

Eli and Arthur's magical armor research and development, received the enthusiastic help of many people.

Mr. Smith provides reference Muggle protective gear, and Mrs. Smith collects alchemist magic items that can be triggered in the wizarding world; Arthur studied the armor's additional magic, figuring out how to fire a protective charm and signal fireworks when the armor was triggered; Professors McGonagall and Flevey both answered Eli's questions several times and helped him recommend useful books; When Molly recovered from her second birth, she did not hesitate to support her husband and keep their home in order.

And Eli himself had devoted a lot of time and energy to it. Good students like him, one of the few in the History of Magic class who could listen intently, had begun to sneak off in class to fill their knowledge with books recommended by the professors.

The concerted effort was fruitful, and by summer break they had an initial result: a string of woven red bracelets. Although it is still a disposable item, the cost is effectively controlled because it is made of the very common fabric at present. It's functional and beautiful at the same time -- the red rope braid itself, and as long as you get the magic right, it's pretty.

Of course, even if it makes itself crooked, it does not affect its effectiveness. But to Arthur's great regret, he couldn't get the knot to weave itself into a phoenix pattern -- much more than the knot and Arthur's own imagination could have imagined.

'Why don't we ask Dumbledore for advice? "He said thoughtfully." Maybe he has a way of making knots behave and learning how to take care of himself. He always has a way."

Everyone but him, including Eli, decided that this was not necessary, so Arthur regrettably put his unrealistic idea to rest and finally started mass production.

As for the mass production part, Eli was a little worried, after all, Arthur's personal energy is really limited, and unlike the magic phone, the creation of the bracelet will not bring him any profit, he is completely idle work. Although he enjoyed it and had been putting money in, Eli expressed concern that it was not a sustainable solution.

Fortunately, Dumbledore had already made plans for the subject. He didn't talk to Eli about this, but Arthur and Eli had whispered it to him, telling him that members of the Order of the Phoenix were taking care of it and telling him not to worry too much about it.

"There are grown-ups up front." He said to Eli, "You've done enough -- I couldn't have done what you're doing at your age. I have a feeling one day I'll be proud to have known you early, and you'll do great things, Eli."

Eli was not yet very concerned about the great things he might do. His current concern is that his final grades this semester are still no better than Lily's -- which, to be fair, is quite reasonable, as his time for studying has been squeezed. But in History of Magic and Charms he was still the best in his year, and had been since his first year.

Lily was stressed about it, but she was as ambitious as ever.

"Everyone has their own unique talents and ways of learning." 'she counted on her fingers.' I'm under a lot of pressure -- never mind your Charms and History of Magic, Mary's Transfiguration is great, Lupin's working hard, he's doing well in every subject. And Potter and Black..."

Referring to the two, she drew a long face and said reluctantly, "They're good at school, too. They're always breaking the rules and getting detentions, but they're smart, I won't deny it."

Snape, who had been looking sideways at her and listening intently, squeezed the corners of his lip in disgust at the sound of the names.

"There's no need to mention them." "He said, immediately trying to change the subject." It's just a couple of arrogant, stupid idiots."

"But their grades are really good." "Said Lily fairly." And very popular -- though I do think they're a bit cocky."

Snape frowned in disgust; he clearly did not like the positive part of Lily's comment.

"It's just two people who run amok with their pure-blood, who enjoy their family heritage, and who have no fear of reckless folly." 'he said, trying to suppress the look of disgust on his face and barely moving his lips.' I don't see any good in them. There's nothing good in either of them. '

"But..." Lily wanted to argue with him again, but she looked at Snape for a few seconds, changed her mind for some reason, and said placatedly, "Well, that doesn't matter, I'm also well aware of your incredible talent in Potions, Seve."

Whenever Lily had praised him this way, Snape had always looked pleased, even though he had tried to hide it. This time, however, he only managed to bend the corner of his lower lip, and a shadow fell over his face.

"But it doesn't help, does it?" "You see, this doesn't make me a likeable campus star, nor does it make me rich and carefree. I'm still just an unpopular nerd."

Eli, who had been reading away in seclusion, looked up at him. Lily opened her mouth, looked at him in shock, and after a few seconds pointed to herself.

"Hey, Seve." She said, "I've done better than you in some classes, and if you are, then I must be too."

Snape did a double take, and at last his contrived smirk dropped from his face, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

"Of course you're not." He said, "Don't doubt yourself, Lily, you're very good."

"You don't have to doubt yourself, Seve." "I think you'll be a potion-master one day, Seve," said Lily briskly, swinging her legs vivaciously and smiling. People might introduce us as Lily the famous witch. Evans and Severus, the famous potions master. Snape had formed a friendship as a teenager, a golden one that had long been the talk of the wizarding world... And Eli, of course. Might we be called the Iron Triangle?"

"Let's call it the Nerd League." Eli said slowly, turning a page from the list of books Professor McGonagall had recommended for him to read. "This way future generations will be less likely to think of me in the first place when they look at the organization... Why don't you ask Mary to join you, Lily? She should like it better than I do."

Hey! And you have a grievance! Lily threw a chocolate frog at him in protest, and Eli caught it. When he opened it, he found a card from Dumbledore, in which the headmaster winked at him and disappeared.

"Look, Dumbledore's chocolate frog says he invented twelve uses for dragon's blood." "We'll look forward to seeing Severus on the Chocolate Frog when he's Potions Master."

This quiet approval clearly pleased Snape, who involuntarily sat up straight, his lip slightly bent.

"I may be more successful than you." "He said to Eli with a certain earnestness in his eyes." Even though you started early... But I don't think it will be long before I catch up with you, and I'll make faster progress than you can imagine."

An early start? An achievement? Me? Eli unexpectedly pointed to himself and then began to laugh. "No doubt, Severus, if you think I did something, it must be a coincidence."

Snape shrugged his shoulders and dropped the subject. The Hogwarts Steam Express led them all the way to Platform Nine and three-quarters for the start of the new summer holidays.

'I've seen Mum and Dad and Petunia! Lily, dragging the suitcase, looked on tiptoe for a moment, then smiled brightly and pointed to the side of the crowd. "They're over there -- do you want to go and say hello to Penny, Eli?"

Of course. And my mom's over there, too. Eli responded and moved forward with her. Lily looked that way again, a look of uncertainty on her face.

"Where's your mother, Seve? I don't think I saw her."

Snape's face went sour. He looked around anxiously for a moment, his expression a little fretful.

"My mother is ill." 'he murmured, frowning.' She sent me a letter saying she was better... But..."

He glanced anxiously from side to side again, trying to find his emaciated mother. But the effort was in vain, and his pace slowed more and more, and at last he stopped.

Lily turned to look at him. "Seve?"

"... Go on, I'll wait for my mother." "He said, barely moving his lips, fighting his emotions as he looked at Eli and Lily and then at the polished people not far away, a faint flash of pain on his face.

"I won't go there yet." He said, "Your families are waiting there. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll wait, too. My mother will come and get me."

Lily stopped and looked at him uncertainly for a moment. But time was running out, and they, too, had to say goodbye to Snape and walk over to their parents.

Mr. Smith did not come this time, perhaps because of the danger that had occurred before, and was forcibly prevented from meeting his son. Mrs. Smith took him by the hand and asked her son's opinion before walking away in a circle. "Shall we go home?"

Since the attack, Mrs. Smith's nerves have been much tighter than before. Though she didn't let herself show it, she lost her casual ease in many small ways.

"Give me two minutes." Eli said to his mother. He took a few steps aside, and Petunia, who had been peeping at him, moved in his direction -- she knew he was coming for her, she was confident.

"Long time no see, Petunia." Eli told her, pulling a thin red bracelet from his pocket. "This is a magic bracelet that will help you block the initial attack and send a distress signal when you are attacked by a wizard. Maybe you'd like to tie it around your wrist, just in case? Unexpected things happen that catch you off guard and hopefully save you from that."

How could Penny refuse him? She immediately stretched out her wrist and asked Eli to wrap it around her. As Eli was tying the bracelet on her wrist, Penny noticed that he was wearing the same one on his wrist.

"We're wearing the same thing?" "She asked in disbelief, feeling her heart thump.

"Yes, that's the only model available." Eli replied affirmatively, then looked at her uncertainly. "We think it's possible to take the time to restyle it, but we're not looking at anything specific yet... Would that bother you? The same as everyone else."

No, no, of course she doesn't mind... Petunia shook her head vigorously, feeling that her face must be red. That's not what she meant, but it's not like she could explain it to Eli outright. It's impossible to say! Petunia wanted to sigh, quietly thinking it might be a good idea to disappear so openly.

But. She looked at the boy who looked at her gently, smiling at the corner of his lips, and thought to herself, I must be braver.

"I don't mind, of course. In fact, I like it." "She said, nodding her head to reinforce her affirmative Y, looking him in the eye, and whispering," In return -- may I invite you to Cokeworth for the summer? There's not much fun here, but... But I think... Perhaps the air is fine..."

The more she spoke, the less confident she became. Her voice trailed off. But Eli had no hesitation or hesitation. He nodded naturally when he heard Penny's invitation.

"Of course." He smiled and said, "I'm honored."

Why can't I control the Angle of my lips. "Petunia asked herself doubtfully. But perhaps she did not want to control it at all now. She put her red-roped hand behind her back and touched it secretly, feeling the joy from her heart. There was nothing unsatisfactory at that moment.