
Union's Obj 629

(Reference to chapter 49)

Time: 7th of May

Location: Manchuria

POV: Japanese Commander of the Manchurian front

'God what is this monstrosity!' a Massive tank, with a Battleship turret, you could almost say land battleship (Type in P 1000 Ratte in google, you'll get the approximate size). I gulped, 'Thank god the Emperor picked the Union's side...' The Massive cannons growled as they fired their High-Explosive shells upon the retreating enemy. With the Obj. 629 paving the advance for the other Japanese Forces it was only a matter of time before the eastern front collapses, and it did, the Easter front collapsed in less than 4 days, the road now free to the heart of the Soviet Union.


Time: 22nd of May

Location: Ural Mountain range

POV: Mackensen's

''Sir the Japanese main army will arrive at the Mountain range in approximately 6 hours!'' The Scout Commander reported,

I smiled gently, but that smile sends shivers down everyone's spine, ''Our Marshall was so kind as to invite the Japanese Emperor to a meeting, yet not only does he not accept out goodwill, HE TRAMPLES ON IT!''

Everyone's faces turned angry as they heard this, ''But, we are merciful! we are benevolent!''

Manfred walked in with his flight suit on, ''The Airforce is ready, 3000 Me262s have been mobilised for air superiority, while 800 Arado Ar 234 Jet Bombers are ready to give close air support.'' Manfred smiled before continuing, ''And 2 Horten H.XVIII heavy jet Bombers, each loaded with VX gas!''

Everyone knew what the VX gas was, it was the same gas that almost killed Mackensen in one of the Underground Cities specialising in research of Chemicals. I stood up and Walked to the Microphone that leads to all Bunkers in the Ural Mountain Range, I tapped it thrice before starting to speak, ''Men, I shalt not withhold anything from you, the Organisation is getting into a precarious situation, not only are we pressured on the Western Front, the bastards have also set foot on our Eastern soil of our Soviet Brethren! We are the only line that stands between them and Moscow, if we fail we not only fail or Soviet Allies, we also fail our own Marshall!''

''HOORAH!'' The man shouted in response, ''ETA of the Japs is 5 Hours, everyone needs to get ready!'' I ordered the men before cutting the connection. I walked to my office and closed the door before slumping down on my chair, 'Is the Organisation lost? Reports state 2 Million Men of the Combined Union army in the East is approaching, 10,000 Planes, 35,000 Tanks, 5,000 SPGs, 500,000 Artillery pieces, 100,000 Mechanized Units, 350,000 Trucks, 2,500 TDs, 76,000 Anti-Tank cannons, and last but not least, the Obj 629...' I read the report over and over again, before slamming my bureau, '''VERDAMMT!''

'No, I must buy time! The Marshall stated it is of utmost importance to hold for 2 years, that is all we need!' I reprimanded myself.


Time: 20th of May

Location: Novosibirsk

POV: Zero

''Long time since we all assembled isn't it Zero?'' Agent Alpha mused, Mission Nr. 328, was the last one. ''Focus agent Alpha. We are not in Novosibirsk for vacation, we need to Gather intel on the Obj 629 in order to prepare the Ural Defences.'' I said without any emotion, 'Our only reason for living is to fulfil Marshall's orders.' I repeated that sentence over and over again in my head.

''Agent Echo in position, Agent Charlie in position, Agent November in position, Agent Hotel in position....'' They all reported their positions, ''I hereby declare operation Nr. 486 a go!'' I ordered, there was a moment of silence before suddenly all hell broke loose, men started to fall left and right, while the thundering sounds of heavy sniper-rifles fill the night, screams and alarms went off as searchlights tried to find the sources, ''This is Agent Zulu, going in!'' He reported before quietly sliding into the compound, I looked through my Binoculars to follow his movements, he killed one guard after another in quick succession, 'It seems he is still the best at close quarters combat after me...' I analysed,

I looked at these agents that I raised by myself with one tear rolling down my eye, ''I'm sorry, you are a danger to the Marshall'' I whispered, but without my knowledge Alpha overheard me, he had a puzzled look on his face when suddenly, ''AAAHHH WE HAVE BEEN COMPROMISED!'' Agent Zulu shouted, the other agents were also quickly fired upon as if they knew they were there, Alpha now fully realised what my words meant,

''BASTARD!'' he jumped on top of me, but failed as I quickly rolled over, ''WHY! WHY YOU DO THIS!'' Alpha shouted with tears rolling down his face, I just looked down at the ground not wanting to look at his face, ''ANSWER ME!'' He pulled out a knife and charged at me, I blocked his attacks easily while moving back slowly, his attacks were erratic and without skill, ''You posed a threat...'' ''WHAT!'' Alpha shouted again, ''WHAT DID YOU SAY!'' and finally after years of no emotion there finally was one, agony, ''YOU ALL POSE A THREAT TO THE MARSHALL AND THE ORGANISATION IT IS MY DUTY TO PROTECT IT BOTH FROM WITHIN AND WITHOUT!'' I shouted angrily,

Alpha just slid down on his knees, his eyes soulless muttering, why, over and over again, I walked next to him and pointed my gun at his head, ''The Secret Police must be refreshed every 2 years in order to ensure total loyalty, don't worry, we have reserves upon reserves of Elite replacements...'' I pulled the trigger and walked away hearing the Agents scream over the radio asking what's going on, some tried to flee, some tried to fight back harshly, in the end, they all died, not one Agent except Zero returned, the Pilot didn't even ask as I boarded the plane...


Time: 28th of May

Location: Motherbase

POV: Kyle's

'Ural Mountain range is Holding, Western Front is being assaulted and pushed back, Italy is 80% sure of joining our side, Operation Dragon will Launch in June.'' I read the report thrice before finally putting it away. ''Nova, get me the car, and drive me to Research City 23, the one recently completed.'' I walked out of my office towards the exit where my car was waiting for me, ''Sir, General Rommel is also present at the city.'' Nova reported. I nodded before entering the car.

It took 30 Minutes to drive to City 48, or Industrial-Research Centre 23. ''OPENING GATE 1! ALL PERSONNEL STAND BACK, GATE ONE IS OPENING!'' Sounded over the intercom, the Massive steel doors opened up and revealed a Massive Structure Stretching high up in the dome, one ring of smaller buildings surrounded it, mostly being residences and Shops. ''ALL HAIL THE MARSHALL!'' The red Skulls saluted to me, 'Nuclear Reactor 1,' I said in my mind as I saw the cranes which were building this massive Reactor building, ''Marshall, here's the report!'' The Chief Engineer and Head of City 48 handed me the clipboard with the data on it, '1 Ton per year of Weapons-Grade Uranium can be produced.' I noted before handing back the Clipboard, The Chief Engineer continued, ''The Reactor is Scheduled to start operating at the end of 1940, with the production of Weapons-Grade Uranium happening at early 1941!'' I frowned upon hearing that, ''Didn't we agree that it Would start operation in early 1940 and start production in late 1940, what is with the current shift?''

Sweat started to form on the Chief's Forehead, but just as he opened his mouth A massive explosion rocketed the City Number 48, smoke came from an alley with many people coughing to get away, Firemen were quick to respond, I walked over to see what was going on when Suddenly I get pulled from the side into a small building, I was quick and grabbed my knife and almost stabbed the person who grabbed me, but When seeing the person's face I stopped, ''Rommel? What is the meaning of this?'' I asked. Rommel just put his Index finger against his mouth, indicating to be Silent. I Listened Carefully. Then I noticed it, gunshots and people screaming...

The Organisation is rocketed by Internal Fallout, will it survive or will it force our MC to Drastic Measures?

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts