
The Whimsical Adventure of Selene Lilith-Rose Potter

Have you ever been so fascinated by the allures of books you've ever read and adored that you start longing to be a part of something seemingly unattainable to achieve but so badly desired? "Be careful what you wish for," they warned. And my name is Selene Lilith-Rose Potter. And you're reading my story. The Whimsical Adventure!

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³Daigon Alley

"WHAT?!!!" said or rather screamed by a long neck woman named Petunia.

"I'm leaving." she said once more.

The 'she' in question was none other than Selene Lilith-Rose Potter. On Dudley's birthday, she vowed that as soon as she received her letter, she would escape the Dursley, her personal hell. Thus, she acted.

"I understand what you said, but why?"

"Isn't this what you've all wanted? For me, 'the freak', to leave?"

[your pathetic excuse of a life]

"I know what I am. I understand why you all did what you did to me. You're afraid of me because I'm a witch. And I forgive you, not because you truly deserve my forgiveness, but because I deserve better, I want peace. Hence forth, I'm leaving. I'll be out of your families hairs reach, never to appear again. This is a promise, all I ask is that you please drive me to London."

Prior to making a decision, Petunia went to think about it for a moment or two.

"Alright, pack your things as quickly as you can. I'll drive you to London. Don't worry about Vernon, I'll figure something out."

[A few hours later in the afternoon]

Two ladies, an older woman and a small child, were seated inside the vehicle. The entire trip to London was silent.

As soon as they arrived at their destination, the older woman pulled something from her handbag.

After doing her piece, she walked away saying, "I'm sorry, and take care."

The young lady was holding a wrapped box. She kept staring at it as she observed her aunt driving away.

"Goodbye, Petunia.", Her whisper was left to float in the breeze.

She took in the scrawled sign that reads {Leaky Cauldron} above.

She murmured, "It's now or never."

Tom, the innkeeper, appeared to notice a small child gazing at his bar. He approached her and ushered her inside.

"Hello young lady, good afternoon to you. My name is Tom. What might I do for you?"

"Could you please assist me in getting entrance to Daigon Alley?"

"Ah, you must be a first-year student. Yes, young lady, right this way. Where are your parents, young lady?"

"Oh, my aunt told me to go ahead first and she'll shortly follow me after. Thank you"

She lied through her teeth as there was nobody to go with her, only she was there.

They materialized in front of a dented wall. the same wall from the movies she adored and seen growing up from her previous life. The entrance to Daigon Alley, where she used to be taken about by her late parents, Lily and James.

Daigon Alley's busy street and corner were humming with activity. She felt melancholy after it, and tears welled up in her eyes as old memories came flooding back to her.


It was genuinely stunning in its own splendor.


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