
1st day on earth

Hey miss "bring this medicine fast " person in white coat said to lady in green top and skrit .

It is raining outside and lighting like something is going to happen serious . many people are praying infornt of god . There is no sound of human in long distance .it is only hospital of this area .Today queen of this another Kingdome is going to give birth to her child in this place .In corner of hospital there is one 30-35 year's person who have a sword in his hand and bandage in his leg .it looks like that his leg is broken .He is King and waiting for his baby and wife .

King and queen are in journey to wards their nation but in way they were attacked by some thif and queen loose badley .so they are here today .it look like that King is in deep sleep and wake with sound of lighting .it continue for half of hours .A loud Mone of baby came out from the room and distrube the silence of hospital .

Man in with clothes came out and said "sorry we cant save your wife."King pick his sword and run to wards the man he see a lady in green cloth have child in her arm and moving to wards him which change mind of King and his sword get colasped with wall .He take baby from her hand .he take out a locket from his neck and put it on baby . it is like a morning after a long dark night .He says"warm welcome to you my child in this Earth. you will bring change in your nation and you will become a good King"

.heee hee sound of horse come from a distance distrube the king .he looked nervous.He called a nurse of hospital who have bring his baby to him and give her a small bag of some gold coin and baby he said," I will be back if I don't return please take care of this baby until my man came for him" and he left the hospital with great speed.

I am writing it first time

so please leave what do you want .please

aaushcreators' thoughts