
They Crave For Your Flesh

The world as you know it was about to take a drastic change, after the birth of a little girl during a monstrous thunderstorm, sharing none of her parents features despite being bounded by blood, but she did remind them of an old family member that had recently disappeared without a trace. (BB X oc)

GogetaFanUwU · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 1

A insanely dangerous and life threatening storm hit the US forcing all to take shelter inside their homes while a new addition was about to be brought into the Morningstar family, one of the powerful family businesses in the world doing everything in their power to bring 'peace' to the world by ending blood shedding war.

"It's a girl! A beautiful healthy little girl" a cute little dark maroon haired girl was held in the arms of the midwife, allowing the mother to hear her babies cries as lighting crashed not far away from the posh house she lived in.

"Let me see my baby, I wanna see my little Nova" the mother replied in desperation after the midwife cut off and tied the umbilical cord before cleaning, and wrapping the baby up in a soft blanket as it was then passed to its mother. The odd dark hair caught her attention reminding her of an old step relative that had this exact colour, but is it even possible to inherit last generations features? "How is this possible? You look nothing like me or your father.. I blame that old hag for this" she said as the baby opened its eyes allowing her to see its pure golden eyes like no other taking the mother's breath away, as the father rushed inside after hearing his child's cries noticing his wife cradling the second born in her arms. The mother being blonde with radiant blue eyes, and the father mousy brown hair and amber eyes being an angel with pure white angel wings just like his beautiful wife.

"How is the baby? Is it alright?" he asked when spotting the babies odd appearance seeing no wings or anything that resembled anything of an angel. "I knew it! My mother cursed us all, and gave us a demon!" he yelled loudly even if the baby didn't have any horns or tail to prove that his bold accusation was even true, his yelling caused the child to start crying again as he stared down at it annoyingly. "Shut it up before I lose my patience, and send it back to where it belongs" his cold reply caused the wife to hold the baby closely, refusing to have a child she carried for nine whole months killed by the hands of her cold hearted husband.

"She has no horns or a tail, so quit your whining. Our baby could just be a human with special abilities, but if I hear you call her a demon one more time, we'll be having problems, Talon" she replied going with her heart as it was just a mere child, a harmless human looking child even if it looked almost like Talon's mother. He sighed slightly annoyed before swooping the baby out of her arms getting a much better look of the child, instantly shutting it up with a little tiny of his magic. "What are you doing?!" she yelled in a panic trying to get up, but gravity weighed her weak body down to the bed, giving her no other option than to watch.

"Can't I hold my daughter? After all she does take after my mother, and that should mean something as she was a very successful woman in her younger years, but this child must be hidden away from society no matter what happens. I won't be humiliated again" he responded keeping his back faced at his wife before glaring at the midwife, who was frozen in fear as she was nothing, but a defenseless human being. ".. And for you. I think it'll be better if you tell the others that the child didn't make it, or do you want to lose your job?" he threatened being the real demon in this situation as the midwife nodded frantically after just doing her job on delivering the child, and now has to lie about it.

"Y-yes sir, I will tell them that the baby was dead upon arrival and fluid already completely filled their lungs, making it impossible for me to save it" the midwife replied giving her exact words that would be said once she heads back to work and give the bad news. This disgusted the wife, but there was nothing she could do as it had already been done, and he was the one with all of the power so no matter what she did, no one will believe her.

Since that day Nova was given her grandmother's last name not her parent's last name Hills due to her indifference to the others as six years after her birth River Hills was born, and she instantly became the favourite having gorgeous blonde hair, teal eyes and six elegant angel wings. A true little beauty and inheritance of her mother's throne, while the eldest Ace Hills was taking their father's despite being two angels from different powerful houses of royalty.

However, as years go by River grew to like her secret sister after accidentally meeting once when going to the toilet, finding out that they had familiar interests like art, loving animals and being mischievous. After their first interaction River grew intrigued to know her big sister even if she was seen as an out cast, but in her eyes she was nothing more than a potentially figure she can look up to and go when things get tough. As Ace wasn't that much of a sibling to the two due to the fact that he was older than Nova by five years, and is arranged to marry a daughter from a different house as her kind was rare and close to extinction despite being a fallen angel since birth, but he didn't seem to care as he already liked the girl being beautiful and not looking like his mother, her hair was bronde with eyes green like clovers. A perfect match for the picky lover boy.

When he came to age for marriage Nova was locked away to prevent her from potentially ruining the ceremony with her presence, as even now the mother that once loved her didn't care for what could happen, seeing her first daughter as nothing more than a curse to ruin what they had made, having no clue River knew about her existence.

"A perfect sunny day, and our little boy had grown up having a beautiful wife to carry his future offspring" the father proudly said to his wife while holding a glass of champagne in his right hand during the after party of a successful wedding. River on the other hand remained sat watching her big brother dancing with his black winged wife, not wanting to marry someone her father has picked, but rather to someone she dearly loved.

"They grow up so fast, but what about River? She needs a far better husband if we want any chances of passing on her blessed six wings, it isn't everyday an archangel gives birth to a Seraphia" the mother said causing River to jolt not liking though of marrying a stranger just to carry on her so called 'blessing'. The thought of Nova never marrying made her jealous, but she knew it wasn't entirely her fault despite the eldest sister being a complete misfit from the family and the soon to be twins that were currently on the way.

"I don't wanna marry!" River yelled at her parents leaving them to shockingly glance over at her shocked being the first time she had ever talked back to them about anything, let alone about something that involved her future.

"Tough luck, angel cakes. Your family's future depends on it or do you want to mess everything up?" the father leaned over the table and turned his head to face River who sat on the other side of his wife, staring her dead in the eyes scaring the child as the mother stepped in pulling him back up.

"Should I remind you that she is only seven, you cannot be doing that to a child. It can intervene with her social skills or confidence once we find a suitable groom for her to marry" having the kids back the overprotective pregnant mother stepped in for her 'only daughter' as the father rolled his eyes with an annoyed groan, sitting straight up on his chair and watched his son dance with his new wife.

Eleven years went by and Nova was growing tired of being stuck living in the dusty, art filled attic she was bound to stay up for the rest of her life, all that was in there was an old mattress, rags, spiders, spray cans River secretly got her, a guitar and a A4 sketchbook. The attic roof was opened as River popped her head in seeing Nova stood there, as if waiting with long waist long hair that has been tied into a single braid wearing a tank top, unzipped dark grey jacket, ripped jeans and black laced combat boots.

"Took you long enough. Now let me get out of here before they get back" Nova replied as River got down the attic ladder allowing her big sister to finally exit after so many years of sneaking about, and now she can finally be free. Noah began to head off not knowing about her sister's arranged marriage in a couple of weeks.

"Just be careful, and find someone who loves you for you. I know I won't be" River said in a rather sad tone glancing away causing Nova to stop in her tracks and smirked before turning to face the girl.

"Then run away with me. You'll be able to find the right one, but don't tell any of your angelic friends or they'll tell those bastards where we're going" She offered allowing River to look up seeing her sister's confident smirk, as the thought of being free without any parental boundaries holding her down over took her mind.

"Does that mean we get to do whatever we want?" River asked as Nova nodded remaining overly confident and honest to her word causing the girl's eyes to twinkle with excitement, and rushed over without a second thought. "This is going to be fun!" she exclaimed as Nova led the way knowing the perfect escape route past all the butlers and maids that walked around doing their daily duties.

Once free feeling the breeze hitting her face Noah knew that a new life was just about to begin, as River remind closer while they began to head towards the city ready to finally start living a life filled with excitement and romance. It didn't take long as a few days after her escape their parents started a wide search for their lost little angel, even if she lived in an apartment with Noah that was going to be their home for awhile until things begin to die down.

Things weren't going to be easy for them, making Nova work part time to keep stuff going and food on the table until she can manage to find a better, and more money making job to stabilise their living to something more comfortable. Even with Ace moved out of the house with his wife and family, Nova knew that they can't hide forever or River at least as someone will find them out eventually and alert the authorities.

"What are we going to do? Ace is going to find us and force me to go back home and marry that creep!" River panicked not wanting to marry and grown old man just for the sake of her six winged legacy, as Nova began to think staring out of the window since Ace wasn't aware of her existence either which could give them the advantage they're looking for.

"We could change your appearance so you wouldn't have to stay cooped up all day, and who knows find someone special" Nova replied turning to look at the little angel who was unsure by the idea at first, but what other choice does she have to be free to do whatever she wanted. "I can grab you some hair dye and make you look like me. How does that sound?" she asked again as River nodded willing to bid her gorgeous blonde hair goodbye even if she preferred Nova's over her own.

"Just don't be too long, I'm unsure how long our neighbour can keep themselves from noseying in on us" River noted hearing people talking in the apartment next to them as Nova too was aware of this, but trusted that she could care for herself and remain out of trouble for the meantime until she gets back from the shops.

"I won't be long, keep away from the window and shut the blinds" Nova replied before leaving locking the door for River's safety as she headed off to the nearest shop that sells hair dye trusting the young one to remain out of trouble until she gets back.

It took her about an hour to get back with a little more than hair dye, but a bad filled with some snacks and spray paints allowing them to get straight to work on dying River's hair before doing anything else that involved going outside to bond.

Months went by since River changed her look and hide away four of her wings and it worked, no one knew who she was other than a helpless little angel living with her older sister. It also helped her get a boyfriend too, even if he was a demon called Kaine, but she loved him for who he was not for his horns and tail.

"Sup humando!" Kaine said entering through the front door seeing Nova st on the living room couch, his hair was brown and looked spikey, but really it was extremely soft and soothing to touch, as he wore black shirt with a skull on the front, black unzipped ripped hoodie, a black choker, navy blue ripped jeans along with some black and white sneakers. River came in after wearing more girly clothing that matched with the skirt she was wearing.

"How was your date with my sister?" Nova asked trying not to be too over protective even if she was eighteen, and capable enough to care for herself. He nervously stopped in his steps begin to sweat as images of the interesting night flood through causing River to cough getting their attention.

"It went soothingly, but could you at least try and pretend you didn't know what happened? I don't want you chasing him away like the others" River kindy asked as Nova raised her hands up to chest level surrendering before getting a ping on her phone, she pulled it out seeing that it was from one of her friends.

"Ah. Athena texted me, she wants my help with something so I might be gone for quite a while, so I trust that you two won't break anything while I'm gone or steal my Cheez Its" Nova replied stepping up from the couch texting back before hiding it away deep within her hoodie pocket, and left in a hurry leaving the two teens on their own for the afternoon.

Nova arrived when seeing her friend sat down against the break wall, exhausted in a dark alleyway as she stepped forward looking down at them with a serious expression. They glanced up appearing to be scratched up, and had a bleeding bullet wound in their left upper arm they appear to be applying some serious pressure to. Her injured friend looked human, but they had some minour animal features like cat tail and ears, leaving Nova to be the only possible human in her friend little group.

"He did this didn't he?" Nova asked as Athena nodded hissing in pain from the bullet wound until a gunshot could be heard as a bullet shot past skimming the side of Nova's cheek, causing her to glance up staring down in the dark alley where it originally came from.

"Whoops.. I missed~" a male voice called out from the shadows as a silhouette portrayed masculine figure with one right wing, and she knew exactly who it was seeing it come closer blowing the smoke away from the tip of the pistol until finally emerging. "I got to say, you surely have been hard to track down" he added wearing a long brown jacket, white shirt with a sad black round fallen angel on it with X for eyes, along with pockets to possibly hide away his pistol in, blue jeans with a secure belt and brown laced shoes.

"Whatever, Armaros. Now tell me who sent you? I ain't no demon nor am I a threat, so spill the beans!" Nova demanded as he began to chuckle before bursting out with laughter allowing Athena to wiggle away leaving her human friend to fend for herself. Nova's was nervous when seeing him here, as her heart began to beat faster knowing how powerless she is to this fallen one winged angel. "W-what's so funny? I'm being serious" she asked with a little stutter watching enough movies to know that this was a huge red flag, and she might actually die this time.

"Oh, I haven't laughed like that in months, hehe. But is it obvious? Your old man paid me to do it, afterall you're not supposed to be out here. You're a disgrace and needs to be exposed of, and what other way to do it than let me kill you, you demon!" he yelled with a smirk aiming his pistol directly at her heart planning to make her suffer before properly disposing the trash. "However, I could spare your pathetic existence, if only you tell where your sister is. You do want to live don't you?" he was tormenting her which was a huge mistake to do as he lowered his pistol, seeing her as an easy target even if she decided to attempt to flee.

"Over my dead body pal. No one gets River as she is happy and safe under my protection, and far away from murderous freaks like you!" she yelled back causing Armaros to grit his teeth in anger now aiming his pistol back at her chest done playing around with this girl, but even if her heart was racing Nova refused to let anyone take River back to that miserable life she had no control over.

"You're putting all your loved ones at risk for this, your sister included once she finds out you're dead" Armaros said trying to guilt her into spilling, but it didn't seem to be working as someone else was walking up behind him with bigger wings that folded behind their back, causing the fallen to glance over his shoulder after hearing a tin can be kicked somewhere behind him. "Who's there? Come out!" he demanded as the figure came closer revealing itself to be a fallen angel, but it was no other than Ace himself shocking Armaros when seeing the first born of the Hills family arrive, instantly lowering his guard when he was confronted by the guy and his now big black wings.

"He said interrogate not kill or we'll never find my little sister" Ace said glancing up at Nova as she stepped back not wanting to fight him even if he had no clue she was actually a blood relative. ".. You. Where is my sister? She has a wedding that is overdue, and father is growing increasingly impatient" he asked not being as scary as she thought he would be, but he wasn't threatened by her human appeal. His wings weren't puffed up showing that he was calm when he approached her unprovoked shielding Nova from any bullets that were to be shot at them by Armaros. "Please.. I know you're doing this to help, but keeping her hidden isn't going to sort things out. I need to know if she's alright or dead, that's all I need to know or the world is going to pay in advance" Ace whispered while placing both hands on her shoulders not willing to be the monster their father raised him to be without a heart.

"I-I can't, I made a promise I wouldn't tell. She is safe and happy from anything or anyone that would harm her, I made sure of it" Nova replied pushing herself away from him and stumbled back unsure of what he'll do, as his eyes widened when hearing her words and the fear painted on her face.

".. I am supposed to be your big brother, and yet you're scared of me. Am I really that scary to you?" he asked in a sad tone hurt by her actions, but it was true she was scared and knowing he was a fallen angel too who is friends with Armaros, Nova wasn't risking anything.

"... I'm not... Just stay away from River if you don't want what's coming to you. She is happy with or without you" Nova replied before bolding off, but as Armaros was about to go after her Ace stopped him with his wings extending them and preventing anyone from getting hurt.

"No.. Leave them for now. We have far more important things that need to be done" reminding the fallen of what their main priority is as Armaros 'tch' in response knowing it was going to take some time to relocate his target.

Nova returned back home out of breath and sat down on the living room couch to catch her breath when an empty box of cheez its were found laying sideways on the ground. She picked them up realising that it was empty already knowing the main suspects, but let it slide for now as she had far more important things to do than argue about some cheesy crackers.

"Why now is he trying to talk to me? And what does he mean by the world will pay? This far too intense even for me, but I need to keep her hidden for her own good if he finds out where I live, I might actually have to fight him. What did you do?" thinking to herself with her head leaned against the back end of the couch ready to have a nice good nap after the afternoon she had.

What does Ace know? And why does he need River to prevent it? Does her happiness meaning anything to him? Or is he just doing it for his own gain? There's only one way to find out...