
Chapter 431. Explosion of Colors


"The air feels different," Zein stretched out his arms and back as he came out of the plane.

It wasn't just the air; the temperature too, felt significantly higher. The scent carried by the wind was very different from the Northern Alliance's cold air.

"So I guess even clean air could taste different," Zein muttered.

"Because the air flows through different things than the other place," Bassena smiled, raising his hand for Zein to take. "The climate, the temperature, the level of pollution...that too, would differ."

"Hmm..." Zein took the offered hand and raised his head, wincing at the scorching sun. "I wonder if the red-zone felt different too..."

He didn't think so, though. Red-zones always smell of the same thing; a light decaying scent and a slightly burnt sensation. Whatever was different in the air would be overshadowed by the thin fog of miasma, that would gradually get heavier and heavier toward the borderland.