
This Hedgehog Can Kick Ass (LitRPG/Isekai/Progression)

***WARNING: The MC is ridiculously overpowered.** ••••• In a world filled with benevolent heroes and saviors, Gideon Brangwen stands apart as a master con artist, adept at manipulating people without a trace of fear, love, empathy, or compassion in his heart. To him, emotions are tools for achieving his desires, and words are mere instruments of manipulation. But Gideon's life takes an unexpected turn when a malevolent goddess intervenes, catapulting him into a perilous game orchestrated by the gods. He becomes the avatar of the goddess of darkness among ten avatars vying for godhood in the realm of Eteria. In a stroke of unfortunate luck, Gideon is reincarnated as a seemingly powerless hedgehog, which proves to be only a temporary inconvenience. He receives a potent gift known as [NIGHT FORM], a skill that could transform him into a nightmarish entity of unparalleled terror after dusk. With his cunning and newfound power, Gideon ascends on a path to godhood, crushing anyone who dares to obstruct his rise and manipulating all as mere pawns. His ambition knows no bounds as he seeks to establish the most formidable nation Eteria has ever witnessed. Beware, for Gideon's facade is but an illusion, a ruse to subjugate everyone to his will. In this world of heroes, a formidable villain emerges, and Gideon's grand conquest commences. •••• Frequently Asked Questions: Warning: Spoilers ahead. Is this Harem? Yes. Is this Smut? No. Will the MC gain a human form? Yes, he will. How and why? Please read the story to find out. Is the villain MC that 'evil,' or evil with a capital 'E'? Yes. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dark is the story? I don't know, what number would you give for straight-up cold-blooded manipulation and genocide? This is a kingdom-building novel, so expect progression and plot related to kingdom building. No NTR: The MC's women will only be his own, and the MC will never attempt to be with a woman who already belongs to someone else. I don't judge; I enjoy reading those too, but not in this book. No Yuri: None of the MC's women will engage in relationships with each other.

SpikyCinnamonRoll · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs

Chapter 15: Small But All-rounder Hedgehog

Silence enveloped the abyss in which Gideon had been ensconced for the past three days. With great deliberation, his small hands emerged from the obsidian cocoon, their movements measured and deliberate. As they breached the darkness, his elongated nose twitched, heralding its reappearance. Finally, his inky black eyes emerged, now shrouded in a deeper darkness than ever before.

Slowly and methodically, Gideon's spherical body extricated itself from the cocoon's confines, alighting gracefully upon the earth. His spines, though retaining their razor-sharpness, had assumed an ethereal pallor, a haunting white that gleamed with otherworldly brilliance.

A resonant voice echoed within his mind, accompanied by a cascade of information.

*Active Skill: Spike Missiles, has been acquired.*

*Day Form: Release a certain number of your spines, as many as you choose, and propel them offensively.*

*Night Form: Release a specified number of spines, at your discretion, and launch them towards your intended target. You possess full control over their trajectory mid-flight. These spines will persist until impact or detonation by your command. Upon contact, they detonate and inflict a corrosive effect.*

*Active Skill: Tracker's Quill, has been acquired.*

*Day Form: Eject an invisible, specialized spine. Upon striking your foe, it adheres to them, enabling precise tracking for one hour before self-dissolution.*

*Night Form: Discharge an invisible, non-corrosive spine whose trajectory you dictate. Upon striking a target, it affixes to them, granting you the ability to monitor their exact location. This also unveils the presence and conversations of all nearby entities. On your command, the spine may detonate, afflicting the target with a corrosive effect. Its effects persist throughout the night.*

Gideon nodded, his clawed hand thoughtfully stroking his chin. "These skills are nothing short of remarkable. They have endowed my spines with newfound utility, serving not only defensive purposes but also offense and reconnaissance. This is a momentous development, one that I welcome with open arms," he mused aloud, his words a testament to his burgeoning understanding of his powers. "I must put them to the test tonight."

Slithering out of the burrow he had diligently crafted during his transformation, Gideon emerged into the world bathed in the golden embrace of the noonday sun. Its radiant tendrils filtered through the verdant canopy above, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor.

Gideon's coal-black eyes scanned the environment, tracing the contours of tall swaying grasses and the scattered arrangement of rugged stones. He couldn't help but notice the fleeting silhouettes dancing in the distance, their movements swift and enigmatic. An epiphany washed over him; this was a completely different world from the one he had known.

A soft exclamation escaped his lips, carrying an undercurrent of astonishment. "By the ancients, my vision in daylight has undergone a dramatic improvement compared to my former self," he marveled, his gaze no longer hindered by the sun's luminance. "This is a most welcome transformation."

As he surveyed his surroundings, Gideon's senses expanded, attuning him to the nuances of this new existence. He felt the subtle vibrations coursing through the earth beneath him, the whispers of the wind rustling the leaves, and the distant cadence of life within the forest. His newfound skills and enhanced senses promised an unparalleled mastery of his environment.

Eager to test his abilities, Gideon contemplated the mysteries of the night ahead, envisioning the countless ways in which he might wield his skills. The world, once an enigma, now lay open before him, waiting to be explored, understood, and perhaps even changed by the formidable powers he had acquired.

Gideon couldn't contain his silent celebration. His heart swelled with triumph as he stood atop the rocky outcrop, gazing down at the sprawling forest below. He had achieved what he thought was impossible. The feeling of accomplishment washed over him like a warm wave, and a victorious smile graced his lips. Yet, his moment of triumph was short-lived.

As if to mock him, his stomach growled loudly, breaking the silence of the forest. Gideon chuckled at the timing, shaking his head in amusement. "I was too focused on Leveling Up that I forgot to eat anything since yesterday," he mused aloud, speaking to himself in the solitude of the wilderness. "I don't even know how long I slept. It would be wise to eat now."

His sharp senses, honed by countless battles spent in this mystical forest, led him to a delightful discovery. The scent of sweet fruit wafted through the air, drawing him in. "I can smell sweet fruit nearby," he remarked, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I should definitely get one."

With cautious steps, Gideon descended from the rocky perch and ventured deeper into the forest. However, as he moved away from his hiding spot, he noticed a peculiar phenomenon unfolding around him. The monsters that had been running amok near his hideout began to disperse, scattering in every direction like leaves in the wind.

It wasn't a coincidence. These creatures possessed keen senses, and they could easily detect even the slightest movements. Gideon's reputation preceded him, and they wanted nothing to do with him. The formidable monster who had effortlessly defeated the former ruler of this part of the forest was not someone to be trifled with.

Though he hadn't officially claimed ownership of this territory, he had effectively seized control. Gideon was a natural conqueror, and none dared to challenge him. He would start in a small and insignificant domain and soon conquer something even greater—a realm under his dominion. This forest, the world of Eteria, would soon be under his command. This was just the beginning of his ascent.

But for now, he was on a different mission, a mission to satisfy his growling stomach. Gideon soon found himself perched on a sturdy tree branch, easily climbed with his nimble agility. He plucked a vibrant yellow fruit from a nearby branch, its appearance resembling that of a mango.

"This tastes so good," Gideon muttered in delight as he took a juicy bite, the sweet nectar of the fruit dribbling down his chin. He lounged comfortably on the branch, his demeanor in stark contrast to his formidable hunter form during the night.

The forest was alive with the sounds of nature—the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the distant murmur of a bubbling stream. Gideon savored the tranquility, a rare moment of respite amidst the perpetual chaos of his existence.

He observed the landscape below, the dense canopy of trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. His thoughts drifted to the future, to the vast world he intended to conquer. The challenges that lay ahead were immense, but Gideon was undaunted. With each Level Up, he grew stronger, more formidable. He was destined for greatness, and nothing would stand in his way.



LEVEL: 10/20










ACTIVE SKILLS: Dig, Claw Attack, Roll, Spike Missiles, Tracker's Quill.

PASSIVE SKILLS: Appraisal, General Language Comprehension, Spike Armor.

