
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


They show me what is in the box. The knives. Perfect. I take one and Anubis hands me a paper. I give him a sweet smile and put my serious face back on. I take the paper and swipe the knife cleanly through. It went through nicely. I nodded and said, "Perfect. These will do nicely."

He nods and the person carrying the knives sets it on my lap. Walking out quickly. I sigh and said, "I should probably head back."

He grabs his keys and said, "I can drive you back."

Another thirty minutes passed before I got back to school. I thank Anubis and walk towards people. I see everyone. Kian walks up to me. His face flushed and sweaty. His clothes clinging to him tightly. I advert my eyes and look him in the face.

He said, "What do you have?"

I smile and said, "A knife."

Nothing. Invidia comes running over and said, "Did you just make a vine reference?"

I nodded and smiled at him, "Thank you. Someone cultured."

He smiled back with a huge blush. He blushes easily apparently. He walks back. Kian on the other hand, was not happy. He said, "You are late for practice."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Let me change and I can take over."

He narrows his eyes and said, "No way are you leading me and my brothers."

Brothers? Okie. I shrug and said, "Do you have experience training people?"

He nods slightly and said, "As a matter of fact, yes, I do."

I give he a nod and said, "I do find it cute how you think you have trained more than me."

He smirks and said, "But I probably have. With them at least."

"And what about training for weapons? Know how to do that? Or how to make people actually train?"

He rolls his eyes. Amadour comes walking up. He smiled and said, "Hey Asher. How is your cheek?"

I turn around and wave to him. I said, "Oh hey Amadour. My cheek is fine. Thanks for asking."

"Do you mind helping me and my team with training?"

"Of course. Since someone will not let me train their team."

I gave a sharp look to Kian. He rolls his eyes and walked off. I turn back to Amadour and said, "I just need to change into something for training. Wanna come with?"

He shrugs his shoulders and said, "Sure I guess."

Me and Amadour walk into the building and take the elevator. He turned to me and said, "Why will they not let you train them. You are amazing at lazer tag."

I laughed a little and said, "I dunno. I guess since they are all brothers maybe."

We arrive on my floor and I walk into my room. I said, "We can keep talking while I change."

I grab another body suit. This one was a very dark gray instead of black. I walk into the bathroom and change quickly. I brushed my hair out and walked out putting it into a ponytail. We walk out and go down. We make it to the ground floor and he said, "Follow me please."

I nod as he talks me around back. More grass back here. But this time, there were people here. They all greet me and Amadour politely. I said, "Mind if I take over?"

Amadour nods and said, "This is my friend Asher. She will be talking over training. Is that okay?"

A chorus of yes echo nicely though my ear. I smile and say, "Talk among each other. I will join in randomly. They all began to talk. I walk over to someone who was by themselves. He had royal blue hair an violet eyes. I smile warmly and said, "I am Asher."

He smiled back. How the hell are they this handsome and so nice? All the men I met, that are good looking, are flirty and sexual. It is nice though. He said, "I am Acacius."

"What are you doing by yourself Acacius?"

"I just wanted to enjoy the nature."

"Nature is nice."

I wave goodbye and walk towards two people. One with orange hair and the other with yellow. Like a legit yellow. Okie then. I walk up to them and said, "Hey. What are your guys names?"

The orange haired one said, "I am Lysander. And this is Akram."

I nodded and said, "Nice to meet both of you. I do hope we can kill each other in lazer tag."

They nod and I walk off. I see someone with Amadour. I walk up to them and said, "Hey Amadour."

He smiles and said, "Hey Asher. This is Bensen."

He smiled. I nod to him and said, "Hello Bensen."

I walk off. I see two more people talking. One with green hair and one with violet hair. They see me and greet me as soon as I finish walking up to them. The green haired one said, " Hello Asher. I am Cedric."

I nodded my hello and the violet one said, "I am Binoy."

I said, "Hello Binoy. Nice to meet both of you."

We all talked until it was about lunch time. I had learned some information. Useful in using to my advantage. I told them I was going to be training. And I did say that I was going to train with my team. But now I got information and everything is nice.

I walk back to my group. They must have gone inside. I want to do some cardio. I decided to take the stairs. I set my timer and started it. I sprinted up the stairs. Take two and three at a time. I make it to the top and check the time. About a minute. I felt great after doing that honestly.

I could see Bellomy looking at me. I said, "What are you looking at me like that?"

He said, "Why were you even taking the stairs?"

I shrugged and said, "I needed to do some cardio. All I did was socialize."

I roll my eyes. He said, "Then what was the point of you even training them?"

I gave him a sly smile and said, "Why do you seem so interested?"

He shrugged. But I think I could detect a faint blush. Probably being caught. I laughed and said, "I am loyal to my team. I never train people as good as I would do if I had an actual time. And in this case, I do."

He sighs and said, "Kian was trying to kill us with cardio after you pissed him off.