
the day of promise

Olny the sound of gun firing is heard in hospital .All people are afraid .After some time two women and eight man came in haospital.They kill all people of hospital and collect money , ornaments.when they are returning one of them listen the sound of baby .she is 40years old women .she took baby with her and they continue.theri journey to wards the direction where king have gone .After 5minutes of time there is a hanging body of King in old pine tree.it looks like some thing bad happen with him .baby looked at it but the journey with these thif take him away .

They take baby to their shelter and take care of it. After fourteen years.the baby become a young and strong men .today is day for his admission in group of thif after which he can perform robbery and get commission on it ."Jake came her ,"old lady with brown hair called him .she bring out two weapons knife and gun from her cupboard.she cut her hand and drop blood on gun and she cut hand of Jack and drop blood on same gun .she pick it and raise her hand to wards sky and said"the Lord of devil please lead my son toward great path of robbery" and she provide this gun to Jack .Jack" eat some food and go to master's home .he will give you some work "lady says and she become busy in her work .when Jack rode his horse with gun .it look like a legend came from heaven to clean the sin of Earth .he move toward house of master in speed of wind .