

I assured her, a steely resolve taking root.

Elyra nodded, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Elyra:Thank you. It's been haunting me for years, and I've always felt like an outsider in my own village. If we can find the truth, I'll finally have closure.

As the night wore on, I contemplated the newfound complexity of the situation. The village, initially a haven of simplicity, now harbored secrets that threatened to unravel the very fabric of trust. The soft murmur of the night breeze carried with it the weight of the investigation that lay ahead

The question lingered in the air, and I leaned in closer to Elyra, my eyes searching hers for any clues that might unravel the mystery.

Hiro:Why would they do that in the beginning? What could motivate the village chief and Mark to be involved in such a dark act?

Elyra hesitated, her gaze shifting as if wrestling with the tangled emotions tied to the revelation.

Elyra :idon't know. Maybe it was something about my parents, something they knew or were involved in. But they were good people, just simple villagers. There was no reason for anyone to harm them.

As the weight of uncertainty pressed upon us, I mulled over the possibilities.

Hiro:perhaps there's a deeper layer to this village than meets the eye. Secrets that have been buried for years, waiting to resurface.

Elyra nodded, her expression a mix of contemplation and distress.

Elyra:It's unsettling to think that the people we've trusted all our lives could be hiding something so dark. But I need to know the truth.

Determined to uncover the hidden layers, I suggested,

Hiro:Let's approach this with caution. An investigation in a close-knit community won't be easy. We need to tread carefully, gather information discreetly, and piece together the puzzle without alerting suspicion.

Elyra agreed,

Elyra:You're right. We can't afford to make this public until we have concrete evidence. But finding out the truth is essential, not just for me but for the village. If there's corruption or deception at its core, we need to expose it.

The night wore on as we hatched a plan to delve into the village's past, seeking answers that had eluded Elyra for years. The soft glow of the moon witnessed the beginning of an investigation that would unravel the secrets hidden within the village's heart.

As the night unfolded, our conversation delved into more personal realms. Seated under the canvas of stars, I turned to Elyra with a question that carried a hint of vulnerability,

Hiro:What's your dream, Elyra? What do you aspire to achieve?

Elyra took a moment to ponder, her gaze drifting to the moonlit sky.

Elyra:My dream... it's simple. I want a life without constant fear, a place where Sylara and I can truly belong. Maybe find a purpose beyond just surviving day by day.

Her sincerity resonated in the quietude of the night, and I appreciated the depth of her desires. Then, with a playful grin, I couldn't resist sharing my own aspirations,

Hiro:As for me, I dream of going on adventures and having my own harem.

Elyra's eyes widened, and a deep blush painted her cheeks.

Elyra:A harem?

she stammered, clearly taken aback by the unexpected revelation.

I chuckled at her reaction, enjoying the playful exchange.

Hiro:Well, not in a conventional sense. I mean, I want to build meaningful connections, share experiences, and create a diverse group of friends. The term 'harem' was just a lighthearted way of expressing that desire.

Elyra, recovering from her initial surprise, let out a nervous giggle.

Elyra:You certainly caught me off guard there. Adventures and friends, though... that sounds wonderful.

As the night continued, our conversation shifted between dreams and realities, the moon overhead witnessing the exchange of hopes and aspirations.

The revelation hung in the air, my playful grin fading into genuine laughter as I confessed,

Hiro:I'm just kidding. It's more like a romantic harem, you know, forming deep connections and bonds with people.

Elyra's face turned a shade of crimson that rivaled the blush of a rose. She looked at me with wide eyes, and, with an endearing mix of surprise and embarrassment, she reached over and lightly held my ears, a gesture of admonition.

Elyra:Boys your age shouldn't have such dreams

she scolded, her tone a playful blend of teasing and genuine concern.

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

Hiro:I'm 16, will ya?

I quipped, trying to alleviate the tension with a touch of humor.

Hiro:Teenagers have dreams, and, well, mine just happens to involve forming meaningful connections and creating a close-knit group of friends. No harm in that, right?

Elyra, still holding onto my ears, managed a shy smile amid her embarrassment.

Elyra:you have a point, but you caught me off guard there. Romantic harem dreams are not what I expected from a fellow adventurer.

I winked,

Hiro:Expect the unexpected, especially in a world like Mystaria. But don't worry, my dreams are just that—dreams. Reality tends to have its own plans, and who knows what adventures lie ahead?

The unexpected turn in the conversation left a momentary pause, the air tinged with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I playfully added

Hiro:And I plan for both you and your sister to be my first.

Steam practically shot out of Elyra's ears as her face transformed into a vibrant shade of crimson. The intensity of her blush spoke volumes, and she couldn't meet my gaze, opting instead to cutely look away.

Elyra:Hey, don't say things like that

she mumbled, her voice a combination of embarrassment and playful reproach.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at her reaction. "Gotcha!" I exclaimed, realizing the impact of my playful remark.

Hiro:I was just kidding. No need to be so flustered.

Elyra, attempting to regain composure, shot me a mock glare.

Elyra:You're incorrigible, you know that?

she teased, a hint of laughter escaping despite her attempt at seriousness.

Hiro:Well, what's an adventure without a little mischief?

I replied, my grin refusing to fade.

Sylara:But seriously, I value our friendship, and I won't let things get awkward. Let's just chalk it up to the unpredictability of our banter.

She sighed in relief, her embarrassment giving way to a more relaxed demeanor.

Elyra:You really know how to keep me on my toes. Just remember, not everyone appreciates romantic harem jokes.

"Lesson learned," I assured her, enjoying the lighthearted exchange.

Hiro:Now, let's focus on unraveling the mysteries of Mystaria and leave the romantic harem dreams in the realm of playful banter.

As our laughter echoed through the night, the camaraderie between us deepened, creating a bond that would withstand the twists and turns of the adventures that lay ahead.