

Lily was a brave and optimistic person, and knowing that the wizarding world was prejudiced against wizards from Muggle families did not really hit her. In this respect, Snape's worries were obviously superfluous, and she did not have the slightest cowardice or inferiority caused by this, on the contrary, she confidently rolled up her sleeves and looked like she was going to do a big job.

"Let them see who is the really good one." She said with great ambition, "Can you distinguish the good and the bad from the bloodline? Ha, the last person who said this, maybe Hitler? As we all know, he has already failed, outright. "

Snape stared at her intently, smiling at her drive, not really interested in who she was talking about Hitler.

Eli fell into deep thought when he heard this, and rubbed his chin seriously: "It makes sense." Racism, the theory of blood superiority, is exactly the core set of Hitler's ideas... More than forty years have passed since World War II, but human conflicts and antagonisms will never disappear with the cessation of war, and history has always told us this. "

Snape looked at him and then at Lily.

"Don't use your Muggle set to figure out the wizarding world." He said in a tone of obvious defiance, with undisguised disdain in his tone, "That's just a little problem created by Muggles who don't have a broad enough vision." "

Lily pouted, not particularly convinced, but since she didn't know much about the wizarding world, she didn't refute him. Eli ignored his words, still immersed in his thoughts, and even pulled out a piece of stationery on the spot and wrote a line of neat letters on it.

Lily and Snape looked at him in surprise, "What are you doing?" Eli?"

"Write to my dad." Without raising his head, Eli said, "He's a professor of history, and I think the topic is interesting enough for him to study in his free time for a long time... Is there no phone here? It seems a little inconvenient, I hope the owl delivers the letter fast enough. "

Snape curled his lips unhappily, snorted through his nose, and tilted his head to the side, clearly disliking his attitude towards the wizarding world that the owl represented. But given that Eli was so focused on writing the letter, Lily could only talk to him all the time, and he subtly did not disturb him.

It wasn't until half an hour later, when the train stopped at the platform, that Eli finally finished the letter, folded the paper, and got off with them.

"I thought you were going to write to the end of the world." Lily quipped with a narrow smile, "Is Ravenclaw like this?"

"I haven't sorted it yet." Eli corrected her, "I don't know how Hogwarts is sorted... The school history was not written at all, and my mother refused to tell me, only that I would know when the time came. Feeling the last minute for a new student to remain mysterious seems to be some kind of tradition. "

They followed Hagrid's tall figure and got on the boat crossing the Black Lake, and together with the three of them, the boys' overly lively laughter was heard not far away, and Snape glanced to the side and immediately withdrew his gaze in disgust.

He now felt that it was a good choice to join the topic of Eli, so he immediately said: "I didn't ask my mother, but I know that it is definitely not dangerous, we are still young wizards who have not received any formal education, and the school will not give us too difficult tests." "

I hope so. Lily clasped her hands together and pursed her lips uncontrollably.

Restlessly silent, she disembarked with Eli and Snape and walked towards the castle gates. Older witches with glasses await them at the gate and take them to the sorting test.

The ceiling of the auditorium faithfully displays the weather outside, and the light moonlight is quiet and far away. Hundreds of candles hovered over four long tables, and the bright lights plated everything with a warm golden glow. The senior students, dressed in robes and wizard hats, looked freshly at the new students who walked in in a row, their eyes curious and friendly.

Everything looks so amazing – better than expected.

Lily took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help but whisper to the two boys, "If I hadn't been chosen by any of the colleges..."

"It won't." Snape said firmly, "You will definitely stay, you are so..."

He glanced left and right and did not finish speaking. Eli turned and gave her a gentle smile.

"Don't worry." He said, "Magic has chosen you." "

Lili was stunned, and then the haze between her eyebrows dissipated a lot, and finally showed a relaxed smile. At this time, a song suddenly sounded, startling everyone.

-Hello new students,

-I am your faithful ancient Sorting Hat.

-I originally belonged to Gryffindor, a thinking magic hat,

-I have been in this school for over a thousand years!

- You will learn at Hogwarts and gain glory,

-Before that you need to know the division of the academy!

- Is it Brave Gryffindor? Or the erudite Ravenclaw?

- Or the pride of Slytherin's rising stars and Hufflepuffs?

- Every college is just as good,

-Welcome to Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat is at your service!

"The new students who have been called by name come and put on the sorting hat, and the sorting hat will inform you of the sorting results." Vice-Chancellor Minerva. McGonagall said succinctly, unfolding the list in her hand.

"Andy. Evans!"

A short, inconspicuous boy trembled all over, ran to the sorting hat with his hands and feet, and accidentally stumbled on the way, causing a kind chuckle.

"It turned out to be just putting on a hat!" Lily said amid the laughter around her, letting out a long sigh of relief and patting her chest, "Great, I guess my worries are superfluous... That hat is amazing, isn't it? It can talk!"

"Yes." Eli quickly agreed, her eyes shining and said, "It can actually think!" My mirror can remind people that ties or buttons are not fastened, but it can't read people's brains! How is this done? Fantastic, magic always has so much to surprise!"

Lily and Snape watched in amazement as he stared enthusiastically at the Sorting Hat, looking ready to move, looking eager to bring the Sorting Hat to his hand for a closer chat, which was completely different from the maturity and steadiness he had shown along the way.

"Eli, a future university student, is only so enthusiastic when he comes to knowledge." Lily snickered and whispered to Snape, "If I were the Sorting Hat, I would know where to sort him – it's pretty simple." "

Lily was right, Eli really wanted to have a good chat with the Sorting Hat - although judging from the people in front of him, the time of the sorting was short, he decided to say hello and hurry up and say more.

When he put on the Sorting Hat, he simply couldn't wait. Obscured by the brim of the Sorting Hat, Eli whispered expectantly, "Can you hear me, Mr. Sorting Hat?"

"Don't say it, boy, I can feel it," said the Sorting Hat kindly, very approachable, and considering his age of over a thousand years, it could be said to be unpretentious. Spirit, yes... a very good Ravenclaw, you have all the qualities a good Ravenclaw student needs."

"Can you talk a little more, sir?" Eli sincerely communicated with it in his heart, trying to make the Sorting Hat feel his eagerness.

"Certainly, boy." The Sorting Hat laughed a few times, and spoke again as he wished, "that being said—but I think there is a better house for you than Ravenclaw. How about Gryffindor? "

Uh. Eli was stunned for a moment, quickly recalled the characteristics of Gryffindor House, and was taken aback: "What, Gryffindor? Me? I'm not saying that Gryffindor is bad, but... I didn't thought?"

Gryffindor Eli, known for his courage, never felt that the word had anything to do with him. It's not that he's not brave, no boy thinks of himself like that. It's just that he is a cautious person who likes a well-planned and well-organized life. When he grows up, he rarely even appears in the small adventurous spirit of childhood.

"Certainly, my boy," said the Sorting Hat leisurely, "you are in a special time, the wizarding world is at the end of the twilight, the last beautiful sunset is slowly disappearing, and night is coming. Cold, suffocating darkness...and the dawn is yet to come."

Eli was startled when he heard this, opened his mouth to think and thought, and asked cautiously, "What does this have to do with my branch...?"

"A true warrior can walk through this deep darkness and find the dawn ahead." The Sorting Hat whispered in his ear, "Your wisdom will give you courage, child, remember this, and hold on to it. Stay true to your heart, that's what matters."

Eli could clearly feel that he must have been wearing the Sorting Hat for a surprisingly long time. In the darkness in front of him, he vaguely felt buzzing whispers around him, as if many people were watching. But he didn't have time to pay attention at this time, just wondering about the guidance he got from the Sorting Hat.

The Sorting Hat finally opened with a wide, flat slit.


Finally, the result came out. After a long wait, everyone gave warm applause to the result of the division.

Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off his head, Eli sat on the chair, and after a daze for two seconds, he regained his senses, jumped off the chair, and walked towards the Gryffindor long table. The Gryffindor students gave him a friendly welcome, and as Eli sat down, he glanced at the freshmen still in line, and sure enough, saw the shocked faces of Lily and Snape.

In fact, he was also shocked. Eli was still slightly ecstatic until he took the first bite of food. Lily sat next to him, leaning on his side deliberately, keeping a distance from the two black-haired freshmen on the other side, both of whom were outstanding in appearance.

Due to the unexpected results of the separation, Eli decided to write a Hogwarts story, including his study and life. The letter obviously took a few days to go through the wraps before there was anything to write about. Eli was not in a hurry to write, his owl Wendys sent the letter to himself about Hitler's historical reflections, and he has not come back.

Three mornings later, while Eli was having breakfast, Wendys finally appeared and flew towards him—with another owl.

Who else was writing to him? Eli watched unexpectedly as they approached, and Wendys presented him with a thick envelope in his father's handwriting; the other owl dignified and solemnly Stand in front of him and stretch out a leg toward him.

It has two folded letters tied to its legs. Eli took it down together and read the address written on the letter above.

Eli Smith, a freshman at Hogwarts School in England

Kirkworth Irantu Girls' School Penny Evans