
Chapter 98. Security Blanket

"So, again, you tamed him just like that?" Han Shin asked as they climbed the small hill inside one of the dungeons owned by Trinity. 

Zein scoffed at the phrase. "What do you mean tamed? Is he a beast or something? He wasn't even going berserk in the first place."

"Nyenyenye~" the healer made a silly jeering sound. "He still walking out of the training room like the happiest man in the world after shutting himself for half a day," and with a higher tone, he added. "And it only took you fifteen minutes too!"

Zein rolled his eyes, and back to observing the guides on duty today. "Eyes to the front, Leo. Use your ears to pick up the beast's sound, not eavesdrop."

"It's not eavesdropping if it's loud enough to be heard, Captain," the particularly short guide replied with a grin. But spotting Zein's raised brow, he immediately looked forward again, while being smacked by another guide in the back, prompting the rearguard espers to laugh.