
The Escape(Part IV)

Location: Max Security prison

POV: Kyle's

''Gunther, Mackensen you two go get the heavy weaponry together with 20 soldiers, Wolfram, I want you and 20 other soldiers to go get transportation from the vehicle depot,'' I said to them. ''What about you Boss? Will you stay here?'' Gunther said worryingly. ''Yes, I and 10 soldiers will stay here and defend the entrance, because you, Gunther and Mackensen need a place to drop off the weaponry a few times,'' I answered.

''INCOMING!'' One of the soldiers at the forefront shouted. We quickly ducked our heads behind the cover, as shrapnel flew over us. ''We don't have long hurry up!'' I said before pushing the men over. ''Be careful Kyle!'' Mackensen said before looking forward.

''Listen up men, we are the last and only line of defence, if we die and fail we ALL die and fail!'' I said to the remaining 10 soldiers, 4 men still manned their respective MG42s grunted in agreement. ''Now. Let's show them why they imprisoned us in the first place.'' I said before counting my ammunition in my MP40. ''Enemies approaching, ETA 1 minute!'' A soldier on the upper floor of the castle shouted as he aimed his sniper at them. ''Sir the men are ready, we redistributed the ammunition as requested, each soldier has 3 mags of MP40 ammunition, and 2 mags of Luger Ammunition. 2 Grenades and one combat knife. We estimate we can hold out a maximum of 15 minutes before running out of ammunition, Sir!'' A former army Oberleutnant said.

''Okay, Guys! Get ready for contact, conserve ammo if possible!'' I said before aiming my MP40. 'Strange, the MP40 was developed and adopted in the army in 1938, yet the SS already acquired early designs of these guns, as it seems to lack certain features.'I thought while looking down the barrel of my gun. ''ENEMY CONTACT!'' The soldier at the front shouted as immediately streams of bullets started to leave the barrels of the MG42s. ''Commander watch out!'' A soldier shouted as he pulled me away, and less than one second afterwards a bullet flew by where my head just was. Cold sweat dripped down my back as I thanked the soldier before the soldier started to shout: ''ENEMY SNIPER!''

Soldier after soldier came running towards our position, ''dammit sir, it seems they know about our precarious situation of ammunition, they are trying to empty our ammunition as quickly as possible!'' The Oberleutnant shouted from the other MG42 Position. 'Hurry up Gunther and Mackensen, we need that heavy weaponry!' I almost wanted to scream.

''TANKS, SIR, TANKS INCOMING!'' The Oberleutnant shouted as he looked through his binoculars, The morale just dropped to an almost alarming low. ''MG42 TEAM!, LISTEN UP! Focus fire on the tanks, make the driver and gunner blinded by the number of bullets!'' I ordered a string of instructions to the other soldiers as well. ''ONE, TWO, THREE!'' I shouted, and on three, 10 grenades landed in the middle of the group of 50 or so soldiers, 'BOOM!' The 50 man group was blown apart, leaving body parts flying everywhere.

''Sir! 120 men approaching from the right!'' the Oberleutnant screamed. 'The tanks are still approaching, forcing our MG42s to be unable to suppress the approaching infantry, us 11, even on the defence, will be unable to hold on long against 120 enemy soldiers, 50 enemies are the max!' Many thoughts and plans swirled through my head, but none were satisfactory.

The fighting continued, but it was almost a helpless struggle. ''AAAHHH!'' A soldier was hit in the lungs, causing them to collapse. 'Am I cruel for picking the Soldiers wanting to live a peaceful life afterwards, as guardians here?' I think to myself, before quickly shaking my head, 'Sacrifices have to be made, this is not even a war, but war, bigger than the war I experienced will descend upon this world, like never seen before!'

My fellow comrades die left and right, one MG42 team already lost a gunner, while the sniper is already dead, the Oberleutnant has fallen as well. Making me the only one with commanding power. 'activating skill: Commander, subcategory, Morale boosting, skill boosting...Morale Boosting complete, Skill boosting completely.' ''MEN! It was great fighting with you all, the last one to die gets a free drink in hell from me, and if I die last you all get me one free drink, FOR VICTORY!'' I said with a raised voice, but in the end, it was all futile, soldier after soldier, bullet after bullet, raindrop after raindrop, the slaughter didn't end until one side was completely annihilated. The fighting continued, I was in complete concentration, it wasn't until a bullet scraped the side of my head did I finally come back to my senses.

Yet I wish I didn't, I was surrounded by pools of blood from my fellow comrades, bullets fly past me, injuries start to flare up, The MG42s already stopped firing 1 minute ago, the tanks were approaching, firing their 20mm gun constantly, shredding the concrete covers I was hiding behind, my gun was on it´s last Mag.

'It seems my luck has run out' Splitsch!' a 20mm bullet pierces my left shoulder and I shout in pain as fell on my knees. With my last bit of willpower did I pull the trigger aiming at the approaching infantry, which seems to never die. 'Was it all for vain? The base, Rudolf, Breaking free?' I started to think about what has transpired over the past 2 years. 'I wonder what will happen if I die?' 'WARNING! User blood level hitting critical! Activating Strengthening ability for 1 minute!' ''AAAAHHHH!'' I screamed in pain as all my sense were forced back into action, massive amounts of adrenaline were being pumped into my system, my cells feel like they are bursting with energy.

I unsheathed my Katana and pulled out the M1911a1 Colt, using all my leg power possible did I jump right in the middle of the infantry squad.

'Splitsch!' I stabbed a soldier with my Katana and pulled him towards me before throwing him onto another soldier,'Bang! Bang! Bang!' I fire 3 shots each hitting the head of a soldier making them fall down. Immediately did a grab the enemy MP40 as I started to spray a hail of bullets on my enemy, I used the enemy soldiers as hostages, because if they shoot they will likely hit their fellow soldier at the other side.

I stabbed and grabbed and stabbed, continuing this process, slaughtering soldier after soldier, bullet after bullet, men after men, all dropped to the ground in this slaughter-fest.''WARNING, Time limit up!'' And with that all the energy just disappeared, I collapsed onto a soldier piercing his heart with my Katana. 'I do not wish to, but I accept my faith' With that I aimed my Colt m1911a1 to my head, but when I pulled the trigger only a click sound came, clearly indicating it was empty. I just sat in my knees waiting for them to kill me when suddenly:''Tatatatatata'' A 20 mm cannon started to mow down the infantry in seconds, leaving only me in the middle of the bodies. I try to see who it is, it is neither Gunther or Mackensen, 'Wolfram?' I thought to myself, but before I could get a better look did my body fall limply to the ground.

To all readers:

The SS and Wehrmacht(German army) Were enemies with each other in Germany, causing them to never help each other. This has also caused the SS to limit the search for our MC to just the SS, not involving the army.

Who is this unknown saviour?

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts