
Through Hell!

Location: London

POV: Kyle's

I stored my MG42 and started to run towards the rooftops, 'Hehehe, 10 minutes, in 10 minutes my enemy will have to look up.' I thought smugly. ''ENEMY ON THE ROOF.'' A soldier shouted on the roof at the other side of the street. I slid towards the cover and immediately afterwards aimed 'PANG!' The .45 round went right through his throat and neck, causing instant death. 'PANG PANG PANG!' 3 more enemies fall down that dare to look past their cover. I throw a smoke grenade and started to jump from roof to roof towards the Hindenburg.

I pulled out my portable radio and contacted the Golden skulls officer, ''I am heading towards your direction via the roofs, look out for that.'' I said before hanging up. 'Splitch' 'ugh' I got shot in the calf causing me to fall forward, I did a ninja role and continued running forward at a slower pace. My pursuers don't give up easily, I tried to shake them off multiple times but failed each time. I shoot behind me from time to time, forcing them to duck for cover. My portable radio started to beep, I picked up.

''SIR WE ARE INBOUND TO YOUR POSITION!'' The officer screamed and immediately A massive Zeppelin descended through the cloud cover, All pursuers were shocked, 3 ropes were thrown down I grabbed one and started to climb upwards, 'Splitsch' A bullet pierces my lung, The Hindenburg immediately increases altitude and starts to head towards Twinsword outpost. The Hindenburg Hovered above Twinsword outpost, immediately golden skulls started to slide down via the ropes, the enemy tries to flee from the soldiers, but Anti-Tank rifles immediately kill the drivers and men, so the others stopped fleeing and started fighting. 'trrrrrrr' the MG34s spat out chains of bullets. It took less than 4 minutes to capture the enemies. Zero was found unconscious at the table he drank tea, the Brit who was with him has disappeared.

''Sir what shall we do with the prisoners?'' One of the officers asked.''Take them with us to Kiefersfelden, we need to have a nice 'talk' with them'' I smiled evilly while saying that. ''Sir please go to the medic station you are hurt!'' Another officer came to say that. ''I will I will do not worry,'' I replied.

The ride back to Munich was peaceful, no bad weather, no killing, no explosions. Zero woke up after 2 hours and he was fine. He did faint when he heard what transpired, he almost wanted to jump off the Hindenburg stating he failed at his duties. He then vowed to always be at my side. I did not take it to heart since he does need to sleep. I also Contacted HQ stating I was fine. They also updated me on their plan for the withdrawal, I approved as well. Since our organisation is still weak compared to others out there.

We arrived at 21:00 In Munich the following day. Where an escort of 3 tanks 5 trucks and 8 jeeps were parked. Even the Panther V Ausf.X was mobilized for my protection. Rudolf stepped forward to greet me,''Welcome home Kyle. Take a seat in the Panzer V Ausf. X, it is safest there. Also, we have altered some of our plans, we need you to take a look at them.'' ''I will Rudolf, one thing at the time though. I also need to make some changes as well to our future development. Please set a gathering for tomorrow at 15:00, Every senior officer has to present Rudolf.'' I replied.

I entered the Panther, I greeted my old friends, Gunther immediately said, ''Kyle, you are always such an idiot, you know if you just travel everywhere with the Panther nothing can stop you.'' Gunther said. Wolfram cried as he hugged me,''Brother, you are the only family I have, take me with you next time, I can always help!'' ''I will Wolfram when you are a bit older that is'' I replied while patting his head. ''Kyle next time you need more speed, try to get a better car for escape,'' Angela said sincerely. 'I forget, friends I have as well. I am not alone.' A small tear bead forms but I quickly wipe it away not wanting to show any weakness in front of them, I just smiled.

We arrived safely at the Base, all soldiers stood at the gate, rows upon rows, ''IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!'' The all shouted in unison as we entered. I disembarked from the Panther and started to walk towards my office in the HQ, all men saluted me on the way, the white skulls opened the doors for me, Zero followed behind me like my shadow. 'It has really hit Zero hard, I hope he will still relax as well' I thought to myself. Rudolf entered the room, ''Sir, the package delivered at the former Twinsword outpost has been received a few hours ago, it is currently being sent by plane. Also, the sector heads have gathered again please proceed to the Command centre.'' ''I will, thank you Rudolf'' I answered.

It was noisy just before I entered each sector head were talking to each other, but when I entered it became silent, I nodded my head in satisfaction.

''IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!'' All sector heads stood up and saluted, ''At ease'' I replied. ''Now, I have called you all here today for a number of reasons. The 1st being that I have changed my plans on a second Military base. Instead, I Insist on building upon this base into the Alps into Austria. I want the Construction head to get the plans drafted together with storage and the Logistics head. 2nd I have planned 4 mobile HQs, they will be Zeppelins, but not just any Zeppelin, we call them Battle Zeppelins Capable of providing support at any times.

Armoured to stop anti-air rounds and anti-aircraft rounds. the top is reinforced to stop bombs, All using a titanium frame and titanium/Aluminium plating, [Unknown] as bouncy, etc I can guarantee you that, it will be combat worthy. 3rd I want to conserve all manpower, I want to have Operation Citadel gain top priority and finish it before 1938! I now give each team time to draft their plans!'' The command centre came to life as people started to debate people came and left with paper and materials. when Mackensen leaned into me to whisper,''Sir the Blueprint has arrived, do you want to present it to the sector heads?'' ''Yes'' I replied.

People a Image of how i think our battle zeppelin looks like will be in the SECOND auxiliary chapter. Also one of my readers has set up a discord server, if people want to check it out go a head. here is the link to his server:


Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts