
Meeting an Acquaintance (Part 2)

Looking at the arrogant looking young master who was walking into the room with a small crowd around him like he was the center of the world, Alvin immediately remembered the Level 2 player he met just recently hunting the Level 1 Mad Pig together with two other Level 1 players.

"This boy is sure arrogant. He didn't even bother to change his appearance even a little!" Alvin thought when he noticed that this young master looked exactly as he did in the game.

Looking at his apparel and how others were trying to flatter him at this moment, adding to the fact that he was able to hire two Level 1 players this early into the game, Alvin realized that this young man's status should be no small matter. So he was confused as to what this young master was doing here.

Also, since he saw this young man earlier close to Shimotsuki Village, he thought he looked familiar but no matter how he thought of it, he just couldn't remember where he had seen this man before. Now, seeing him, he figured that since the status of this young man is not normal, the previous Alvin must have seen him somehow.

Thinking of here, Alvin shook his head and closed his eyes in repose. Whether or not this young man had a great status had nothing to do with him. Anyway, because his appearance is completely different from the game, he didn't think anyone would recognize him.

The moment this young master entered the room, everyone stood up to show respect and greet him. Alvin who had his eyes closed in meditation didn't notice this so he was still seated at this time.

The people in the room weren't many so Henry Philips noticed when this young man didn't stand up. He looked at him once and immediately flashed with a trace of coldness.

"What is he doing here?" this thought flashed through Henry Philip's mind when he saw Alvin. He looked closely at his face as if to brand this young man's face into his mind and walked away in another direction. He had seen an unexpected acquaintance here and he needed on inform his father at once.

"Young master, you can rest in this office while we brief you on the case." A police officer who was escorting him said respectfully leading him into another room.

After a few minutes, a few new young people also joined Alvin and the others in the room. After about thirty minutes of waiting, a police officer came into the room holding some files in his hands.

"Please gather around, it's time to brief you on what you will be doing here!" Alvin suddenly heard a familiar voice. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see that it was his Uncle Carney Peterson who had just spoken. Alvin sat upright and waited for the debrief. Carney also noticed Alvin and smiled at him.

"Ok, now that you have all reported, it's time to tell you what in particular you are doing here." After that, each student was first handed a case file.

Alvin flipped through this case file to understand the situation of the case that they were supposed to help with. It was only simple information.

He was a student helping the police solve cases so he knew wouldn't get all the inside information on the actual case. The files only registered a criminal who had very strong abilities and was committing crimes on the go.

He came from another District in Freedom City and was extremely cruel and cunning. Now, police from all different Districts had all placed a bounty on his head. However, it was difficult to grasp his tracks. For three months in a row, he hid in this District committing multiple crimes but had eluded capture.

By this time, most of the students had finished going over the case file so Sargent Carney Peterson spoke. "This criminal has a very strong battle power and is suspected to be an Enhancer. The reason for this suspicion is that, a few months ago, he was still a normal person with but just last week, he was able to escape from a Special Investigator recently in this city.

Those who are appointed special investigators are all Enhancers with a minimum cultivation of [Consolidation Stage] and also have a couple of years of experience in the police force so the fact that he was able to escape after clashing with the special investigator means he is at least a [Consolidation Stage] Enhancer."

At this point, Sargent Peterson switched on a big screen and immediately projected a three dimensional image that they had of the criminal. It was a lively young man that looked younger than 30 years. His face was stern yet cold. There was evil in his eyes as he stared coldly at everyone.

"You're all students therefore it is unnecessary for you to engage in combat. All you need to do is be responsible for a region of search. If you find this person, alert us immediately and at the same time keep an eye on him from a distance. You must not be discovered or you will be in peril.

For safety, you will all be issued with two non-lethal police issued weapons for protection, the z568 Taser gun and the special electric rod"

"Thank you, Sir!" All the students in the room answered. After that, a police officer walked over and handed the students a z568 Taser gun and the special electric rod each. Alvin first held the gun and he immediately had a special feeling.

This was the first time holding a gun in this world, although it was just a Taser gun. He closed his eyes and felt the special feeling he was experiencing in his heart. It was as if he was fusing with his weapon. Alvin instinctively felt that just by holding this gun, his proficiency in the [Basic Marksmanship] had reached the peak of perfection. He just needed a little practice to comprehend [Advanced marksmanship]!

He immediately smiled when he realized this!

At this time, all the other students were also fiddling with their weapons in excitement. For most of these students, this was the first time they had come into contact with such firearms so of course they would be excited. These guns had enough power to knock down an elephant so even if they met an [Accumulation Stage] Enhancer, as long as they could land a hit, it could have some effect.

It had also been installed with a special sensor which measured the life signs of victims so the electricity generated would stop action the moment the individual's life signs drops below a certain level. This is to ensure that people do not use these electricity generating Taser guns to kill ordinary people.

Sargent Peterson nodded and continued, "This is a test for you. We will assess you on your performance. If you perform well, there will be a record in the files. If you're interested after graduation, you will have bonus merits in the policeman entrance exam. As for salary, if the criminal is found by you and is reported, coins regardless if he is captured or not, you may get a bonus of £10,000. If….."

Sargent Peterson paused for a bit, "If an accident is to occur, the police department will at most pay some money to your families. Therefore, you need to try to best to protect your own safety, do you understand? If you agree, then sign a temporary electronic agreement!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison

"Good, from now on, you are backup policemen. I will make some arrangements. There are thirteen people here, and I will give each of you your respective missions." Sargent Peterson scanned the people in front of him, "Alvin, you will be responsible for the pedestrian streets of the fourth sector of East Saint District. Be careful, at this place, other criminals are also very active. Jian Li, you and Silvia Connors are responsible for …."

After arranging the various partners and assigning their various sectors, Sargent Peterson continued "Okay, let's move out now. Remember, report immediately if you find anything suspicious."

"Yes Sir!" All the students' answered.