
Patrols On The Lookout


"I/m sorry… what did you just say?"

My eyebrows snapped together the moment I heard the lad that I was following earlier spoke after we had a little duel when he aimed his wand at my head.

"You heard me. You are following the wrong guy," he said for the second time around ever since we decided to stop fighting and talking.

I can't help but smack my hand in my forehead for making a fool out of myself. I am sure that by now, my friends have also realized that the guys assigned to them are not the ones we are looking for.

"Well, I'm sorry for attacking you earlier. My bad, I shouldn't have done that." I sincerely apologized as I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Nah, don't sweat it. It was my fault in the first place for aiming at your head with my wand." he apologized back. 

Good guy, I supposed. Definitely not the kind of person who plans to destroy the world.