
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


I watch the elevator. I was actually happy to see him again. The door opens and I see him. He was looking around, anyalisis the place. I go up to him and hug him. He hugged me back and said, "I am so happy you are safe Ash."

I sigh and said "I told you I can handle myself."

We release and Kian gives me a confused look. I said, "If you are suspicious of me, they you better leave us alone. Unless you want to see us talking."

He walks off without a second thought. I look back at Anubis. He still had his blood red hair and pretty yellow eyes. I was honestly so happy to see him. But something felt. I know I should ignore it, but I did not like this feeling. I said, "Where do you want to talk?"

He said, "We can head back to base and we can talk over breakfast."

I laughed and said, "I feel touched that you came all the way up just to see me."

He pats my head and said, "Of course. We are so close we are practically family."

I smiled sweetly and said, "You and Alastair are like my actual parents honestly."

He laughed and said, "I will have them make waffles."

I lick my lips at the thought of waffles. I said, "I just need to be back for training."

He looked at me confused and said, "They are still making you train from jail?"

I gave him a sad look and said, " Not like that. I am training people. And they escaped from jail."

He made a face and said, "Then why the hell are you living here?"

I sigh and said, "I have to pay off the debt Hunter left me with."

He gave me a look and said, "You could have just asked me for money."

I shrug my shoulders and said, "I am tired of people trying to fix my problems. You know what Alexander and Alina did right?"

He shakes his head no. I looked at him in shock. I said, "I must have told Alastair then. Well, they basically put me through therapy so they can use the sensitive information against me. Making sure I never try anything that could get them arrested."

His eyes widen. And a tint of guilt. I may be looking into it to much. I sigh and said, "Lets go."

We go into the elevator and down we went. We arrive on the bottom floor and walk towards his car. A jet black mustang. I roll my eyes and said, "Show off."

He laughs and said, "This is only one of my cars."

I give him a smile and shake my head. He opens the door for me and I get in. He closes it softly and walks over to his side. He slumps in and starts the car. We arrive at his base in about 30 minutes. We get out and walk inside. Eyes trailed my as I walk in with him. One person tried to flirt with me. I just flipped them off and kept walking.

We make it into his office. I sit down in a chair in front of his desk. He sits down in his. He said, "What weapons do you need and how many?"

I hold my finger against the cold wood and said, "I need 7 knives. All like mine. Maybe throw in a few new ones for me. How much?"

He said, "Nothing. I could never charge you."

I smile at him and said, "Are you sure?"

He nods. He picked up his phone and began to talk. I close my eyes and wait. I open them when he puts the phone down. He said, "Someone is sending them up right now."

I nod and we wait. A person knocks. He gets up and opens the door. A male with a tray of waffles comes in. I lick my lips and wait. I honestly want to eat waffles right now. I always have a soft spot for waffles. Only when I have not eaten in days. Another person comes in with a box that looked like a Christmas present.