
Chapter 203. The Little Prince

Bassena cursed his decision of not telling Zein about it sooner.

He swore--he swore he had no intention of hiding it. He would tell Zein himself later, if Rina didn't casually blabber about it. And he had wanted to immediately talk to Zein about it, but like perpetual bad luck, the other girls were coming inside before he could ask Zein for a face-to-face. And then they immediately went for dinner so Bassena lost the timing even further.

Zein didn't seem angry or anything though, but Bassena knew the guide could hide his feelings well under a poker face if he wanted to. He didn't particularly feel like he was in the wrong, but he also recalled how Zein looked at him regarding the fact that he was hiding Celestia's attempts.

And now, he felt like he had stepped into an even bigger blunder.