
Side Story 3. Stellar Blossom - 49

The Last Dance. 

It was an event at their academy's graduation party. Their last dance before getting thrust into society and becoming a full-fledged career esper. Some even coined it as the farewell dance of irresponsible life. 

It didn't matter who they were dancing with: friends, family members, or lovers. It was a song that started slow and gradually increased in tempo, so they could even change their dance partners in the middle and feel like they did a completely different dance. 

It was fun. Or it should be. 

On Han Joon's graduation, he did not come because he was still climbing the tower in the Northern Alliance. The next year, Radia did not bother to come because he knew Han Joon wouldn't be able to come anyway. There were a lot of reporters and important figures there, so they couldn't be seen together anymore.

After all, the military and the Mallarc House were at the peak of their animosity at that time.