
Angel's Tear

"The famous Phantom Thief Lily has shown us her worth once again, stealing the Deep Sea from the rest of the world! What will she steal next?"

"Dave, don't you think she would be the best bachelorette out there? She's nimble and confident. And haven't you seen her eyes. They're so beautiful! They draw you in no matter what the circumstance is!"

"I agree Tina. Lily herself would be the diamond for most people. Prized treasure that only the worthy can get her."

"Ah, I wish for her to appear soon. Oh wait, there's a call coming in." The female picks up the phone before muttering something.

"Oh, it looks like Officer Hans has come in with a threat. He wants Phantom Thief Lily to come by the Jewel History to come and steal the Angel's Tear on June 13th!" The announcer said in an excited tone.

The white haired female shoots up from the couch at the sound of her name being called. Her blue eyes widen as she took in the information.

"Big Brother…" Her petite voice sounding throughout the empty house they were both in. A mop of black hair with the same pair of blue eyes popped out from a room.

"What is it Rebs?" Her pale white hand pointing to the screen, showing the Angel's Tear. The brother comes to her side before throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"But… No request Big Brother…" She makes a small pouty face, as she was excited about getting another jewel. Her brother gives out another sigh, not wanting to disappoint.

"Give me a second Rebs, I'll go back into my room." He goes back to his room before returning back into the living room with a letter in his hand.

"Not as well paid as the others, but if you want, we can do the heist." Her eyes gave out the sparkle when she gets something her way. All she has given was a silent smile.

The next few days were a breeze. The two were busy preparing for the spectacle that was about to be bestowed. Pierce hacks into their system to get info on how their plan should go, whereas Rebecca was practicing her skills.

June 13th has finally come. Everybody's eyes were on the big screen, broadcasting the surveillance feed. The police got a note earlier that day. All it said was:

"The Lily would come by when the clock strikes 12.

Signed, Lily "

This letter has put all of the guards on alert, guarding all entrances and making sure nothing gets past them. The minute hand ticks, getting closer to the mark. The hand finally hits the mark and the sounds of a nearby clock tower rings.

Sounds of an enticing melody playing started to ring through the quiet museum. Lily was carving the pedestal the jewel was on from below. Her quick and nimble hands took the jewel and replace it with a fake that has her stamp on it.

However, one of the officers saw the deed and he removes the cover and the top. Lily met with the eyes of the officer. Her headset has started to give instructions.

"Lily, grapple." Pierce said through the headset. Being amongst the crowd has given him good coverage. Lily jumps out from her hiding spot, revealing herself to the public.

She takes out 3 smoke bombs from her belt and throws them, activating them. The room fills with smoke, blinding everyone's visions. Officer Hans is starting to shout orders for everyone to keep calm.

A figure appearing out of nowhere. Her signature clothing and those damning blue eyes. She pulls out a lily and smiles at him.

"If only the world is pure like the Lily. But guess we can't have any good things." She quickly places the lily in his chest pocket before disappearing.

The fog is slowly dying and the officers are able to see again. Lily stands in the middle of the room before making her escape.

Everything that happened so fast, that it was pretty much a blur. The same guard who saw Lily doing the deed questioned the lily in his supervisor's chest pocket.

"I have not a single clue." Hans gives out another puff of air, exhausted from the continuous chase. He issued orders to everyone to scatter and discuss their next game plan.

Rebecca walks into the alley where her brother had parked the car. Her hands are holding the costume and the jewel.

"Big Brother…" Pierce places his hand on her head, gently rubbing it. He gives off the assuring smile and the same old "well done Rebs". The two sold off the jewel for another high price before heading home.

When they got home, there is a box waiting for them. Pierce rushes towards the box, opening it with vigor. Inside revealed a set of uniform, a set of textbooks and one timetable.

"Big Brother…?" He immediately turns back towards her and starts explaining.

"I decided that you need to go back to school Rebs. Thievery can be a thing sure, but I wish for you to have a solid education on things. I'll be here supporting you as your guardian." Her face is being painted with confusion.

Rebecca shakes her head, understanding her brother's thinking. She kneels down next to him, putting her hands on top of his.

"Okay… Rebs will go to school.." Pierce's eyes shined and he hugged her. These two really need to support each other.

Monday eventually comes, Rebecca is putting on her uniform, the uniform just fits. Pierce comes in and gives her a hug before bringing her to school.

The school is huge, painted with blue and white paint. It sounds quiet due to class already starting. Rebecca immediately rushes for class and stands outside, waiting to be called on.

Once she has gotten her cue, she walks in with timid steps. She stands next to the teacher's table and takes a bow.

"Rebecca… Yiel…" is the only thing she said before her voice stopped from the anxiety.

Hello! It's me again. Thank you for reading this chapter for TML! It has honestly been a really long time since I have updated and I am really excited for you guys to read it. I hope you guys did enjoy this!

Thank you @noctiferu for helping me edit things and cramming basic grammar into my head!

Now, I'm planning to do a once a month update for this fantasy of mine. It's because I want to keep up my schedule for FS and want to keep the quality for this. Thank you once again!

Seitancreators' thoughts