
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


Wanna know what I hate? Well,there is a lot of thing. But you want to know the top two? If not, oh well.I am going to tell you anyways. I hate losing. But the thing I hate the most is people forcing themselves on me.Wondering why I am bringing this up? Well, I guess I can tell you...

I was wearing my dragon onesie. The tail was swinging as I was moving to the music. I walked into the elevator. I see someone running towards the elevator. I hold the door open. Being nice or whatever.

He runs in and began to breath fast. I move my hand and click on my floor. He clicks on the one below me. I began to sway my hips to the music. I ignore his eyes on me. I then felt his hand wrap around my thin waist.

Excuse me?! Oh hell no. I am not letting this happen again. I pause my music and pull my headphones down the my neck. I said in a sweet tone, "Please move your hands."

He bent down and said into my ear, "And what if I do not princess?"

Princess? Really? That is the best thing you can come up with? I said, "I will say his own more time. Please remove your hands."

He used his other hand and places it on the other side of my waist. Well, someone is asking for a death wish. I slam my elbow into his neck. He releases me and holds his throat. Coughing hard.

I then punch him hard in the nose. It landed with a loud crack. Bingo. Broken. I punch his cheek and kick him back. I had his blood on my hands. The elevator door opens and he runs out.

Scared little bitch. I wait until my floor. My things should already be in my room. Me and my roommates have the entire floor. I do wonder how many people live on the floor. I shrug my shoulders.

The elevator door opens and chaos lays out in front of me like a dead body. Someone was chasing someone. The person being chased was screaming bloody murder. The person chasing after him looked so mad.

Like pure rage. Two people were sitting on the floor. One eating from a bag of chips. The other one fast asleep on his shoulder. The one eating was watching the one being chased. Might as well embrace it.

I go and sit down beside the dude with chips. He looks at me and said, "Hi. I am Bacchus."

I said back, "I am Asher."

He have me a warm smile. He sees my hand. He said, "What happened to your hand?!"

He woke up the one sleeping from him saying that. He groaned and in a deep sleepy voice, "What is wrong Bacchus?"

I look at my hand. I blush profusely and said, "Oh. I punched a dude."

He was shocked. He gave me a weird look. The sleepy one looked at me with narrow eyes. He said, "Touch him and I will murder you in your sleep."

I shot back, "Not the first person who tried."

Bacchus looked uncomfortable. The one who looked angry stopped in front of me. He picked me up by the onesie. He slammed me against the wall. I yelp in pain. I said, "Why?! My bruises were finally starting to heal! Do you know how hard it is to work with heavy bruises?!"

He ignored my question and growled out, "And who the hell are you?"

I said, "Putting me down would be nice."

He got close to my face and growled out, "Who. The. Fuck. Are. You."

I said, "Again. Put me down. I hate to hurt you as well."

He scoffs and said, "I would like to see you try."

I was about to punch him when someone shouted out, "Bellamy! Put her down!"

He glares at the person who shouted. I look and see a ravenette. He had violet eyes. Not to bad looking if I must say. Nice face. Strong cheek bones also. He said again, "Let her go."

He releases me and flips him off. He storms off. Probably looking for the one he was chasing. The ravenette walks up to me and holds out his hand. I take it.

He immediately notices the blood. He helped me stand up and quickly releases my hand. He gave me a cold glare and said, "What is with the blood? I will not permit you disgracing this floor. More than these idiot's already do."

I shot out, "I punched a dude."

He tried to calm himself. Bacchus said, "Why did you punch him?"

I was about to say when the ravenette cut me off. He said, "I will not allow you to randomly punch people."

I shot out, "How about you let me fucking explain? Ever heard about that? Or do you just not give people room to talk?"

He did not like the tone I used on him. The sleepy one gave out a small laughed and said, "She is dead."

I wait for him to speak. He snapped out, "I would hate to he the people who permitted that tone to be used."

I gave a manic laugh. I said, "You can visit them in jail."

Things went silent. I smirk at his face. He looked confused and a tad bit concerned. He sighed and said, "Fine. Explain why you punched someone."

I said, "Well, I was listing to my music. I held the door open for him. I ignore his presence of course. Until he put his hand on my hip. I gave him I think two chances."

I looked at him. He motioned for me to continue. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I punched and broke his nose. Maybe busted a cheek and either broke or bruised a few ribs."