
This time, for me ( BL )

I walked around the room looking for some place to sit. Damn it! My legs hurt. I should have taken dads offer of staying home. Well then again i want to spend more time with my family and for that i am willing to attend such an event. Why do i feel that someone is staring at me? I looked around but i saw no one and the feeling of being stared at was no more. I shrugged and started walking to the tables. I know second brother was there so i wont be alone. Second brother wanted to stay at home but when he knew that i was going too he immediately changed his clothes to leave with us. I smiled. Sometimes my brother can be so cute. I was walking again when i felt some eyes on me again. I looked around but i think i saw nothing. My body went stiff when i looked around me once again. Deep red eyes were staring right at me as the boy kept walking towards me. His black silky hair were styled to stay on one side giving him a rather charming look. But that was not why i became stiff it was because of the fear i felt. The boy was about two years older than me, a year and a half to be precise. I want to run away. I know what he did was because of his reason and i don’t blame him but i cant let everything go as if they never happened. My eyes are getting a little blurry as i bit my lip to calm myself but that didn’t work at all. It was getting hard to breath. I want to go. Please someone save me. I kept on praying for someone to save me in my mind. Maybe he is walking to go behind. I took a deep breath. Yes! He should not know me at this moment in this timeline. In fact shouldn’t he be overseas during this time. My heart was beating loudly as my legs were threatening to give up...... —————- The story revolves around a boy name cameron . He come back to his past after taking his own life. He is determined to change all the things that happened to him and take back everything from his so called friend and fiancé. And repay them for what they did tenfold. oh did i forget to mention that its a zombie apocalypse world? The male lead of the story is extremely possessive and has yandere tendencies. You have been warned. Please give this story a try. It is slow paced but i can assure you that you will like it a-lot. I am still working on my writing and trying to improve it.

lazy_potato · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

you are mine: part four

The two figures carefully made their way towards sleeping Cameron. They moved silently and swiftly, not making a single sound. As they reached Cameron, the female figure almost fainted at the sight of Cameron's blooded body. She bend down beside Cameron, her hands shaking violently as she touched Cameron's face. The male figure was frozen in his place; his eyes followed his wife's every move. All he could think of was how he failed his family completely; he couldn't even save and protect the last member. How would he ask for forgiveness from his brother and sister-in-law.

The male figure then saw his wife, while her hands were trembling, tried to check Cameron's pulse. He took his wife hands in his own. He knew he has to be the one to check it. He took Cameron's pulse; he could feel his world fell apart, as he tried to find the pulse. He heaved a sigh of relieve when he found it. He looked at his wife and could clearly see his wife relax. She was still furious at the Stafford family, not only they dare to sell Cameron but also leave him behind. She was thinking about how Stafford family should enjoy these last days of their lives.

Everything else happened very fast. Real Cameron saw them move as they bandage the unconscious Cameron, even used their clean drinkable water to clean his wounds. When Cameron was all patched up, his uncle carried him on his back and was ready to leave. Just as he carried Cameron on his back, Cameron woke up. Cameron slightly moved his head, it would have been undetected by many people but both the figures noticed it immediately. They had been worried sick about Cameron, in this era, there are not only zombies to be careful from but different viruses too, and each virus is deadlier than the original viruses found before apocalypse. Unfortunately, world was not ready for them and so was the case with western/modern or traditional medicines.

People got sick just like before the invention of modern medicine, and died the same way as there was no cure found. They had to survive on their own.

As soon as Cameron saw his aunt and uncle he couldn't believe his eyes. He was so shocked that he didn't even realize that he was crying. He was happy and glad to see. The real Cameron knew and could still feel all these feelings till now, but he still wishes that they had not come, that they should have left him there.

His aunt and uncle calmed him down; they didn't want him to be overwhelmed by the situation outside so they talked to him. Cameron did ask for their forgiveness and asked them to leave, but they didn't leave him.

They knew that it would be difficult to take Cameron in this condition but they couldn't leave him behind. They would never leave him behind. The only safe way to get out from this warehouse was through the window the same way they got here and for that they would both have to constantly use their power, until they cross the zombie herd and get to a safe distance away from them.

They both took a deep breath and manipulated their powers; Cameron's aunt was a wind elementalist, so she manipulated wind to make Cameron lighter and helped them climb to the top window by making a sort of stairs. This was especially hard to do even with Cameron's uncle help.

Every person had a special power; some were elementalist while others had enhancements of sorts. But this didn't mean that people could manipulate or use just that one power, there were a few who could use different powers but these powers were taxing on their bodies. For example Cameron's aunt can use wind power for 3 hours, if she is doing simple or just a little complex manipulation, until her mana runs out. But as soon as she starts to use some other magic her mana would run out 10 times or even 20 times faster even when she is dong the simplest manipulation or enhancement, it would depend on infinity of each person with that type of magic.

Cameron's aunt and uncle were one of the lucky people who had infinity with two different type of magic, one being major one (that is they had better control on it and was like there second nature) and a secondary one which was a little taxing than the major one. Cameron aunt was wind elementalist with the secondary power being water while Cameron's uncle was light elementalist with his secondary power was wind.

So Cameron's uncle also helped his wife in wind manipulation but it was much more taxing to him. As soon as they got out of the warehouse they saw a hoard of zombies surrounding it. They were shocked to see such a huge hoard; they both shared a look with each other. This hoard grew in size and was even larger than anticipated, but they still carried out their plan.

They both walked on air a considerable height above the zombies. Cameron believed in them and felt like a burden, but there was nothing he could do right now. He made a promise to himself that he would treat them even better and help them in anyway. As soon as they reached the middle of the hoard they felt a strange sensation that something was wrong, when they looked to around they knew what it was. This hoard was not any ordinary one, it had many abnormal zombies mixed in it and a few zombies behind them were climbing onto each other to reach them.

Cameron's aunt and uncle hurried their steps; they didn't know whether to keep on advancing or to go back. They decided to keep on going forward because they knew that once they go back, they would be trapped. But as they advanced forward they felt a disturbance in the air, it was not strong but enough to make them fall into the hoard of zombies.

Real Cameron saw all three of the people feel down instantly into the hoard of zombies, there was shock and horror on his aunt and uncles face. But his uncle quickly got hold of his mind and used his dark element to disintegrate the zombies below them creating a 5 meter radius circle. All three of them fell down with a thump. Cameron was hurt even more and lost his conscious after this.

The real Cameron saw everything as his aunt and uncle create a protective barrier around them and checked on Cameron, they sighed with relief when they saw Cameron was okay but unconscious. They knew Cameron would never allow them to do it if he was still conscious. They looked at each other, they didn't say a word but conveyed everything to each other. They smiled at each other as both of them took out crystals and put them on the edges of the barrier, then they proceeded to make a secondary barrier in the same place of the first one. After that they created three more protective barriers around Cameron, these barriers had smaller radius than the original one.

They took their dimensional space ring on Cameron hand, after imprinting it with Cameron's blood. They knew this was the end. They hugged each other as they took a final glance at Cameron. At this moment Cameron woke up again. Cameron looked at them and his surroundings, he saw the look in their eyes, it was filled with relief and regret at the same time. He immediately knew what they were thinking about, he still doesn't know how but he knew. He still couldn't move but gave his all in asking them to not do it and come back.

At that time, Cameron somehow managed to awaken his power. The power was extremely weak but enough to move the magic crystals, if they moved a little more it would have destroyed the barriers around him. His aunt sighed a little as she led her husband back into the shields Cameron was in. they both hugged Cameron, Cameron cried more than he ever has. Cameron has always been weak, but this time he truly felt how weak he was.

Cameron felt safe in their arms, but even now he was having premonition that something bad was going to happen. After a while, the crystals of the outer shield started to shine. Cameron saw it he tried to shake himself free from the hug, so that he could see his aunt and uncles face, but they held him tight in their arms.

The real Cameron closed his eyes as he slide down to the ground. He kept on telling himself that He refuses to see this, he won't see this. But he still knew what happened; it was playing in his mind. The light from the outer dome shinned brighter and brighter that everything outside become invisible.

"We have to do this" his aunt whispered into his ears. "I am sorry bun bun, please take care of yourself" his uncle whispered into his other. "No please don't, there has to be another way" Cameron begged and begged but they kept on hugging him as they disintegrated into thin air along with the hoard of zombies outside the shield.

Cameron fell on the ground but surprisingly it didn't hurt. He was screaming and crying but soon he stopped as if he lost everything. He just kept on reliving the whole day again and again as stared into the sky. Most of the hoard of zombie was destroyed and moved on as they couldn't sense Cameron or the shield.

The illusion showed Cameron still lying on the ground with eyes opened and staring into space. The real Cameron was crying and was almost unable to distinguish reality with illusion; he went back to same mentality. Until he felt himself being embraced by something really warm. It felt like someone was hugging him and gently patted him; it waited for Cameron to regain his composure. After a while Cameron feel asleep in this persons embrace. As Cameron fell asleep he slowly started to leave this space, Cameron figures slowly became less opaque. The figure bends down so that his mouth touched Cameron ear as he whispered "baby, don't worry, everything is okay… everything will be okay as..." his red eyes were filled with obsession as he whispered once more "you are mine... Now and forever".

What Cameron didn't knew that this figure saw what Cameron failed to see, that as soon as Cameron aunt and uncle disintegrated, two wisps of energy flickered from them into Cameron's heart. This figure was shocked to see that, more shocked than when he was brought here and saw everything unfold in front of his eyes. But as soon he saw Cameron sliding he came towards Cameron and tried to calm him down, leaving the whole wisps scenario in the back of his mind.

okay soooo finally this is completed .. hehe ... it was a long flash back..... as always

stay safe and healthy ^u^

lazy_potatocreators' thoughts