
They Crave For Your Flesh

The world as you know it was about to take a drastic change, after the birth of a little girl during a monstrous thunderstorm, sharing none of her parents features despite being bounded by blood, but she did remind them of an old family member that had recently disappeared without a trace. (BB X oc)

GogetaFanUwU · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 10

Back in the old demon walker infested city, Armaros could be seen walking around with his pistol in hand searching for any Black Dragons members to capture and interrogate them for any clue on where their base could possibly be located, and rescue Bailey from whatever hell they're putting her through.

"Why is it so far to find those Black Dragon bozos around where?" he thought already searching almost half of the city and still no one could be seen until heard a sound of quiet muttering stopping him on top of a rooftop, glaring down at a nearby herd of walkers until their muttering became clearer.

"Do you think he's gone? I really don't like the thought of using dead skin from a walker just so I can merge in with the rest of these things. It's disgusting!" one of them could be heard complaining as Armaros let out a huff looking down at these idiots that had idea that they had been found out. He jumped down in a dark alleyway behind them waiting for the right time to get what he wanted from these freaks, and decide once they confess if they should live or die before anyone can come to save them.

"These idiots have no idea of what's to come.. But my beloved comes before anything else, and if anything bad has happened to her every single one of them will perish!" Armaros thought as one of the two beings in disguise moved with the herd coming closer, until he managed to grab one from the back. He tied their mouth shut and dragged them away from the streets and into a building, so let the interrogation begin. Throwing the member against the carpet flooring gaining a burn on the left side of their body, while their screams were muffled making it impossible to call out or lure any walkers, as this building had no entry points since almost all the stairs that belongs to this building was completely blocked up with furniture, and other heavy things making it impossible for anything from getting in or out if they were just a meer human or a weak unevolved demon walker.

"Hmm! Mm!" the member tried to yell, but yet again it was absolutely useless as Armaros closed the door that shut off the living room from the corridor of this average sized apartment.

"There's no point in screaming, no one is going to hear you unless my pistol does it for you" he threatened pulling out his gun aiming it towards the ceiling before slowly moving it down until it was aiming at the guy that had just pissed his pants as tears poured from his face, confusing and disgusting Armaros as he glanced down seeing the wet patch along with a disgusting smell of pee. "Did you.. Did you just piss yourself?" he questioned making the situation he was stuck in sound repulsive and down right humiliating. The pistol was lowered as Armaros took a step back to think about his actions knowing this guy was already scared by his presence, and wanted to know how to approach the situation further without anymore bodily fluids being released. "Just tell me where your base is, and I might actually let you live with this embarrassment" Armaros said already making the man feel enough embarrassment that could cause him to hide away for possibly the rest of his life.

"Hmm!" the lad nodded frantically making Armaros put his pistol away and untied the fabric he used to keep them quiet, as they began to catch their breath before glancing up at the one who had caught them. "They have several bases around the world, beings such as humans and other intelligent life are being manipulated by beings like yourself and more to become at peace with our leader's boss once they're injected with a this mysterious red fluid.. It unlocks ones hidden other side, several have been killed due to failing to gain control of their transformation therefore losing control of themselves, but only a few have been changed believing in Colton's lies to overtake the world for inner peace. Those who are next to change are currently living in a Valley to contribute in the tournament in order to establish power and worth amongst the other rulers worldwide, but that's far far out of town" more than needed information was given to Armaros as his mind went back to when he was with the others before abandoning them, he always felt like something or someone was following them, but he thought it was cause of the lack of food and water. The name Colton was forever engraved in his mind knowing not only was The Black Dragons were involved in this messed up crap, but the bastard Colton was apart of it too.

"So you're saying they're planning to use innocent life, bare in mind real people as test subjects to create far more powerful beings, right?" Armaros replied seeing the nervousness of the guy's face like he knew more, as no matter who he looks at almost everyone in this group all had their own distinctive markings on their bodies, but why? How did they gain such weird dark markings? Could it possibly be witchcraft?

"Well yeah, but some of us here are a victim of this experimentation too.. The walkers as well had only evolved because of this mysterious red fluid that used to be in their system before they were killed to become a demon walker, and obey our leader's orders. It has made them far stronger and more durable to attacks, but if you go now you can stop them from changing the girl as well. There's a mansion near the outskirts of town where's she's currently being held, it's heavily guarded, other than a secret back entrance that's covered by some red rose bushes. Give it a kick and you'll be in" the guy wasn't stopping trusting that Armaros would spare him for this, and of course he kept his word, but their business was far from over.

"I can't have you alerting the others. So get changed and wash yourself.. You'll coming along with me" he instructed gesturing his head towards a nearby room where some clothes would be still untouched by who used to own this place, the prisoner gulped and did what he was told and went to clean himself and change not wanting to have a bullet ran through his head if he chose to disobey such simple instructions. When they were done Armaros was peeking through the cracks of one of the boarded up windows, watching the walkers drag themselves around until turning to his prisoner. "What should I call you?" he asked with a straight face sounding serious making the lad gulp nervously as he began to lightly sweat.

".. They call me Leonardo or runt as I'm kinda the weakest ranked member compared to the others or you would've been killed on the spit second, if you had caught Riley instead of me.. He's apart of the elite and my boyfriend" they replied warning Armaros of the possible death he would and could be receiving now knowing that his prisoner had a significant other he should be keeping an eye out for.

"Yeah.. Whatever. You better not be pulling on my strings or your so called boyfriend will be eating some of my bullets, if you catch my drift?" Armaros responded pulling out his pistol keeping it in hand just incase this 'boyfriend' of Leonardo's decides to show up. The two made their way to the bottom floor of the complex and headed off on foot forcing Leonardo to pull up his hood hiding from the others, while Armaros kept a close eye on them incase they decide to do something risky.

However, in the attic of a heavily guarded mansion Bailey can be seen lifted off the ground by her hands that were cuffed up and held by a chain that connected to a hook on the ceiling above her, as she dangled there in a short red puffy dress with both eyes shut unsure if she was either unconscious of asleep.

A guard could be seen entering inside as he remained close by with his back turned towards the prisoner, but for certain you should never turn your back on Bailey as who knows what she's capable off. It wasn't long when the guard was feeling drowsy and yawned allowing Bailey to open up one of her eyes before lifting up her legs and tightly wrapped them around the guard's neck, as he grabbed on as she began to lift him up from the ground with everything she had. The struggle continued for a couple of minutes until he began to lose consciousness, feeling his hands begin to slip Bailey then used her pelvis to thrust forward allowing more force to be pressed therefore breaking the guards neck. Her legs released his neck as he collapsed to the floor unresponsive, giving Bailey the chance to lower herself and walk her feet against his dead body up to the waist belt where the keys to her cuffs could be seen as she grabbed them with her toes, before pulling her lower body up towards the chains asher toes grabbed onto the key needed to unlock the cuffs grunting the long it took draining energy out of body just to save herself.

"Come on.. Unlock already" she muttered until hearing the locks undo freeing her as she fell landing on her hands and feet as she stood up, taking the two pistols that were held in the gun compartment in the dead guard's waist belt before turning towards the closed door and walked over and kicking it open, seeing more guard as they sat blankly staring at her as their game goldfish was interrupted. She cracked her neck as they got up leaping at Bailey as she began to shoot them all dead and continued to proceed through the mansion, walking through a door to an opening with several entrances as unlucky guard were shot on the spot, while their killer was making her way to the center of the room as they began to come from almost every direction, making her start to spin and shoot at every single one that tried to attempt to kill her allowing the red dress to flow elegantly with her spins.

It soon came to an end as she stopped and stared at an opening after killing two more guards in the area, dropping the pistols and darted in the direction that could possibly lead to her freedom out of this mansion. Kicking down another door she came into a different room more cramped than the last grabbing an unexpecting guard knocking him out as she continued to walk through as some of the others hid behind moveable metal gates, making Bailey kick one of the gates hitting a guard in the face while another tried to come from behind kicking the gate too hitting them in the face knocking the guard out, until another came out with a pocket knife as she smirked ripped a piece of her red dress off and held it in her hands as she went in dodging his knife's thrust wrapping the dress fabric around his throat, allowing Bailey to go behind him and flip the guard over her shoulder into a incoming guard who had a AK-47 knocking him down as the one she had flipped got back up ready to try and stab her again, but missed again as she moved out of the way behind one of the metal gates where she broke his arm and grabbed it before beginning to continuously bash it against his face until to became bloody and collapsed to the floor.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you~" Bailey said going towards a scared guard who backed up with a knife in his hand as he went to slash her throat, she dodged his attack and grabbed his hand forcing the knife to stab him in the gut instead as she kicked a guard that was coming from behind in the face cracking the skull, but that wasn't it she grabbed his knife and stabbed him in the chest before going back to the one she had made stab themselves as they tried to get her again. She wrapped the dress fabric around his hand and went behind them forcing him to slice own throat before releasing the fabric allowing the guard's body to squirt out blood and flop to the floor as he choked on his own blood.

Bailey grabbed the two AK-47s from two of the dead guards and began to proceed through the mansion with the only intention to kill every last one of them. She came out from one of the doors and took a left to a long corridor when spotting a group of unarmed guards walk in her direction before stopping when they spotted her, while she continued to walk towards them aiming the AK-47s directly at them as they began to coward away when she began to rapidly fire at them screaming at the top of her lungs. Shooting them all even if they chose to run, but more one there way and she had just ran out of bullets, dropping the guns leaving herself wide open for attacks.

Her eyes instantly began to scan the corridor for anything dangerous or sharp before gasping when spotting a sharp metallic spear, that leaned against the wall it was shiny, untouched and soon it was going to have some dead bodies on its body count. Bailey grabbed the spear admiring it in her hands as a guards began to come towards her instantly slicing one in the throat while others came running randomly shooting their pistols at her, but she was always one step ahead of them and ran up one of the walls killing three more mid air as she jumped down before using another pillar to jump up and take down two more. Using the spiked pole Bailey used it to jump over another guard that tried to shoot her, but it ended in them getting their neck sliced open as she proceeded to dance through elegantly dodging every built and killing every guard that tried to stop her, therefore stabbing one in the head and two guard through the gut before pulling it out and she headed through another door, entering the ballroom while the men she killed began to turn into demon walkers, but even she was surprised to see that all guards in this room had already been taken care off especially the dead ones too.

"What the heck happened in here?" Bailey asked herself when hearing footsteps approach from in front of her as she stood in the middle of the ballroom surrounded by bloody corpses, as the smell of blood flooded through her nose which was sickening despite being a cold blooded killing assassin compared to whatever The Black Dragons' leader is. The mysterious leader emerged hiding away his wings keeping a large distance from her knowing how dangerous and unpredictable she can be.

"How very nice of you to kill most of my weakest men. I was wondering when they'll change, but that's not the reason why I came to see you" they said cringing her out as she already has a partner, and he was far better than whoever is hiding behind that mask. In a split second they pulled out a gun and shot something at her leaving no time to dodge as it hit the side of her neck confusing Bailey for a second until pulling it out without a sinch of hesitation.

"The fuck was that? And what is this shit?" Bailey was upset and very grouchy from how long she had to sleep while dangled up from a chain, messing up her sleeping schedule and makeup. But it didn't take long for a weird feeling to overwhelming pain to hit her as she fell collapsed onto her knees clenching her hair hearing his evil chuckle. "What have you.. Done to me?" she groaned in pain feeling like her head was being stomped on by an elephant as it began to spread to her lower back and hands.

"I just simply injected you with a little drug I made myself. It might CHANGE the way you look at things, depending what you're going to change into" he replied as she tried with all her might to look at him seeing her enemy and the surroundings in a slightly different colour than what she's used to seeing.

"I-it hurts.." she whined making a little yelp unaware that Armaros was hiding behind the upper floor pillars that surrounded the opening in the ballroom carefully watching them in great detail. Suddenly wolf ears, tail and claws began to grow out of Bailey before the pain slowly began to subside as her body then collapsed to the floor heavily breathing, sweating from how much pain she had to endure.

"Well, well, well. It appears we have a werewolf in our hands. How odd? As I thought you were something more beastly like a dragon, but I guess this too isn't as disappointing as the others" The Black Dragon leader said in a mocking tone as he slowly made his way towards her before being stopped by a bullet that skimmed his face, as he turned to see Armaros standing on the balcony rails codly staring him down.

"Cowardly bastard, I'll make you pay for what you've done to Bailey" Armaros scowled jumping down from the balcony and handing feet first on the floor below him as he began to walk towards the leader showing no mercy, fear or hesitation for what he was planning to do, but where was his buddy Leonardo?

"Oh yeah? You and what army? I have the power to control the strongest of demon walkers, so I suggest you run along little angel before you get yourself hurt" The leader teased as Armaros lowly growled standing in front of Bailey remaining there for along as he is breathing, but crackled a smirk.

"Who said I was alone?" Armaros said as he glanced behind the big mysterious leader to the two buddies he made along the way, Leonardo and his half feline lover felix who stepped up behind their old leader. Felix was young like Leonardo, but he had dark short hair and warm ember eyes with striped cat like features. He clothes were torn so he could fit in with the other walkers and members that use the opportunity to hide from potential competition like The Red Dragons or another group with far more better technology and weaponry than them.

"Traitors. How dare you disobey me after everything I've done for you?! I gave you power in this disgusting world, and this is how you repay me?" the leader turned his back on Armaros and revealing his big black wings once again causing Leonardo to second guess his decision while Felix's tail brushed the back of his lower arm letting him know he isn't alone in this fight.

"No. You are the traitor for turning us into these freakish things! I didn't want to become half stupid cat, and he didn't want to be half fox either. You forced us to be like this so you can use us to become obedient dead corpse puppets for you so called 'peaceful plan to create a world where all beings can live in harmony', but to me you're only making this apocalypse worse!" Felix argued stepping forward again towards his former leader as the fallen removed his cloak, revealing short and recently cut wavy hair, while the mask remained on hiding his face. They wore a black tight turtleneck, black jeans and laced up combat military boots and fingerless leather gloves.

"It has been awhile since I've been in a fight. Just don't expect me to show you any mercy while I'm crush your puny bones to itty bitty pieces" he warned cracking his neck at both sides before dashing toward the two as Felix instantly jumped into action, going head to head for a couple of seconds until getting punched in the gut causing the half cat to fall down to the ground groaning in pain while holding his abdomen, as the leader scorn down at the so called elite fighter. "Pathetic.. A human would've put up a better fight than that, and you call yourself an elite. It's about time you get demoted" he scowled in disgust before stomping down on the lads leg, as he screamed in pain hearing the echoing sound of it snap, bringing Bailey back to reality as she slowly got up shaking her head before looking up, seeing Armaros standing there with his back faced towards her.

"Armaros?" She confusingly said causing him to instantly turn around and get down on one kneel placing both hands on her cheeks, seeing the state these bastards made of her.

"Thank the heavens you're alright! But don't worry I've got everything under control.. I think" he replied having some sort of thought process through as one of two men he had snapped to reality were being beaten and broken by this cold hearted Black Dragon leader whos identity is still unknown.

"You think? Just shoot the bastard! He's been trying to get frisky with me for days after he killed Mooshoo, this is the least you can do for me or I'm killing him myself!" Bailey replied as she stood up pointing at guy while Leonardo continued to try and fight the man, but it just ended with them being beaten and badly bruised. "Now I'm some furry freak!" she said to herself staring at claws that had form giving her sharp fingernails capable of slicing through solid wood and bone of the toughest of enemies.

"He did what now.." Armaros muttered to himself as he began to walk away from Bailey and towards the enemy, pulling out his gun before stopping in place aiming it at him, but the wings were in the way. "Damn it.. I can't get a clear shot" he thought until Felix clawed the former leader's leg causing him to yell out in pain, before aggressively kicking Felix sending him flying into a nearby pillar destroying it upon impact. This gave Armaros the target he needed an opening in a vital near the guy's shoulder before firing it hitting the leader as they stumbled with a hand covering where they had been shot, moving it he saw blood as it began to soak into his turtleneck startling him before turning to face the shooter.

"It was all a diversion so you could wound me, wasn't it? WASN'T IT?!" They roared taking flight in the air near the ceiling of the ballroom, as light emitted from the window he was hovering in front of allowing blood to drip onto the floor below him awaken some of the dead as their groans could be heard surrounding them. "Have fun with your new chew toys" he lastly said before crashing through the window leaving Armaros and the others to supposedly become dead meat to his minions, as he rushed off to get his wound seen to before time can run out.

Escaping the mansion the leader began to feel light headed and crashed into the middle of the streets where he soon gave in closing his eyes as if he was prepared to die, but distant gunshots were enough to echo through saving him from any walker he cannot control knowing that his time in this world hasn't come to an end just yet.

"I will get my revenge.. Even if it means.. Killing every last one... Of them" he muttered a final time until passing out from the loss of blood as other Black Dragon members came to his aid l and instantly took him of the streets for some urgent medical attention. Who is this guy? And why is he so obsessed with power? But what is causing such hunger for control and blood shed from this one odd being?