
They Crave For Your Flesh

The world as you know it was about to take a drastic change, after the birth of a little girl during a monstrous thunderstorm, sharing none of her parents features despite being bounded by blood, but she did remind them of an old family member that had recently disappeared without a trace. (BB X oc)

GogetaFanUwU · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 9

It has been several days and Armaros had separated from the group in hopes of finding Bailey, leaving Nova, Michael and Keith to fend for themselves as Nova had mysterious fallen serious ill, gaining a rather vicious fever making it impossible for her to walk the longer it is left untreated. Leading to Michael giving her a piggy back ride instead refusing to leave anyone behind especially his own girlfriend, as too would've done the same for him.

However, from up in the trees a figure watched from above jumping from tree to tree following these new faces with curiosity, while they struggled to survive on just water as the last remaining of food ran out two days ago, when Armaros took off on his own without leaving a single trace or clue of where he was going.

"Why are we still walking? Nova is badly sick and could die any day. Other than that we're out of food!" Keith complained as Nova's eyes remained glued shut trying to rest sweating and shivered despite being extremely close to another warm blooded being, allowing her coughing to be heard hurting him knowing there's nothing they have that could potentially help her recover.

"Don't you think I know that already. And besides if we keep going we'll soon hit another deserted city, and camp there for awhile until we find some medicine that can help cure Nova's fever" Michael replied refusing to give up until stopping when a random ghost only he could see flew in front, stopping him directly in his tracks.

"He's here. The doomsday Diablo is here, and he isn't far behind" the ghost said warning him of this so called 'doomsday Diablo' person or possible a dangerous walker they should avoid at all costs. This made him turn around trying to spot this Diablo person, but Keith was left startled by his sudden movements seeing his big brother act so strange in such an open place.

However, something crashed down behind Michael causing him to freeze in place for a moment as dirt scattered around from where this mysterious person had landed, before slowly turning his head and upper body around slightly, wanting to see who it was and if they were even alive telling from the loud crash they had made when hitting the ground in which they were standing on.

They had a short, black messy undercut, olive skin and seductive blue eyes, as some parts of his rather rhomboid shaped masculine body that had visibly scars which can be seen on some parts of his body, as two black distinctive markings were noticeable around both of his writs, as other interesting markings could be visible on other parts of his body that hid underneath a tight black wet tank top he wore, along with some dirty ripped grey joggers, black and white trainers, a bandaged that wrapped around his right hand as some pieces dangled off which were covered in mud, with two deadly spiky black metal blade knuckle dusters tightly gripped in both hands as he began to walk towards them revealing no fear in every step he took.

"Oh fuck.." Michael muttered having no chance against this guy especially with Nova who was still unconscious on his back, making him and Keith easy targets for any attack. The guy suddenly stopped with a scoff keeping a safe distance from the two as he began to spin the knuckle busters he had in both of his index fingers, while chuckling at their reaction.

"You guys are hilarious, but I ain't here to harm you" his voice was deep making even the manliest of men want to call him daddy and women faint, but it too can become a weapon in either to scare his opponent or confuse them into telling him exactly what he wants to hear. Michael grew slightly suspicious by how calm this guy was acting, being oddly patient to them unless he saw them as travellers?

"Then why are you stalking us if you're not planning to harm us?" Michael began to question the stranger who put away their knuckle busters, not wanting to put a threatening image in Michael's mind when realising that he wasn't that easy to convince.

"Diablo.. Diablo" the same ghost repeated a few times pointing at the man that stood before them as his attention looking directly at the girl one of them were carrying on their back unconscious and visibly sick.

"That girl. She is in need of medical help, there's a refugee camp not far from here. If you follow me I can get her treated" he suggested coming closer seeing how over protective Michael seemed to be peeking at his interests, but his actions were true he wanted to help the girl, nothing more. Keith walked up beside his big brother not feeling any bad vibe from this guy, and trusted his word to ensure that their friend gets the medical attention they needed.

"Come on, Michael. This could possibly be the last ever chance we'll to surviving this hell hole. Let alone saving Nova from potentially dying!" Keith turning to look at his brother knowing that it was bad idea to trust a stranger they had just met, but what other choice did they have? Nova was sick and they were completely out of food with no way to help fight this fever she was battling. Michael let out an agitated sigh not letting a single thought cross his mind to let this guy touch or even get close to Nova, after just barely slipping away from The Black Dragons grasps leaving them to fight against starvation in the wild forest that went out for several miles with no end, and could've died if it wasn't for Diablo stepping in to help them.

"Fuck.. Fiiine! Lead the way" Michael replied as Diablos turned to his left and walked off guiding the lost souls in the direction of this so called refugee camp he had going around the area, but it had been a while since they had followed him and Michael was growing tired wanting to take a little break, making Diablo turn and walk towards him with eyes having a glued interest towards the girl he was carrying.

"If you want I can carry her for you? We do have another half an hour walk until we get there, and you look like you're on the brink of passing out" Diablos asked making as Michael was struggling to catch his breath and it has been a while since he had a break, but Keith was aware of his brother's determination to protect her as he too wasn't able to do that for his own girlfriend.

"Just let him carry her.. He is the only one with the strength to do it right now, and you're in no shape to keep carrying her or it'll end up killing you" Keith said knowing that if this guy wanted to harm them then he would've already done it, due to their weak starved state going almost three days without food. Michael growled to himself hating the thought of allowing another guy touching her, but what else could he do? He eventually allowed Diablo to carry her in his arms and remained close behind him once they got back to their feet, and continued on the path to this refugee camp.

It wasn't long when they came to a big cliff that was apart of a mountain which to Keith was never there before, but he didn't want to question it when Diablo suddenly stopped near the wall of the cliff.

"Great a dead end. Are you sure you know what you're going?" Michael asked with a grudge as Diablo rolled his eyes with a smirk knowing something they don't, as he walked towards the wall and fazed through it shocking the two as Keith rushed over, and stop directly where Diablo disappeared slowly reaching his arm out. It went through with ease forcing Michael to walk over and do the same until gaining the courage to go through it entering inside pathway of a cave that was lit up by weird magic flamed torches.

Diablo could be seen glancing over his shoulder at them when the entrance was then closed up, before continuing to walk through the cave, leading them in the way that led straight to the place he promised would help their friend fully recover.

However, once they reached the end to a massive opening as a bright light blinded the two for a second allowing their eyes to slowly adjust when seeing a small village in the middle of a valley that was protected by the mountain that surrounded it, making it impossible for any walker to randomly stumble upon it due to its steepness.

"This is Haling Valley. A safe heaven for human kind and all alike to hide away from this disgusting turn of events, but don't worry we have a special magical barrier that keeps us hidden from those who fly above us no matter what they do we can see them, but they can't hear or see us" Diablo said introducing them to the beautiful valley and how it was filled it far more life than The Red Dragon base, making it far more suitable for anyone to restart their life without worrying about becoming a walkers lunch. There were houses everywhere, shops and even an arena making the place far more interesting than the last one they had previously stayed in prior before the invasion.

The brothers were left speechless as Diablo began to head towards the village as those who saw him greeted their 'champion' or 'saviour' making the first title odd to them, but they ignored it following him until reaching a hut. Diablo knocked at the door allowing an innocent looking old lady to answer seeing the girl unresponsible in his arms and instantly let them in.

"Muriel. Do you think you'll be able to help her? I don't really trust the scientists, even if I was the one to save them, but I had no other choice.. And she really needs your magic and potions more than ever. Compared to whatever untested cure those scientists might have cooped up in their little laboratory" he asked not trusting the last survivors he brought in due to somewhat background he had with scientists, but the old last wasn't going to let him down. Michael was sat on a wooden chair against a small little table watching Diablo's every step while Keith was excited to have come across an actual kind hearted witch.

"Lay her on the sofa for me love, I must check on the poor thing" Muriel instructed as he carefully laid Nova down face up on the sofa, with a pillow resting behind her head and moved out of the old lady's way as she began to check on the girl. "Hm.." she hummed curiously and gently grabbed one of Nova's hands placing it in one of her own as she put her other hand on top, closing her eyes beginning to feel something in the girl's life force. Deep within laid an immense of power that remained dormant sleeping within Nova's soul, but when it will awaken is still unknown. And a little something else could be seen growing somewhere else in her body, only existing with her presence and what she brings when watering and feeding it everyday. "I see.. And there is still so much more for you to discover about yourself that not even you knew existed. You are surely destined for greatness, but when will you unleash this power? But will you use it for good?" she thought seeing a swirl of darkness that dwelled in the depths of her heart hoping this sparkle of hope wouldn't blow up and turn against them. Muriel opened her eyes as she gently returned Nova's hand back to her side, and turned to look at Diablo who had been standing there patiently for the past five minutes waiting for her to finish.

"Well? Can you help her, abuela?" Diablo asked as she then hovered her hands over the girl's unconscious body feeling the fever radiate from the body, as an uncomfortable groan could be heard from Nova turning her head from the pain. Muriel turned her head to look at him seriously when her hands stopped over the stomach near the abdomen, sensing something emitting from it, but she didn't want to say anything without notifying the girl first.

"I need you to head out and grab me some Elderberry's and honey for me, I really need them to help the girl. So be quick" Muriel instructed knowing he's do well on collecting her supplies as Diablo left the witch's hut in search for her things either market bough or found away from the valley. She then turned her attention to Michael making him freeze when feeling her gaze stare at him. "You.. Get me some blankets from the closet" she instructed glancing over at a door that wasn't far from the sofa, as he shot up and headed toward it opening to find a lot of blankets that were neatly folded inside, he reached inside and grabbed one carrying it as he used his food to shut the closet door after himself, taking the blanket over to Muriel helping the old lady cover Nova up to keep her warm and toasty with a warm towel placed on her forehead, while they waited for Diablo to come back.

It took him thirty minutes to get grabs on what she needed, and headed straight into the kitchen ready to make the girl some tea to help reduce the fever. Nova was forced to take little sips of the tea slowly allowing it to work its magic lowing most of her fever down, to the point she could finally regain consciousness and stay awake for longer periods of time.

"I'm just glad to see you recovering, it's far better that what I was doing" Michael said while sitting on a wooden chair he had dragged round prior, and let out a sigh disappointed sigh turning his head away as she placed a hand on his thigh.

"You tried your best, that's what matters" she replied proud that he managed to trust a stranger neither of them knew to take her and get medical help, if he didn't then she would've surely died or dragged them down a very emotional path.

"I know, but if it wasn't for Keith tell me to trust him you probably won't be feeling any better.. I almost got you killed" he was guilty and she felt bad even after what they've been through Nova wouldn't blame him. Michael became emotional even with his face turned away she could tell he was crying.

"Stop blaming yourself.. I am alive. There is nothing for you to be guilty about" Nova replied wanting to comfort him, but she hasn't gained the strength in her body to lift herself up let alone sit without any help. Muriel walked in hearing the conversation as she stopped at the otherside of the sofa looking at the two and how one tried to comfort the other.

"You got lucky or it would've been far worse, but Diablo found you in hopes of helping lost souls like yourselves that have been sucked into this horrific apocalypse with no safe place to call home. It's probably for the best if you let it go and move on, they need you just like you need them" Muriel said as he began to wipe the tears away despite the feeling remaining present, but he understood what she was trying to say. His hand then placed on top of her until scooping it up as he kissed the top of her hand.

"I'm sorry for making you worry" apologising for what he has done, but seeing him cry wasn't something she wanted him to apologise for other than wanting to know if he was alright.

"I know you are, but if there's anything you want to say or talk about, you should always know that I'll always here for you, just like you are for us" she replied tightening her grip around his hand not wanting him to forget about the promise they secret made to be there when the one needed the other the most, no matter how dire the situation is. Keith made his way back into the hut exhausted from helping tend to the old lady's small vegetable patch that was by the side of the hut protected by wooden fencing.

"You mean the four of you.." Muriel added in correcting them even if the three had no clue what she was on about, daring her eyes at Nova making Michael stand up from the wooden chair causing Nova to let go of his hand seeing the curiosity get the better of him.

"What are you about four? There's only three of us our other 'ally' abandoned us" Michael replied trying to understand as she slowly shook her head no. Keith caught the glance of Nova who too was trying to piece the pieces together as he shrugged his shoulders having nothing.

"I'm not on about him, but what is currently with us right now in this very room" Muriel stepped past the doorway that seperated the kitchen and living room exiting the room where they all stood leaving only three of them remaining in the room to think as Michael began to count everyone like Keith, but only three were in there.

"But there's only three of us here. Unless..." Michael said taking another minute to think as Keith's eye darted straight at Nova leaving her confused, even if she just laid there doing nothing other than resting to fight off this fever.

"A-are you.." Keith said stuttered struggling to speak as he then turned his head to look back at Muriel who knew exactly what her was think and gave him a singular nod, leaving the boy speechless as he turned his attention to Michael and walked over to him. "You had a girlfriend for a little over two weeks and you get her pregnant! If you haven't realised we're in a dangerous world right now, and bringing a child into it is just messed up, bro" Keith said trying to reason with Michael revealing the big surprise, as there had to be one unhappy person when the big reveal is out, but no one knew she was pregnant until now. Michael was rather shocked knowing he was going to be a father, but in some way it was like he knew it was going to happen.

"Woah, calm down, man. I'm sure we can figure something out" Michael replied tempting to calm Keith down making the angry lad pause for a moment unsure of how he could be so calm at a time like this.

"And while we're on the subject, could you maybe stop yelling?! You're giving me a headache" Nova randomly snapped at them messaging the side of her head shutting the boys up as Muriel walked back into the living room handing the stressed soon to be mother a fresh cup of herbal tea.

"Sorry" the two apologised leaving Keith to elbow Michael in the waist causing him to groan in pain and hold where the boy got him before turning his head to the boy, silently staring at him as the front door opened causing them to look spotting Diablo entering with a friend. He appeared to be more human looking having white marking on his body in the same places instead of black like his 'champion' friend. Spiky medium wavy blonde hair and grey eyes, as he wore a white Henley long sleeves shirt, navy H.D Cutler jacket with some ripped black jeans, and black and green sneakers. 

The two instantly stopped once feeling the intense atmosphere hit them as soon as they entered the hut seeing the two brothers silently staring at them with nothing to say, while Nova remained laid down sipping some tea ignoring everyone in the room other than Muriel.

"Riiight.. I want you guys to meet my friend, Raphael. He's an angel of heal and he wanted to come check on Nova. Sorry Muriel" Diablo said as the old lady was unhurt by his words as she knew that the angel would do far better than what her potions and tea used to be like back when she was a young and cunning witch.

"An angel?" Nova thought to herself remembering what River used to be until she was sadly turned into a demon walker or is it an angel walker? Since she really didn't have any demon qualities other than having sharp gut cutting claws which was it. Raphael walked past the boys giving them no hint of attention as he sat down on a seat that was once Michael's and began to properly check on the girl.

"Muriel did quite a splendid job, but I get why you didn't bring her to me? My magic would've brought her back onto her feet within a couple of hours. What's the catch?" he asked turning to look at diablo who shrugged his shoulders not really thinking that his friend's magic could actually do much unlike Muriel's. Afterall she is older meaning she could possibly be more experienced in the medical field.

"She was the closest and.. More experienced, but what happened in here? The energy is intense" Diablo replied turning to Muriel who glanced at the two brothers who were silently fighting between the two. "Uhh.." he was lost for words as Keith could be seen stomping his heel on top of Michael's foot causing to hold back any screams he wanted to let out. When the pain subsided he them put Keith into a head lock and began rubbing his knuckle against the boy's head giving him the good old knuckle sandwich as well as some aching burning sensation on the poor boy's head.

"This is for my foot you doofus" Michael said to his little brother until Keith had enough and broke free from his arm's grip. Raphael was done healing whatever he could find and stood up ready to leave until stopping beside Diablo and whispered.

"She seems to be expecting in a next nine months.. I suggest being careful on whatever you're planning to do with her" Raphael left the hub giving the champ what he didn't want to hear, but he didn't seem to be bothered as Michael sat back down beside Nova again.

"We'll figure things out, but for right now it's probably for the best if you relax" he said not aware that Diablo was actually up to something along with his pal Raphael, but what exactly is it? Keith on the other hand sat at Muriel's tiny dining table having no other option than to sit there and do nothing, as this valley was peaceful and filled with interesting people.

"How about you guys stay in the Haling Valley? It's probably the safest place you can get to an actual home. It's all up to you" Diablo suggested not wanting to sound pushy, but he was correct as this place was far more protected than The Red Dragon's gang's hideout. It was tempting and profitable for them to stay in the valley, especially when Nova is carrying an unborn child meaning her life as well as the child's could be in some serious danger if they chose not to stay.

What will they chose? Stay in the Haling Valley or will they continue to walk an endless path straight to their own demise?