
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


He checked his phone. He sighed and said, "We have to leave. And you do soon as well."

I think he is referring to the lazer tag game. I nodded and walked past him. I said, "Have fun loosing."

I walk into my room and lock the door. I sigh and go into my drawers. I found my black body suit. I undress and looked away from the mirror. Every time I look at myself in the mirror, I end up crying. I wonder whose fault that is. At least she is in jail. I shake away the tears that prick my eyes. I shove the emotions down. I can deal with them later.

I pull the body suit on and zip it up. I pin my braids so that do not sway as much. I walk into the bathroom and grab my lazer tag contacts. Whenever I come here, I always wear the same thing. My contacts and my mask. My contacts glow in the dark. They also make my eyes look like a cat. My mask is by far my favorite. It had a little nose and a long teeth. A tongue sticking out as well.

I go back into my room and pull on my worn in combat boots. I walk out and see no one. They probably already left...

I make it to Laze. That is where it is being held. At least it is at a place I am used to. I walk in and see someone familiar. Blooma looks up at me and was about to ask me something. She sees me and almost screamed. She looks at me with tears rolling down her eyes. She said in a crackly voice, "Asher is that you?"

I shake my head yes. She runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug. She is shorter than me. I hug her back. She began to cry. She said, "I thought they killed you."

I said, "I am alive. I just got really beat up by them. Do you still have my guns here?"

She releases me and nods. She wipes away her tears and said, "Go on inside. You are the color cream."

I nodded and said, "Thanks Blooma."

I walk in and was engulfed into darkness. The led lights illuminating where there were walls and obstacles. I walk over to a cream colored light. And the people there seemed familiar. I watch as they looked around and whispered to teach other. I look around and see people looking nervous.

Seems easy enough for me. I just have to follow the big groups. The door opens again and Blooma comes running in. She hands me my vest and two guns. I heard whispers. I smirk at it. I said, "Thanks Blooma."

She waits as I swiftly put on the vest and hold the guns. She said, "Can I have another hug? I am still not really sure."

I hold my arms out and she hugs me one more time. She had a harder time gripping because of the vest. I hug her back with the guns lighting up. We release and she began to cry again. I hold both guns in my right hand and wipe away her tears. I said, "Do not cry Blooma."

She gives me a big sigh and said, "Sorry. I just thought you had died."

I said, "And I say that I just got badly hurt. My white is to my shoulders. I am not dead yet."

She nods and said, "I have to go start the game."

I watch as she runs back out. I turn to my team. They look at me. Most of their eyes were on me. I make sure my guns match my vest. They do. The counter goes down. People began to run around. I wave my teammates off and run after the biggest group. Kinda stupid that they all stuck together. They are doing this on purpose.

I smirk. They think they can gang up on me. Please. They do not know who they are messing with. They all hide in a corner. I hide behind the nearest obstacles. I check for people up high. There were a few. I shoot them down and the sound of them dying echoed through the area. They all began to shift and whisper to each other.

I smirk as I take them down one by one. They looked so scared, I honestly think that they peed their pants. I got about 15 people right there. I hear someone give a girly scream. I look over and see someone chasing someone with a cream color. I chase after them. He gets cornered in a dead end. He sees me and I put finger to my mask. I check above. Someone there. I did not get to see the color. I run and flip over the person. I shoot them and then use my other gun to shoot the person on top. He gave a small sigh and called out, "Good job for killing me Wild."

He sees me and waves. I wave back and turn around and help the boy up. He had blonde hair and royal blue eyes. He took my hand and I helped him up. He looked like he was going to hug me. I push him away and roll. I then shoot the person standing in the open space. He looked mad and stormed off.

I said, "You can go now. Just try not to get cornered again. If you do, scream again. I might not save you, but I should be able to kill the person who killed out."

I run off. I run around and killed people. The round ended when almost everyone was dead. We all went back to our colors. People murmured the entire time I walked past them. I wonder why? Probably because I killed them.