

At this time, in the room where Henry Philips was resting, he had just finished a conversation with his father. He had a dignified expression at this time.

He was currently watching a CCTV recording. Amazingly, it was a recording of the short confrontation between Alvin and the police man this morning. It was really amazing that Henry Philips could get his hands of something like this in just a few minutes of investigating Alvin's details.

The more he watched the video, the more the chill in his heart grew bigger. He couldn't understand how someone whom they all had dismissed as having no hope now had strength comparable to an [Consolidation Stage] Enhancer!

While watching the video, he had clearly been able to estimate Alvin's strength through his confrontation with the policeman. This is why he still was confused.

Henry accidentally found out some time ago about the deep enmity that existed previously between Alvin's father, Aldrich Taylor and his father, the Patriarch of the Philips family. He didn't know the reason for this enmity, but only knew that the hatred his father had for Aldrich Taylor was so deep that he had colluded with some outside forces to sneak attack him during a mission to clear some demonic beasts that were rioting close to Freedom City.

It was this incident that caused the disappearance of the Taylor couple. After that, his father had planned to destroy all descendants of Aldrich Taylor but was kept in check by other forces in East Saint District. Another reason he gave up on killing Alvin was that, the boy's talent was very bad and basically had no hope in becoming an Enhancer.

But now, the video he had received clearly showed that Alvin had the strength of an Enhancer. That was why he had called his father and sent a copy of the video over. The only reply he received was this; 'This boy must not be allowed to grow any further!'

Henry could understand why his father displayed such killing intent for an insignificant person like Alvin Taylor. One had to know that he was the son of Aldrich Taylor, the man who even the Patriarchs of all the Influential families of East Saint District, who were all at least Peak Level 9 Enhancers were wary of!

Even if he was just an insignificant Level 1 Enhancer now, the potential to develop into a powerhouse was still there. Also, the fact that he had already awoken as an Enhancer but still decided to keep it hidden and be demoted to the Senior Class Nine meant he had a very big hidden agenda.

After thinking for a while, he took is phone and made a few calls to some friends in this area. Even though Alvin had become an Enhancer, he still felt it beneath him to act personally so he contacted some colleagues to help. Anyway, he couldn't allow the spies of the other influential families in East Saint District to get a handle on him. He must make this look like an accident.

It was a little past mid-day at this time. The skyscrapers that soared into the clouds were magnificent constructions that could rotate. It bewitched people. Only the wealthy people could afford expenditure here. Everything was expensive and civilians could only watch as onlookers.

Alvin was walking on the pedestrian streets of the fourth sector of East Saint District wearing blue top with black trousers and an eagle shaped symbol on his right chest with a gun strapped to his waist and a strange looking Japanese Katana hanging on his back. He had acquired this katana in a local weapons shop earlier this morning because he needed a sword to speed up his practice in reality. Also, the gun he was given at the police station was just a Taser and wouldn't pose much threat to people who had already awakened so he needed a lethal weapon which he was comfortable with in case he came across any trouble. Since with his current credentials, he couldn't acquire actual firearms, he decided to purchase this sword. Anyway, it would be very beneficial in the next part of his money making plans.

He had patrolled his designated area for the whole morning but hadn't discovered any peculiarity. Before he left the police station, he had gone through the map of his designated patrol area so he knew that the reason he had not encountered anything troublesome is because he had been in the relatively peaceful areas of the city.

The parts which he was heading next were the parts of the street that Uncle Peterson warned him about. There was a local casino on that street coupled with a lot of bars and underground black-market locations so it was frequented by a lot of troublesome people. It was no wonder that Uncle Peterson told him to be careful.

As Alvin continued to patrol, because he was seriously thinking about the various plans that he had made for the next three months before the final District School Test, he had unknowingly wandered into the dangerous parts of his patrol area close to the Underworld black market.

He was suddenly brought to his senses when he realized that he had wandered into a relatively deserted street with six apparently drunk young men walking in his direction. He frowned when he saw this. It was relatively rare to meet such a scene at this time of the day even in such an area so he was quite surprised when he saw this.

Nevertheless, he decided to avoid these people and leave this area as soon as possible. Even though he had strengthened himself a lot over the last few days, he wasn't someone who was always in search of trouble so he would try to avoid it if it was possible.

As he got closer to these apparently drunk young men, he realized that their apparels looked like your typical gangsters with tattoos appearing all over their hands and hairs dyed in different colors.

When they got closer, he simply moved aside to avoid crashing with them but suddenly, one of the young men in a drunken daze wandered off his path and crashed straight into him.

Alvin's current speed could be said to be faster than most [Accumulation Stage] Enhancers. Coupled with his sharp senses trained over years of life and death battles in his previous life, how could he not react when an ordinary person wanted to crash into him?

He simply shifted his body to the right causing the incoming young man to miss him.

"Bang!" a seemingly drunk young man simply crashed into the sidewalk instead!

"Damn, he was able to dodge that?" The young man quickly stood up and swore! He then angrily looked at Alvin shouting, "Damn, boy, you dare to push me off the street? Brothers, lets teach this young man what happens to anyone who dares to mess with the Cross Knife Gang!"

At this time, the young men who seemed to be drunk a few seconds ago all took out knives and reoriented themselves towards Alvin.

Alvin frowned when he saw this. His previous suspicions had been answered with the strange behavior of these young men. He had basically confirmed that the meeting with these young men didn't seem to be an accident!

They just wanted an excuse to attack him but now that they failed, they decided to attack him directly and ignore all pretenses.