
This Hedgehog Can Kick Ass (LitRPG/Isekai/Progression)

***WARNING: The MC is ridiculously overpowered.** ••••• In a world filled with benevolent heroes and saviors, Gideon Brangwen stands apart as a master con artist, adept at manipulating people without a trace of fear, love, empathy, or compassion in his heart. To him, emotions are tools for achieving his desires, and words are mere instruments of manipulation. But Gideon's life takes an unexpected turn when a malevolent goddess intervenes, catapulting him into a perilous game orchestrated by the gods. He becomes the avatar of the goddess of darkness among ten avatars vying for godhood in the realm of Eteria. In a stroke of unfortunate luck, Gideon is reincarnated as a seemingly powerless hedgehog, which proves to be only a temporary inconvenience. He receives a potent gift known as [NIGHT FORM], a skill that could transform him into a nightmarish entity of unparalleled terror after dusk. With his cunning and newfound power, Gideon ascends on a path to godhood, crushing anyone who dares to obstruct his rise and manipulating all as mere pawns. His ambition knows no bounds as he seeks to establish the most formidable nation Eteria has ever witnessed. Beware, for Gideon's facade is but an illusion, a ruse to subjugate everyone to his will. In this world of heroes, a formidable villain emerges, and Gideon's grand conquest commences. •••• Frequently Asked Questions: Warning: Spoilers ahead. Is this Harem? Yes. Is this Smut? No. Will the MC gain a human form? Yes, he will. How and why? Please read the story to find out. Is the villain MC that 'evil,' or evil with a capital 'E'? Yes. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dark is the story? I don't know, what number would you give for straight-up cold-blooded manipulation and genocide? This is a kingdom-building novel, so expect progression and plot related to kingdom building. No NTR: The MC's women will only be his own, and the MC will never attempt to be with a woman who already belongs to someone else. I don't judge; I enjoy reading those too, but not in this book. No Yuri: None of the MC's women will engage in relationships with each other.

SpikyCinnamonRoll · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Chapter 16: Start Of Another Hunt

The sun descended gracefully, casting long shadows that stretched through the forest like spectral fingers. As the fiery orb dipped below the horizon, it relinquished its grip on the realm of day, allowing the night to assert its dominion over the land. The transition from day to night was a delicate dance of light and shadow, a transformation that carried with it an air of both mystique and foreboding.

The forest, once alive with the vibrant symphony of daytime creatures, now fell into an eerie silence. Leaves rustled in the gentle caress of the cold wind, their whispered secrets filling the air. Trees, their branches swaying with a haunting grace, seemed to reach out to each other in solemn communion.

The night, it seemed, belonged to another world entirely, a realm inhabited by creatures of darkness and mystery. The howling of distant beasts began to pierce the quiet, a symphony of primal calls that echoed through the trees.

For some denizens of this nocturnal realm, it was time to seek refuge, to rest in preparation for the battles that would surely come with the dawn. But for others, this was the hour of awakening, the time of the hunt. It was a primal instinct, an unyielding drive that surged through their veins, compelling them to emerge from the shadows and claim their territory, their survival, their power.

Amongst the ancient trees, high above the forest floor, perched Gideon. His keen eyes surveyed the landscape below as the world transformed around him. A slow, sinister grin spread across his face, revealing elongated fangs that gleamed wickedly in the fading light. His once unassuming white claws had metamorphosed into obsidian daggers, the tools of a predator.

As darkness fell, Gideon's spines extended and sharpened, forming a formidable defense against any who dared challenge him. The black, corrosive smoke that oozed from their form added an eerie aura, a spectral shroud that rendered him impervious to both magic and physical assault. Rising from all fours, he stood on two legs, revealing a belly adorned with shadowy markings, a canvas of intimidation.

"Another night," Gideon murmured, his voice a low growl, "another time to hunt." With a deft flick of his claw, he sliced through the air, the sound a testament to his newfound power. "Let's roll." He activated his *Roll* ability, transforming into a spiky ball of menace. With a graceful leap, he hurtled toward the forest floor, becoming a blur of motion as he traversed the ever-changing landscape.

Gideon was acutely aware that the creatures in his current vicinity were no match for his enhanced abilities. They posed no challenge, and his hunger for power urged him to seek out more formidable prey. With astonishing speed, he covered vast swaths of terrain, leaving his previous hunting grounds behind.

In a matter of minutes, Gideon found himself in an entirely different corner of the forest. Here, the night held different secrets, and the creatures that prowled in the shadows were of a more ancient and menacing breed. His senses, now sharpened to an almost supernatural level, allowed him to track his quarry with uncanny precision.

The forest at night was a tapestry of sights and sounds that unfolded before him. The moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. Shadows danced and flickered, creating an ever-shifting mosaic of darkness and light. Every rustle of leaves, every distant howl, and every hushed breath were part of the symphony of the night.

Gideon moved with a grace born of centuries of experience, his every motion a testament to his predatory prowess. He stalked his prey with a single-minded determination, the thrill of the hunt coursing through his veins. Each step was calculated, each movement deliberate, as he closed in on his target.

His enhanced senses allowed him to perceive details that would have eluded any ordinary creature. He could smell the fear of his prey, hear the rapid beating of their hearts, and sense the slightest vibrations in the earth beneath his feet. It was as if he had become one with the very essence of the night itself, a living shadow that moved with purpose.

As Gideon closed in on his quarry, he couldn't help but revel in the intoxicating power that surged within him. With each passing moment, he felt himself becoming more formidable, more unstoppable. The night was his domain, and he was its master.

Gideon's journey through the untamed wilderness was far from ordinary. He traversed the terrain with an agility that defied nature itself. Each leap from one moss-covered stone to the next was a testament to his uncanny abilities. His path was littered with the remnants of spiky shrubs and unruly grasses that dared to challenge his progress, only to yield before his unstoppable advance.

In the heart of this primeval wilderness, where time itself seemed to hold its breath, Gideon sought a challenge worthy of his unparalleled strength. He was acutely aware that his path to further evolution was paved with formidable obstacles. Leveling up at this stage of his journey was an arduous endeavor. He knew that facing creatures of similar strength would be a slow, grinding process, with progress measured in painstaking inches.

Yet, Gideon was not one to shy away from challenges. He was a being of extraordinary power, a living enigma in the heart of this harmonious forest. The very balance of nature quivered in his presence, struggling to accommodate his sheer might.

Emerging from the undergrowth, Gideon's keen eyes surveyed his surroundings. Even in the darkest of nights, he saw with the clarity of a thousand moons. His gaze settled upon a presence in the distance, a force that stirred something primal within him.

In the inky shadows, the creature detected Gideon's approach and reacted with a vigilance befitting the wild. It was colossal, a behemoth among beasts—a creature that resembled a small mountain cloaked in darkness. The behemoth was a giant boar, its form a symphony of bulging muscles, thick, impenetrable hide, and fearsome obsidian tusks. Each step it took sent tremors through the earth beneath, a rhythmic dance of power. Its golden eyes, gleaming like fiery orbs, locked onto the interloper in its territory, and it snorted in a display of dominance.

*Obsidian Tusk Boar: Level 20*

Gideon's reaction was unlike any other. Instead of fear or caution, he regarded the massive creature with an expression that was equal parts curiosity and hunger. "Impressive," he murmured, his voice carrying a note of admiration. "That's one colossal slab of meat. I wonder if I can savor its flavor. After all, I've evolved far beyond the limitations of an ordinary hedgehog. Consuming meat that would be forbidden to my lesser kin should be within my capabilities now."

With nonchalance that bordered on audacity, Gideon made his presence known. His head emerged from the concealment of the tall grass, exposing his form to the world and the towering behemoth before him. "Tonight," he declared, his voice tinged with anticipation, "I feast on the flesh of giants."

The Obsidian Tusk Boar responded in kind, its snorts growing louder, and it pounded a massive hind leg against the ground, sending an earth-shaking warning to the audacious intruder. Its fiery gaze remained locked onto Gideon, conveying its readiness for an impending confrontation.

Gideon's eyes gleamed with excitement as he approached the colossal adversary. His claws extended slowly, each glinting like polished daggers in the moonlight. He smirked, an expression of pure, unadulterated confidence that belied the imminent clash of titans.

As Gideon drew nearer, the Obsidian Tusk Boar's eyes narrowed, its instincts honing in on the approaching threat. It was a battle of wills and might, a duel between an enigmatic hedgehog of unmatched power and a mountainous boar that had roamed these lands for years.



VITALITY: 55 (+275)

STRENGTH: 57 (+285)

MAGIC: 58 (+290)

SPEED: 56 (+280)

STAMINA: 55 (+275)