
They Crave For Your Flesh

The world as you know it was about to take a drastic change, after the birth of a little girl during a monstrous thunderstorm, sharing none of her parents features despite being bounded by blood, but she did remind them of an old family member that had recently disappeared without a trace. (BB X oc)

GogetaFanUwU · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 2

??? PoV:

Only a few more days and the plan is good to go, bringing all back to the stone age thanks to my deadly demon virus. Once it is injected all my mindless little minion needs to do is bite, scratch and infect to make it spread, but I can't control them as yet as I'm no mythical hybrid, just an ordinary black horned demon. It ain't stopping me from possibly starting an apocalypse I could get infected by my own virus, but I have a way to deal with that. However, the mortal race shall bend to my will 'cause soon all of this is going to become a hazardous zone even if they can't properly fly, I can just teleport them to other states to infect the other populations and gain my rightful place as a king to a real world. Just you wait Talon I shall grant the one wish you abandoned when you married that damn angel, and expose your true nature to the world once you and your so called family become my rightful puppets in my master plan for world domination. No one can stop me now.

No one's PoV:

Days went by and Nova grew unsure if Ace's warning was literal or just a hoax to trick her into bringing River back to the miserable life they both shared under the so called father's roof. She was walking around the mall in hopes to find something interesting to buy, and add to be baseball bat just incase HE decides to show up and try to finish what he originally started.

"I can't help, but shake that something is wrong. What is it? My brain can't make sense of it" Nova thought becoming uneasy as she went into a art shop that wasn't far from the toilets, there was plenty of nails and superglue for her to get ahold of. "Oddly enough, I need these for my own good" she quietly said grabbing some spiky nails and strong glue until she gets home to drill them in. After buying them Nova was about to head out when a scream could be heard not far from where she stood forcing her and some employees to peak outside, people ran inside of the store in a hurry when she walked out spotting something absolutely horrifying. Dead looking demons were chasing and tearing everyone they caught, reminding her of that one familiar zombie movie she watched with River. "Zombies? No, they don't have horns unlike these do and yet they look decayed and disgusting.. That's it they're Zombie Demons. I can't let them get me! I need to notify River about this ASAP!" Nova thought as she ran pulling out her phone with all the items she needed for this exact moment, ringing River in hopes that she hasn't hear about it as she ran towards the disabled toilet and locked it tight.


River: I got your message what's up?

Nova: You gotta believe me, but there's a literal zombie demon apocalypse happening inside the mall, and totally not stuck inside of a disabled toilet near the art shop.. 

River: A what?! I told you to lay off those zombie movies for a reason, and now look at you. You're hallucinating!

Nova: I'm serious..! Turn the news on and find out yourself. Ace warned me about this and now I see why, but I didn't expect this to happen! *someone banging on the toilet door*

Unknown person: Help me! I don't want to die! Ahh! *gets eaten alive by some nearby infected zombie demons*

Nova: *whispers* Do you believe me now? I'm literally witnessing a legit apocalypse happen right before my very eyes

River: *turns on tv and shocked to see what she found* You weren't lying.. You need to get out of there! 

Nova: *the dead walks not far outside the toilet as she begins to prepare her spiky deadly bat*  I'm kinda in a predicament right now, so it might take me awhile, but make sure none of them infects you, it can infect even the immortal so no one is safe. Lock the doors and barricade the windows, and wait until I get back. If I come back.

River: Don't say that! I need you to live, you're the only thing I have left in this hellish world.. other than my boyfriend, but you know what I mean!

Kaine in the background: I kinda need another killer on my side anyway, and you're not one of them babe.

River: Shut it you! I can't kill anyone, you know I can't even if it's for the greater good.. I need you here to help Kaine incase things get tough, but if you do get infected I just hope you remember that I'll always love you big sis, and nothing will ever change that.

Nova: ... I know... I ain't going to get out of here without at least killing some of these things, so expect me to be back covered in blood or some of it at least. Bye

River: w-wait! *call ends*


"Sorry, River, but I ain't having you hearing me having fun killing these monstrosities. It won't be fair to see me act so cruel towards these things, even if they were once uninfected" Nova whispered to herself putting the phone away, as she sat there and waited for the dead to give her some space and flee. 

Somewhere else in the mall everything was shut down to protect those who were lucky enough to get inside, but sadly in almost every closed off store there was an infected getting all of those who hid inside. Almost a rare few zombie demon that walked or ran through the mall had inhumane strength, and could easily damage and break the barriers that held them away from their delicious targets if the mindless things figure out how to use it.

Nova listened to their screams of terror and the gargling groans that came from the demon zombies, as a nearby survivor lured the ones that blocked her path away allowing her to unlock and peak out seeing a half eaten dead corpse, soon to change laid there with its intestines ripped out from the abdomen. Nove gipped from the smell of rotting decaying flesh and blood, emerging with her bat in hand ready to bash some brains in.

"This escape is going to take a lot of stealth, and from what I recall these things depend on their hearing and smell for blood than their eyesight, which proves that I can walk around, but need I need to keep my head down just incase I'm wrong" Nova thought as she snook to the end of the wall and peered over the edge of the wall seeing some of the unlucky few that were torn by the first few zombie demons, but the original seemed undecaying at first, pale and very much different from the rest. It was mindless just like the others and yet appeared to be untouched by the others clearly already brain dead, slightly ripped wings preventing it from properly flying while the others had no wings, just horns, tails, sharp claws and teeth making them look increasingly horrifying than the original. "Why are they so freaking creepy looking?!" Nova thought ducking back behind the wall holding the bat close to her chest, before softly exhaling until the gutted out corpse near her began to move, causing her to jolt up as it began to groan and get up. "Oh hell nah!" Nova panicked and quietly and quickly snuck away behind a support beam as the dead she was next to limped away with a missing arm.

Soldiers and police officers surrounded the entire mall waiting for the opportunity to expose of the threat before the city gets infected. Idiotically the head of the operation stepped forward with a megaphone in hand as other got ready to fire.

"If there are any survivors this is the head of the police department, remain hidden and out of sight as you'll soon be rescued, but if you're infected you'll be shot on sight to save our city!" he called out as Nova heard his call and instantly hit her entire body behind the beam and crouched down when seeing all the zombie demons turn their heads towards the direction of where the noise came from, and headed in that direction, some walked and others ran wasting no time to taste human flesh.

"No! What is he thinking?! He's going to get the entire city infected!" Nova thought while keeping still remaining vigilant to her surroundings just incase one of them decides to get curious. one the outside it was silent, too silent until the front doors of the mall were broken by a massive wave of zombie demons walking or running they were still dangerous, as soldiers and police officers began to shoot, but it was hopeless as there were too many of them and from then on the inevitable became a reality. The live camera that recorded it all made it clear that they were highly unsuccessful,  and became one of them and began to rampage through the city infecting those they can get their hands onto. 

"This is unbearably empty, and I wanted to bash some brains in too,*sigh*. I need to get out of here and see if River is alright" Nova said to herself as she began to walk through the empty mall as some undead were walking around, but she was too quiet to alert them of her presence as her phone was muted like it should have been in a very dangerous situation. "Hopefully she listened to me and barricaded everything" thinking about her little sister's safety without her there and unsure if Kaine could get infected despite already being a demon, but the friendly none virus deadly kind.

In the apartment Kaine had managed to barricade all the windows in the apartment, locked the door and ignored all who begged for help, refusing to let an infected get inside and take away the only true love that cared about him.

"How long did she say she's going to be?" he asked glancing over to River once he placed a chair underneath the front door's handle preventing anything from entering uninvited. She was nervous trying to call Nova, but nothing came through. This caused her to panic worrying that her own sister has been infected by one of those things.

"She isn't answering her phone. What if she got attacked? I don't want to lose her, she's the only actual family I have left" River began to panic causing him to walk over and scoop her hands into his taking the phone out of her hands.

"I might not know your sister as well as you, but there is one thing I know for sure. It's that she's a strong, cunning, understanding and will never let anything stop her from keeping you safe. And it's probably for the best to not ring her or it might put her in more danger that before" Kaine replied calming River down before she has an anxiety attack until wrapping his arms around her embracing the girl, as she began to break down scared that Nova had been taken by the dead.

"What if she becomes one of them? I don't wanna lose her, Kaine" River sobbed into his chest understanding her pain of losing a loved one, and hearing her crying didn't make him feel any better, but he let her cry it out gently stroking River's back while his other hand was placed on the back of her head.

"She's going to be fine, your sister is the bravest woman I know. So why don't you head off to bed while I stay up and listen out for her on the couch, deal?" he offered seeing how dark it was beginning to get as she sniffled trusting him with an important task, and head off without saying another word. Kaine sat down slouching forward leaning both arms on his thighs keeping the tv off, closing his eyes as he began to wait not caring about the loss of sleep until he finds out if Nova is safe enough to come back. "We have a protocall, texting only or I won't answer the door" he thought pulling out his phone and gave Nova a simple text for when she does arrive, for River's safety as only she would understand that family comes before anything else, even if your life is at steak.

It almost hit midnight when a distinctive knock could be heard causing Kaine to jump up waking up from a almost sound slumber, he cautiously made his way over to the front door and peeked through the peeping hole seeing Nova stood there with a bloody bat.

"I ain't wanting to knock again, man. Let me in before they spot me" Nova whispered as he instantly moved the chair and unlocked it allowing her to slip in, and relock everything and sighed with relief. Her clothes were covered in blood stinking as if she was rotten, he gulped nervously unsure if she had been bitten.

"Did any of them get you? Cause you're covered in blood" he asked as she placed the blood covered bat beside the front door, just incase anything decides to get in.

"Nah, this is all dead blood. None of it is mine, but if it makes you feel better I can check for some" Nova replied as if she had no idea if an undead bit her or not putting him on edge even though he felt no unusual energy emerge from her like the others do. Nova seemed to love the thought of living in an actual apocalypse killing things that ain't against the law, and no one to arrest her for doing anything illegal. She was practically living in a dream, but even if it's something to be loved, River wasn't liking it one bit. 

"Yes! Go and clean up before you stink the entire apartment with that stench" he complained as she shrugged her shoulders, and headed off into the bathroom along with some fresh clothes, knowing that she'll be going back outside for another round with her trusty spiked baseball bat. 

When the sun began to rise forming an incredibly beautiful sight Nova was seen relaxed, sleeping on the living room couch having the best nap of her life, as if she wasn't aware that zombie demon hybrids were walking just outside of her door.

Kaine was the last one to wake up as River woke up incredibly early spotting her big sister unharmed and sleep on the couch, as she walked over to the brave woman and sat down on the edge Nova even if there was no room.

"Hm? Oh, goodmorning, angel. How did you sleep?" Nova asked with a yawn while scratching both her arms and legs before turning to face the worried teen, until being instantly hugged by her as she hugged River back even tighter. "I guess I take that you missed me. I missed you too, bud" she added pulling her onto the couch trapping her on the other side stuck in her big sister's embrace.

"Aw come on, I wanted to have some early breakfast and an iced latte too" River whined hearing a loud groan outside causing her to clench onto Nova's clothes tighter than before, instantly taking it back and preferred to stick with her sister.

"Just go back to sleep with me I'll keep you safe.." Nova replied feeling more drowsy until eventually falling back to sleep, as it was contagious eventually causing River to fight it before giving in and fell back to sleep as well for a few more hours.

Later on that afternoon, Nova went on patrol around the apartment complex slowly building a barrier of bent spiked metal bars that'll hopeful protect them, until a far more safer place is found to create a more stable base. She fought a few undead demonic walkers during building while Kaine was brave enough to help, and secure the building, to search for any survivors while he hid away hid horns and tail or they too will think he's infected, but it was just genetics.

"How's that side coming along?" Nova called out as she glanced over as Kaine gave her a thumbs up after just tightening some rope. Her side of the barrier still needed work, but with all she's done up till now her body managed to gain some muscle, Nova wore a tight black tank top, black joggers with side pockets with a gold dragon design going up her left leg, black jacket with a fallen angel writing and broken wings on the back that was tied around her waist, red and black nike air maxs. A fitting choice of clothes if you plan of sneaking around.

A group of demonic walkers were slowly making their way towards them as she whipped out her spiked bat for some blood shed, putting Kaine on the spot unsure if he was fit to fight without a weapon and looked around for something to use.

"Crap, there must be something I can use to help!" he thought in a panic before slipping on something causing him to land on his ass, as a hard metal pipe rolled to a halt in front of him and grabbed onto it, just to turn and see Nova slaying them down on herself with a smirk as if she enjoyed killing them. "Holy shit.. On second thought she doesn't need my help after all" he said to himself dropping the pipe down and kept his distance as blood splattered everywhere, leaving the demon walkers to be laying dead on the ground permanently.

"I guess I am good at something, beating dead ass" Nova said to herself placing the bat over her shoulder and blood dripped onto the ground along with its nose killing stench. She glanced over seeing watching her from afar which was odd to see from him as she gestured him to come over with just her head, and he did just that.

"Did you kill them all?" he asked once he stopped beside her glancing down the now dead demon walkers, while she catched her breath slightly sweating as it dripped down from her face and onto her chest. 

"Of course I did, look at their heads and how the brains are coming out from their skulls.. A masterpiece" Nova was in her own world describing the beauty in her own mess of these demon walkers, and all of those who dare to try and ambush them, but that hasn't happened to them just yet. And if so how will she defend against them if they had guns? 

"Are you sure you're going to be alright going out there by yourself with just a bat?" he asked even though the place will be alright for a couple of weeks with daily maintenance, if they're willing enough to clear the still alive dead bodies off it to prevent pileups.

"Of course, I just have to trust that you guys can keep the place in top shape until I get back.. A few days around the city wouldn't hurt while I collect for some supplies. Besides I'm the only brave one fit for the job, it isn't like a demon to miss out on a little fun, right?" Nova replied aiming directly from what happened a few moments ago when he was afraid to fight against the dead. He lowly growled and pushed her back almost into the spikes as she lowered the bat ready to swing if he dared to attack. "Go ahead.. I dare you" she was happy by his response causing him to back up realising his mistake as it was clear that fighting wasn't the best option to sort things right now.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you that hard, but from the way you fought those things. It was pretty clear that you didn't need my help at all, so stop messing with my head!" he yelled accidentally luring more demon walkers including the runners as they went straight into the spikes, but this one was bigger than expected. ".. Shit. Look at what you made me do!" he wasn't pleased by this and blamed it all on Nova while she glared at him in silence doing nothing other than stand there and star at him. "What? Stop staring at me, we are about to die if you don't do something about it" he pointed at the barrier as she glanced at it then back at him throwing the bat at him as he caught it, now confused more than ever. Nova crossed her arms unfazed by the walkers showing no fear to the situation in hand.

"If you're so bothered by it, do it yourself as you yelled and caused them to come, not me. YOU" Nova answered back making this all about him and his problem. River poked her head out seeing all the dead at the barrier they had just finished to put up, while her sister remained calm barely being touched by the walker's fingers causing her to jump down hovering with her two wings, and pull Nova away from the danger in hand while Kaine began to whack at them, mainly the head allowing brains to go everywhere.

"Why are so close to the barrier? They could've grabbed you" River scolded her as Nova remained silent knowing exactly what she was doing, but the danger she had put herself in swooped right over her head.

"I didn't know, thanks for saving me" Nova thanked River for her quick save seeing, and hearing all the disturbing groaning and gurgling noises these walkers were making. She was uncomfortable which was obvious for Nova to see as she hugged the innocent little angel, knowing that she'll always be there when the girl needs it.

Kaine was out of breath unable to keep all the demon walkers, causing Nova to snatch her bat back and finished the rest off without breaking a sweat, as Kaine and River backed up ain't wanting no blood to be splatting on their clothes or in their mouths.

"What did you say?" River asked noticing how aggressive Nova was hitting them proving that she was not in a happy mood. Kaine gulped remembering their little argument that almost caused a fight and Nova's life as well.

"We kinda got into a disagreement and Nova nearly got stabbed by the spikes" Kaine replied truthfully not wanting to keep anything this serious secret from her or in fear of losing her for lying. River was left speechless unsure of how to respond knowing now that things weren't as peaceful between the two.

"It doesn't matter, just go back inside. I'm going out for a while so don't stay up waiting for me" Nova replied jumping over the barrier as River was about to leap after her, but Kaine held the girl back preventing her from getting in Nova's way, just like he promised. Being apart from the others wasn't what she planned, the city was to be inspected and searched for possible supplied she and the other would need to survive before her's runs our back at home. "I need some space, and some supplies if we want to survive" thinking to herself as she walked away unsure of when she'll be back, but it won't be for long as this was for their own good if they want to survive and harden up before things take an unexpected turn, therefore testing if they had what it takes to survive.

Will they survive?...