
Love Beyond Limits

A young, determined girl committed to her profession, Zoobiya Wajdan, always viewed journalism as worship. Passionate about exposing corruption in the system and empowering the voiceless, she embarked on her first investigative case for her thesis project on 'drug supply in colleges and universities' during her final year of investigative journalism.

As the gentle waves crashed against the shore, Zoobiya felt the smooth sand beneath her feet and a gentle breeze rustling through her hair. Leaning her head on Azlan's shoulder, she called his name in a soft voice. Opening his eyes, Azlan held her hands tightly as she expressed her desire for their love to be like the vast, gentle, soothing, and everlasting sea.

Azlan responded, expressing his wish to be her sea, holding her tears, laughter, darkness, and weaknesses, wanting to be with her through the stormy turns and serene sunsets of life. The magic of his words soothed her soul, and as he gently caressed her hair, she professed her love for him and asked him to be with her always.

Azlan, playfully teasing her, acknowledged her determination and confidence but wanted to be the one to pamper her. He proposed to her, asking her to marry him, but Zoobiya, caught up in the critical phase of her profession, explained the tension and challenges she was facing.

Azlan reassured her, expressing his desire to be her strength, support her through every phase, and overcome obstacles together. He got down on one knee, presented a ring, and asked if she was ready to witness every sunrise, share the darkness of nights, and become Mrs. Zoobiya Azlan.

Moved by his words, Zoobiya tearfully accepted the proposal, and Azlan gently placed a beautiful ring with a sparkling diamond on her finger.