
Two Sides Meet

Time: One week after the Matterhorn meeting

Location: External City

POV: Kyle's

The Swiss National Anthem was playing as the Cars of the Heads of State drove into the Square, I was waiting for them at the red carpet which led to the train station. A train connection was made just one week ago with the internal and external rail system, allowing trains to also enter the Underground Bunker. This was done to move large amounts of people.

The people exited their car and started to walk towards me, but suddenly the atmosphere stifled. 'Oh boy. I forgot about this...' I thought awkwardly. Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler were showing signs of hostility.

''This is no Time to be lollygagging!'' A voice from behind said loudly, everyone was bewildered trying to see which man is challenging their statuses,

I had a frown on my face as I saw the situation develop, ''Gentlemen, the nights can be quite cold here, could I interest you in maybe entering the building behind me?''

They quickly stepped forwards, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin leading the way, when almost everyone passed me did the person I wanted to meet the most appeared. ''Emperor Hirohito, I am delighted that you have accepted my invitation. Please come with me.'' I said while patting his back and pointing the way,

I entered the reception hall in the External city, the leaders of the countries all stood on a small podium with their respective flags behind them, I looked at their faces, most were smiling and happy while others were a bit more serious. 'While we are here discussing what we have to do, my men are dying out there!' I cursed these leaders for their etiquette and ceremonies while I clenched my fists.

A picture was taken before we moved from the train station's reception hall to the railway platform to board the train. Every head of state looked in awe at the train, being very luxuriously decorated, but also heavily defended, both blending in to give it a very sleek look.

''Under the protection of Switzerland, you have nothing to fear!'' Two Red Skulls said In unison, these men were the most battle-hardened people in the entire Organisation, almost nothing can beat them on the field.

While the Heads of State were inspecting the Train and soldiers I was trying to advance my plans, 'If I can get Japan out of the Unionist's sphere of Influence and pull them to my side publicly, supplying them with materials to conquer China we can hit 2 birds with one stone. The only question is, is Hirohito prepared to make his defection public?' I scanned the faces of the Heads of State and seeing nothing abnormal did I signal the people to continue walking onto the train.

The ruthless Stalin and Hitler were silent in my presence, my soldiers marched forwards, my tanks drove towards the battlefield, my planes flew into the Apocalypse, my Zeppelins challenged the Union. With our own hands, we fight the Union! We were on equal or even Higher standing than Germany and the Soviet Union.

The doors were closed and we all got a comfortable seat in the train. The trip would only last 20 minutes, with most of the time being the opening of the Blast doors to enter the Bunker complex.

I stood up and walked to a panel on the wall, pressing the button did the metal protections on the Windows open and show the outside world, ''Please enjoy the view during the short ride to the Command Centre.''

I walked out of the wagon they were seated in and moved to the Communications wagon, ''Report!'' An Oberst shouted, ''Sir, enemy movement detected on the Genevan front, Spies caught in Zurich, Enemy planes engaged above Basel in Germany!'' A communications officer reported.

''Move the HMS Dreadnought to the Rhineland to establish Air Superiority, send our 5th Tank Battalion stationed here to support Geneva. Let the Anti-Air handle the planes in Germany.'' I quickly gave some orders based on my knowledge of History.

The train came to a sudden halt while Sirens started to blare, it marked that they were going to enter. ''From now on we must sadly confiscate your weaponry if any and or any material that can be used to write.'' An External member serving as a butler said to everyone,

Hitler and Stalin sat opposite of each other in the train, looking disdainfully at the other, Stalin spoke broken German with a very thick Russian accent, ''Why are you not with the Unionists? You clearly like their ideas, why join the Glorious Council of Nations?''

Hitler had a playful smile on his lips as he replied, ''I do what is best for Germany, and the Unionists are not in that interest, they want to control us, abuse the German people. Hence I turned to the only other option.''

Stalin snorted at the answer.


I looked at the men working hard before softly reciting a poem;

When you see millions of the mouthless dead

Across your dreams in pale battalions go,

Say not soft things as other men have said,

That you'll remember. For you need not so.

Give them not praise. For, deaf, how should they know

It is not curses heaped on each gashed head?

Nor tears. Their blind eyes see not your tears flow.

Nor honour. It is easy to be dead.

Say only this, 'They are dead.' Then add thereto,

'Yet many a better one has died before.'

Then, scanning all the o'ercrowded mass, should you

Perceive one face that you loved heretofore,

It is a spook. None wears the face you knew.

Great death has made all his for evermore.

War raged on in the West, people struggle to evacuate, rivers of blood appear in the mountains as the Organisations holds strong, life, life is only going to get harder...

I have studied some poetry of War, and this one I still remember till this day, I want my readers to know and experience the utter brutality of war. Because that is what this Novel is all about :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts