

got reincarnated In another world but as a weak ass adventurer who is part of the hero party and got NTR'ed before being kicked out of the party now armed with an OP system I can do what I want which is having adventures and my own harem

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: helping the village part 3

My eyes fluttered open, greeted by a rather unexpected and cozy scenario. I found myself tightly squeezed in-between what you playfully referred to as "melons" on Sylara's chest. A moment of confusion set in as I tried to piece together the situation. Did she sneak into my hut to sleep in the same bed?

Sylara, still deep in slumber, looked peaceful and innocent. The warmth and softness of the unexpected embrace carried a certain charm, and despite the initial surprise, I couldn't help but notice how cute she looked.

Carefully extricating myself from the snug position, I pondered the possibilities of her presence. Was it a sleepwalking incident, a misunderstanding, or perhaps a deliberate move? The mystery added a touch of intrigue to the morning, and as I stretched and prepared to face the day,

I watched how she was softly breathing, her large breasts moving up and down following her breasts, i ram my hands Across her hair before settling down on her chest

I could feel her soft boobs in between my fingers and gave them a few squeeze, soft moans escaped from her breath

Wow she's still sleeping, I continued testing the elasticity of her breasts carefully kneading them my croch responded to my actions and hey-yo what the fuck

It was big I mean huge is this 9 inches?, well what the heck I must be those shota that possesses a abnormal dicks, she grabbed me and pushed me towards her chest almost suffocating me

I deserve that

As Sylara stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open, she found herself in an unfamiliar setting. A blush painted her cheeks as she took in the surroundings of my hut. I greeted her with a soft smile and asked,

Hiro:Morning, Sylara. How did you end up here?

She hesitated for a moment, then admitted,

Sylara:I came to check up on you and saw your cute sleeping form. I couldn't resist snuggling with you.

A playful grin formed on my face.

Hiro:Snuggling, huh? Is that what you call it?

I teased, enjoying the light banter.

Her blush deepened, and she playfully swatted my arm.

Sylara:Don't make it sound weird. I just thought you looked comfortable, and I wanted to share the warmth.

I couldn't resist the opportunity for a playful shift in tone. Switching to my new childish persona, I exclaimed

Hiro:ew, you're a creep! Why would you sneak into my hut and snuggle with me? That's so weird! What next rape me in my sleep

in surprise, and she responded with a mix of amusement and mock offense,

Sylara:I'm not a creep! You looked cute, okay? It was just a friendly gesture

I maintained the exaggerated childish tone, pouting dramatically.

Hiro:I don't need anyone snuggling with me. I'm a big adventurer now, you know. I can handle things on my own!

Sylara couldn't hold back her laughter, and the tension dissolved into a shared moment of amusement. "Alright, big adventurer," she teased, ruffling my hair in an exaggerated display of condescension.

Slyara:No more snuggling for you, then.

As the morning banter unfolded, the unexpected coziness of the shared hut became a lighthearted memory,

Hiro:...look at what you did

I'm playing a very dangerous game. One thing I've noticed sylara is basically the little sister you'd want to protect....no the little sister with a giant rack you would want to protect

I pointed at my erection,

Hiro: it happened when you used your Giant boobs to rape me

I yelled in a childish tone, sylara was a complete blushing mess, her eyes couldn't take away from my large rod maybe I shouldn't have taken it this far

R18 scene start

Sylara: i...i'm sorry Hiro

She gulped staring at my erection

Sylara:we haven't properly thanked you for deciding to help my village

Her thighs were pressing against each other and her face was red

Introducing "Irresistible Aura Mastery":

This innate skill endows you with an enchanting aura that effortlessly captivates those around you. Your mere presence exudes charisma, drawing people in with an irresistible charm. Whether engaging in conversation or simply being present, this skill allows tje opposite sex to be more drawn to you and create a chance to lead to a sexual encounter especially when such opposite sex already sees you in a romantic light.

What the fuck, why am I complaining this skill is fucking awesome

Her hands reached for my crotch

Sylara's delicate hands slowly caressed every inch of my body, sending shivers down my spine. She leaned in close, her lips almost brushing against his ear as she whispered,

Sylara: its my fault your like this Do you want me to touch you, Hiro? Let me taken responsibility

Her voice was filled with a dangerous seduction, and he couldn't resist nodding his head in anticipation.

Without hesitation, Sylara's hand slipped down to my pants, gently stroking his growing shaft. She could feel my excitement pulsing underneath her touch

I've created a monster and I love it , and a wicked grin spread across her face. She leaned in closer, her breath hot against his skin as she whispered more commands,

Sylara:Relax, Hiro. Let me take care of you.


My eyes rolled back in pleasure as Sylara's expert hands continued to work their magic. She moved her hand up and down my length, teasing him with just the right amount of pressure.

Sylara: sooooooooo big..

I was rocking 12 inches how is this possible I'm 5 foot

I couldn't help but moan as she picked up the pace, her movements becoming more urgent. Sylara's lips grazed his neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses as she whispered dirty words in his ear, driving me wild.

As our bodies pressed against each other, the heat between them grew more and more intense. Sylara's hand moved faster and faster, and i could feel himself getting closer to the edge. With one final moan, i released all over her hand, my body trembling with pleasure.

Sylara smirked, her eyes filled with a wicked satisfaction as she watched me succumb to my pleasure. She slowly withdrew her hand, bringing it up to her lips. With a seductive flick of her tongue, she tasted his essence, savoring the moment. Hiro's breath was heavy, his body still pulsing with the aftershocks of his release.

But Sylara wasn't done yet. She leaned in, pressing her lips against me, sharing the taste of my own pleasure with him.

I've created a monster

Our tongues danced in a passionate frenzy as they kissed, our bodies pressed against each other, craving more.

R18 scene end

The lighthearted banter was interrupted by Elyra's voice calling out to us from outside the hut. Sylara, seemingly caught off guard, switched back to her former behavior, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and realization. She quickly untangled herself from the morning snuggle and straightened her appearance.

Sylara:Elyra's calling. We should go see what's going on

she said, her voice returning to its more composed tone.

As we made our way outside, Sylara looked at me, her eyes apologetic.

Sylara:Sorry about that. I got carried away. It won't happen again.

I chuckled

Hiro:No harm done. It was just a bit unexpected, that's all.

Elyra greeted us with a knowing smile, her elven eyes sparkling with amusement.

Elyra:Sleep well, you two?

she teased, the playful tone evident in her voice.

Sylara, now back to her former self, blushed furiously.

Shape shifter

Slyara:I... um... just wanted to make sure Ken was comfortable

she stammered.

Elyra laughed

Elyra:Sure, sure. Well, we've got something important to discuss. Gather the villagers. It's about the Nightshades and our plan to defend the village.

As the three of us made our way to the gathering, Sylara, still slightly flustered, leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Sylara:We'll do this sometime later

Dhe whispered, her eyes holding a promise of shared moments yet to come.

As we gathered to discuss the impending threat of the Nightshade demons, Mark interjected with a strategic proposal.

Mark:it's best we mark the hotspots of the Nightshade demons and create a possible way to tackle them without losing any forces

he suggested, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

The proposal resonated with the practicality needed to face such a formidable foe. As we prepared to embark on this crucial mission, a memory from the previous night surfaced – Elyra's suspicions about Mark's involvement in the death of her parents. The weight of this revelation lingered, and a decision weighed heavily on my mind.

"Wait for me," I whispered to Elyra and Sylara, gesturing for them to remain with the village. With a subtle glance, I conveyed that there was something I needed to investigate.

Following Mark and his group, I kept a discreet distance, blending into the shadows as they marked the hotspots on their map. The forest whispered with the rustle of leaves as my mind raced with the complexities of the situation. Elyra's suspicions had planted a seed of doubt, and I felt compelled to uncover the truth.

As Mark and his group strategized, I seized a moment when they were engrossed in their discussions to slip away and discreetly observe Mark from a distance. There was an air of secrecy about him, and my instincts urged me to delve deeper into the mysteries that shrouded our village.

The night embraced the clandestine nature of my investigation, and as I gathered subtle clues, a realization began to take shape. The truth, it seemed, was veiled in layers of deception, and the answers to Elyra's suspicions were elusive.

Returning to Elyra and Sylara, I couldn't shake the weight of the revelations.

Hiro:We need to be cautious

I murmured to them, choosing my words carefully.

Elyra:There's more to this than meets the eye. We'll need to uncover the truth step by step.

Elyra's eyes held a mixture of determination and concern, and Sylara, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded in agreement. The night unfolded with a heightened sense of tension, as the shadows concealed not only the movements of the Nightshade demons but also the secrets that lurked within the heart of our village.

As the gravity of the situation settled in, I turned to Elyra and Sylara with a somber expression.

Hiro:Elyra, Sylara, this is going to be dangerous. Maybe it's best you two stay back

I urged, my concern evident in my voice.

Elyra's eyes reflected a mix of determination and defiance.

Elyra:We can't just sit idly by. The village needs us, and we're a part of this. We can handle ourselves

she asserted, her resolve unwavering.

Sylara, though sharing Elyra's determination, placed a gentle hand on her sister's shoulder.

Elyra:Ken's right. We need to be cautious. If there's danger, we should prioritize the safety of the village

she added, her voice a soothing counterpoint to Elyra's fierce determination.

Elyra sighed, recognizing the weight of the decision.

Elyra:Fine, but promise me you'll be careful. We'll stay back, but we'll keep an eye on things. If it gets too dangerous, we won't hesitate to intervene

I offered a reassuring smile

Hiro: I promise. We'll work together to protect the village and uncover the mysteries surrounding the Nightshades. Your support means a lot, but safety comes first.

With an unspoken understanding, the trio prepared for the challenges ahead. The night held the promise of both danger and revelation, and as we faced the impending trials, the bonds between us strengthened, weaving a tapestry of shared purpose and resilience in the face of the enigmatic threats that lurked in the shadows.

As the moon cast its pale glow over the village, a flash of thoughts seeped into my mind, weaving a tapestry of speculation and uncertainty. The question lingered like an elusive wisp of fog – could the Nightshades and Mark, along with the village chief, be tied together? The fragments of information and Elyra's suspicions formed the basis of this unspoken hypothesis.

Obviously, I lacked the comprehensive details, and the mere act of connecting disparate threads bordered on conjecture. Yet, the possibility lingered, a tantalizing notion that demanded exploration. The mysteries that veiled the Nightshades and the enigmatic actions of Mark and the village chief created a nexus of intrigue, and as I contemplated the potential connections, a subtle determination took root.

"I need more information,"

I mused inwardly, acknowledging the inherent risks of drawing conclusions without concrete evidence.

If there's a connection, getting close to Mark might unravel the truth. But I must tread carefully, as the secrets buried within this village are like fragile threads waiting to be unraveled."

The night air carried the weight of anticipation as I considered the nuances of my approach. Engaging Mark required finesse and subtlety, a delicate dance within the shadows of suspicion. As the Nightshades loomed on the horizon, the urgency to understand the intertwining threads intensified.

"Observation will be key,"

I affirmed within my thoughts. "Watch, listen, gather the subtle cues that may reveal more about Mark's motivations. If there's a hidden agenda, it won't escape my notice."

The moonlit night became a canvas for strategic contemplation, each step forward shrouded in the uncertainties of the path ahead. As the village slept, the echoes of speculation resonated in my mind, guiding the unspoken quest for answers.

"But be cautious,"

The system voice within urged, a reminder of the delicate balance between revelation and concealment.

"The truth, once unveiled, may unravel more than just the mysteries of the Nightshades."

With a resolute nod to the internal counsel, I embarked on the intricate dance of shadows, navigating the intricate web of secrets that awaited discovery in the heart of the enigmatic Mystaria.