
Always check the side effects

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and Co. I wouldn't be a poor bish if I did. ;p


A month had passed for the young couple. School had started without a hitch – minus Inuyasha's bullshit; The hanyō was still giving Kagome the silent treatment. As for the landscaping and pathway, they were both finally completed shortly after the new semester started. Now the couple could focus on other things such as school, adjusting to mating life, and their precocious toddler.

A soft snore escaped the sleeping teen before a nudge jolted her awake. "Hm…" Kagome mumbled as she shot up and glanced around in a daze. Her sleep-filled eyes landed on the concerned face of her best friend. "What?" She asked, yawning into a palm then reaching up to rub her tired eyes.

"You fell asleep again," Sango said, not being able to hide the worry in her tone. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Was she? Kagome thought so since it didn't feel like she was getting ill; she was just super tired as of late. "I don't feel sick, just really wiped."

"Sesshōmaru keeping you up all night?" the brunette joked, trying to alleviate the slight tension.

Kagome opened one of her texts as she snorted softly. "No. We go to bed at a decent hour most nights." Her best friend hummed in disbelief, causing Kagome to sigh. "I'm telling you I'm getting enough sleep." A hand came up to rest over her heart as she carried on. "I promise."

She could see the wheels turning in the mind of her best friend and knew the brunette was searching the medical information stored in the recesses. "That's weird." Sango hummed yet again and scratched at her chin. "Any changes other than the tiredness?" asked the wondering future doctor while returning to her work.

Other than being tired, there was nothing else to report. "None." She offered with another wary lungful of air. "I don't know what is going on." Admitted the young mother, doodling in her notebook.

"Maybe you should go in?" suggested the teen. "It could be hormonal. Have you had any problems with your monthly?"

That question chilled Kagome and made her stomach churn uncomfortably. Her period? Shit, it was definitely late. How the hell had she not realized it? What was she going to do if she was? Her voice wavered before Kagome reigned in the momentary panic, not wanting to freak out her friend or cause a ruckus. "Not that I know of." She squeaked out, now pretending to focus on the textbook in front of her.

"Hm…" Sango hummed once more, clearly missing her best friend's internal struggle. "Maybe try a multivitamin and see if that helps." She suggested flashing her a hopeful smile.

"Sure," Kagome responded with a shrug and forced a small smile in return. "I'll stop by the pharmacy and pick some up. If I don't feel better in a couple of days after taking some, then I'll go in."

"I would offer to come with, but I have to go to the dojo after this."

"It's fine." She said, waving her pencil about before silently musing about the what-ifs while staring blankly at her book.

When the day was finally over, Kagome popped into the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test and some multivitamins. She stuffed them into her bag and caught the next bus to the shrine.

Being a terrible liar as it is, the teen stuck with part of the truth and told her mother that she had to pick up some multivitamins from the pharmacy. If her mother thought she was lying, the older woman never said a word.

Now at home with Malakai in his play area, she was thankful that Sesshōmaru was currently at cram. It would have been impossible for her to take the test without her mate finding out. Snagging it from her bag, Kagome then hurried to the bathroom to take it.

Once the deed was done, she went about whipping up supper for her family as she waited for the results. Several minutes in, the teen set a timer for the simmering meal and proceeded to the bathroom.

Her hands shook as she approached the sink counter and froze. "You can do this." She encouragingly whispered to herself. "Just look at the damn test, Kagome" With that said, the frazzled teen carefully picked up the test. "Oh, Gods." She cried against the palm of her hand and slid dazedly to the cold floor. How? How the hell was she pregnant? This was why she had gotten on birth control in the first place so she wouldn't get with child yet again. "It could be a false positive." She tried to convince herself, but it just sounded weak to her ears. What if it wasn't, though? What was she going to do? Kagome could feel the panic start to set in. Her mind swirling with old and new worries. The wave of panic was suddenly interrupted by the loud ring of the kitchen buzzer, snapping the teen out of the anxious daze.

Getting shakily to her feet, Kagome paused when her image caught her eye. Stepping closer to the mirror, she leaned in to spy a twin set of wetness trailing down her cheeks. When had she started to cry? She hadn't even felt the tears as she had struggled with the advancing panic attack.

Reaching up to wipe away the dampness, the distressed teen clutched the test tightly to her chest and took in a few cleansing breaths. Okay. There was no sense in crying or panicking for that matter. Just because a home test, tested positive doesn't mean it is accurate. She would go fix supper then make a call to see her family doctor. If the test is indeed correct, then she will have to consider her options.

With that thought in mind, the young mother strode out of the small room. She went about disposing of the pregnancy test, then finished the meal.

After setting the table and ten minutes before Sesshōmaru came home, she quickly called her doctor to set up an appointment. They could get her in tomorrow in the afternoon. She would have to miss club activities, but that should be okay.

Kagome was depositing Malakai in his high chair as her mate strolled through the entry. Her stomach nervously fluttered at the sight but pushed it down to smile lovingly his way. "Hey."

The yōkai returned the greeting while he took off his shoes and set down his school bag. "Hello, Love." He said, slowly approaching the full table. "Mm…Smells good." Sesshōmaru ruffed his son's black locks and softly greeted him. "Hello, little one." The small boy leaned into his touch and joyously acknowledged his father. "Dada."

Sesshōmaru then approached his mate, wrapping his arms around her waist and lightly kissing her temple. "How was cram?" she asked, sinking into his warm hold.

"The same as always." He said before heaving a heavy sigh. "I will be glad when it is done."

"Me too," Kagome revealed, then tilted up to kiss under his jaw and softly sigh.

"Are you okay?" asked the yōkai, concern coloring his tone.

"Yeah. Just tired." She said, pulling away to flash him a wary smile, hoping that skirting the truth would mask the lie. It obviously did because the yōkai said nothing more as they sat at the table and quietly ate their meal.

The next day Kagome found herself on the edge of her seat as she waited for the doctor to come in with her test results. Minutes ticked by slowly on the large clock on the hospital wall. The only sounds were the ticking of time and the thudding of her beating heart. The teen slightly jumped when a sharp knock rapped at the door. "Come in." She said and smoothed out her skirt as the doctor appeared.

"Well, the results are in," The older woman said with a kind and gentle smile, "and you are indeed pregnant."

The panic from the night before rushed forth and caused Kagome's chest to tighten. "Are you sure?" She managed to breathe out even though the sensation continued.

"The test is very accurate," Explained the doctor as she began to type on the computer. "I would like you to set up an appointment to see me again. and I recommend buying some prenatal vitamins. Do you have any questions?"

Oh, she had a lot of questions. Mainly how the hell was it possible when she was on freaking birth control. "How could this happen? I'm on the pill."

The doctor began typing some more then turned back to her to speak. "I see that you were injured some time ago and was prescribed antibiotics; This can make the pill less effective."

"Oh." No one said that was a side effect. If she had known, they would have stopped having sex for the duration. Shit, this was all her fault.

"Do you have any more questions?" the doctor asked as she began to wrap up the appointment.

Kagome said nothing and just shook her head, too shocked by the revelations.

"Well, if you come up with any when you get home, then give my office a call." Her doctor said, oblivious of the internal conflict. "I will see you at your next appointment." She then congratulated the teen before heading to the door. "Congratulations to you and your mate."

"Thank you." Whispered Kagome numbly and sent a weak smile. She watched the woman leave the room and sat there for a few minutes, willing herself not to breakdown. It would do no good to freak out here. Plus, some things needed to be done and wouldn't if she caved to her emotions. Taking in several deep breaths, the pregnant teen centered herself the best she could before she got up and went about making that appointment.

A couple of minutes later, found Kagome, walking home instead of riding the bus. She needed the time to think and gather her thoughts. It would do no good to go home in this condition. Her mate would know something was wrong the second she stepped through the door.

'Pregnant.' She thought, running a shaky hand through her dark locks as she continued to walk down the street. She was fucking pregnant! What was she going to do? For gods' sakes, she was pregnant again; what the hell? Did the gods think this was funny because Kagome found no humor in it? She made her way down the street, then down another; Her mind was not on where she was going.

The panicking teen paused when a familiar house came into view. She stopped at the steps and blinked at the home in front of her. How did she get here? Her blue eyes scanned the lit windows and traveled to the small one above. 'Sango.' Kagome felt her throat becoming tight, making it hard for her to swallow. This is what she needed; her best friend.

Pushing back the anxiety, Kagome made her way up the path and rapped quickly on the front door. Her hands rested on her flat stomach as she waited for someone to answer. It didn't take long before the door opened, revealing the small elderly grandmother. A smile appeared on the weathered face when she spotted the teen. "Hello, Child."

Kagome tried to keep her voice from cracking as she returned the greeting. "Hello, Grammy. Is Sango home?" She asked, unsure if her best friend was still at the dojo or not.

"Yes, child, come in." The older woman nodded and ushered her in. "Sango is in her room. Go on and see her."

The teen bowed and thanked the older woman. "Thank you, Grammy." She then stepped into the house only to pause when a wrinkled hand encased her upper arm.

Kaede's brow furrowed, and her one eye looked upon the young mother with concern. "Kagome, are you okay?"

All the years that Kagome had known the older woman, she had always called her child, never had she used her name. She felt the tears cloud her eyes and tilted her face so that her bangs concealed the warring emotions. "I…don't know. I really don't." Confessed the teen before pulling away to run up the stairs. Tears were now falling down her cheeks as she reached her best friend's room. Her hand shook when she rapped on the closed door then slowly slid it open.

Sango's attention shifted from the magazine in hand to the opening doorway. She happily grinned when she spotted her best friend, but that quickly changed when she noticed the distress. The brunette jumped off the bed and towards the crying teen, trying to find out what was going on. "Hey, what's wrong?" she softly asked, carefully approaching the distressed woman. "Why are you crying?"

Rapidly blinking through the tears, Kagome jumped forward to wrap her arms around her best friend's neck, pulling the other woman down so she could bury her face between the juncture. A sob broke free, causing her body to shake fiercely.

"Hey." Whispered Sango, her arms enfolding around her sobbing friend. "What's wrong?" she questioned yet again.

"I'm pregnant." The weeping teen blurted between sobs and started to cry harder.

Holding her friend tighter, Sango began to gently probe for more information. "Are you sure? Did you take a test?"

Kagome pulled back slightly and shook her head while sniffling. "I took one yesterday, and it was positive. I made an appointment with the clinic, and they ran a test. That was positive as well." Her lip wobbled, and more tears fell like a storm during the rainy season. "Sango, I can't be pregnant. What am I going to do?" She dropped back down and began to sob once more.

Sango lifted a hand and tenderly smoothed out her friend's wild hair. "You're going to take it one day at a time. This time you are not alone." She didn't want to upset her distraught friend any more than she was, but she had to ask. "Have you told Sesshōmaru yet?"

Pulling back yet again, Kagome shook her head vigorously. Thinking of her mate caused a nervous twisting in the gut. "No, not yet. I came right from my appointment to here."

"Then you need to tell him. He has the right to know. Let's not repeat past mistakes." Said the taller teen, stepping back to grab her shoulders, giving them a slight squeeze.

"I know," Kagome admitted, knowing her best friend was right. "I'm just really scared as to what he will say. Hell -what he will do?" She ran a hand through her tangled locks and let slip one of her worries. "What if he up and leaves again?" It would kill her if he up and left them, and she didn't want to think about what it would to their son. Neither would be the same if that were to happen.

Like a best friend was supposed to do, Sango squashed those worries like a bug underneath her shoe. "Don't be silly." She shook Kagome some before carrying on. "He's not going to leave you and Malakai. That yōkai is crazy about you guys."

Even with the reassurance, she couldn't shake the lingering doubt. She eyed the brunette, her teeth sinking into her lower lip before responding softly. "Really?"

Sango huffed loudly, her patience wearing a tad thin. "Yes!" She brushed the wetness from her friend's cheeks and gently smiled. "Now go wash your face, then go home to your mate, Hun. Everything is going to be fine. You'll see."

"Okay." Kagome sniffled and then went into the bathroom to splash her face with some water. She left the bathroom feeling calmer than she had before. "Better?" asked her friend as she walked into the room.

The anxiety was still there, but she was nowhere near the edge, so that was a plus. "I think so."

"Good," Sango stated before throwing an arm over her shoulders and giving them a gentle squeeze. "Seriously though, it's going to be okay."

The teen wasn't so sure about that, but only time would tell. "Yeah." She uttered, trying not to let the doubt creep into her words. With that said, they talked for a few more minutes before Kagome sucked up the courage to go home. The walk did some good, and the teen felt even better. She was surprised when she stepped through the door and instead of finding her mother, she found her mate.

"Hey, love." He greeted her from the floor where he was playing with their son. "Did you have a good time with Sango?" asked the yōkai as he passed the pup a block.

"Always," Kagome said before flopping down next to Malakai and ruffling the boy's hair. He flashed her a toothy grin and passed her a block from his growing pile. She excepted the toy and started a pile of her own. "You're out early." Noted the young mother while excepting another box.

Sesshōmaru grabbed another from a box and passed it to the toddler. "The teacher had an emergency, so we were let out ahead of time." He explained. "I figured I could get the pup and make supper this time around." The inuyōkai motioned with his head towards the kitchen.

She hadn't noticed the smell of cooking food until he mentioned it. Whatever he was making was had her mouth watering. "That was sweet of you." She said, tossing him a block.

He caught it with ease and produced that award-winning smile. "Well, I have been known to be sweet on occasion."

"Not everyone would think that." Quipped the teen, laughing when he agreed with a shrug. "Most likely, but I could care less what others think of me." Stated the demon flashing another cocky grin.

Laughing some more, Kagome shook her head at her mate because she knew he was right. He could care less what others thought. "That you do." snickered the woman laughing yet again before returning her attention to their son. The discussion with Sango came to the forefront of her mind, and Kagome knew she needed to tell him about the pregnancy. "Sesshōmaru?" she said without looking up from the colored blocks.


Her nerves came back like a gale-force wind causing the teen to regret even saying anything. Oh gods', she couldn't do this, not now anyway. She needed a little more time to wrap her mind around it before she told him. She would give herself a couple of days then she would reveal the pregnancy. "I like it when you're sweet," she said instead as her face turning up to peer into his eyes. "I love you."

His golden gaze warmed as he reached over and grasped her hand to kiss it gently. "I love you too, Mate."

Kagome forced the tears at bay while squeezing her yōkai's hand and sending him a wistful smile. She hoped that he would feel the same way once she told him.

I am thoroughly happy with how this chapter turned out. I told you the sweet tooth aching fluffiness was going to end. So Kagome is pregnant and freaking out. Will history repeat itself or will something much worse happen? Time will tell.

Thank you to all that leave reviews, as I've said, it is greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing how much you enjoy my story.

Until next time

storyweaver4evercreators' thoughts