
The 'Unknown' Story (Part I)

Time: 1 Second after the Women of the Other timelines dies

Location: Unknown

POV: Tank Commander Edmund

''FIRE'' I ordered the gunners,

''What are these beasts, sir?!?'' Another Tank commander asked over the radio as weird creatures swamp their position.

''Use the Flamethrowers!'' I ordered, focussing more on the situation at hand than thinking why it is happening.

We fought hard and brave for more than an hour straight, after which we finally got a breather. ''Sir, they ran away. What is our next course of action?'' the other tank commanders walked towards me.

''I need a count of what we have first, after which we need to orientate ourselves. If possible check the radios to establish contact with Motherbase. Dismissed!'' I signalled them to leave after which I gave a deep sigh,

'What in god's name happened? We were intercepting an enemy army marching for Delémont. But even after 4 hours of rushing did we not even see any city, after which we got attacked by these creatures. I must get back to base!' I firmly decided our next course of action.

It took only 10 minutes for the tank commander's to return with their estimations, I grabbed their reports and started to quickly skim over them, ''Mhm, 25 E50s, 15 Self-Propelled Guns, 10 Self-propelled anti-aircraft, 50 IFV/APCs, 15 Supply trucks, 10 Fuel trucks, 5 Self-Propelled Rocket Launchers last but not least 5 support companies such as Medics, Armoured Engineers, scouts, etc.

Now, we were fully stocked when we departed, after our battle which mostly consumed fuel we have still a very large portion of our supplies left. Estimated if we Ration we could last 2 months on our supplies. Pass down the orders, form the second protection formations around our supplies, we are heading out!''

The other commanders nodded quickly and hasted towards the other commanders before passing down the orders to them, 'I have a bad feeling about this place, these woods are not like the ones we have in Switzerland nor Europe. Where are we?'

I walked towards my own E50, 14 marks beautifully mark one side of the turret, showing how many tanks I and my crew have destroyed. Hopping into the commander's seat did I order everyone to get into position and move out.

The engines came to life as we started to move forward as one, creating a large trail of tracks from the Vehicles.

Time passes by fast, it is only after 3 hours of driving nonstop that we finally found signals of life, a road! 'A pebble road will most likely lead us to a village where we can resupply and contact HQ.' I clenched my fists firmly.

We followed the road for only 15 minutes before we see smoke rising, ''Is that a fire!'' A scout questioned.

We quickened our pace towards what we think is a village set on fire, ''Hurry!'' I shouted at the men.

in less than 2 minutes did the Village come into view, ''HALT!'' I ordered quickly, stopping the convoy dead in its tracks.

We looked bewildered at the village, ''Sir?'' A commander asked doubting his own views, A massive bonfire was lit in the middle of the village, people were dancing and singing around it, weird chants coming from the elderly. The Village looked like any Village in Europe from the 1600s, ''Slow advance!'' I passed down my order,

''SIR! BEHIND US!'' The scout shouted at me, I turned to look behind us, seeing a forest of spears and metal armour walk steadily down this very road.

''Close hatches! Slowly approach them, any signs of Hostility needs to be met with deterrence!'' I closed my own hatch whilst ordering my men.

The army hasn't spotted us yet, it was only when we were in the range of the naked eye did we finally see movement and a reaction.

''Everybody halt! Hermann, Errol, follow me. The other stay behind.'' I moved my tank towards the opposing army, ''Sir, SPGs in position ready to cover your retreat.'' The Artillery commander reported.

We limited our tanks to go 20 km/h towards the opposing army, ''MORA!'' a man donned in a rather expensive looking armour shouted towards us.

''What did he say?'' I asked my men, ''We don't know, it is not a language I have heard of.'' They replied.

We continued to drive slowly towards the opposing army, ''MORA!'' The man shouted again, now aiming his spear towards us, ''Maybe he means stop?'' someone whispered to himself.

''That could be it, let us halt for the meanwhile.'' I caught what he said and followed up my order with it.

I opened my Hatch, to face the man directly, one was already open, Hermann looked weird at the man in front of us, ''What is it Hermann?'' Errol asked who also just opened his hatch.

''I am not sure but... I think he spoke Latin to us, 'Mora' means Halt in Latin.'' Hermann looked baffled at the men in front of us.

I beckoned Hermann to talk to the man, (for simplicity I will still use English, but (Latin) Will be put to show my reader it is in Latin),

Hermann drove his tank further forwards, ''HALT!''(Latin), the man shouted signalling all his men to prepare for combat, ''Sorry for our discourtesy, but where are we might I ask?''(Latin)

''Who are you people! This is the land of The Crimson King!''(Latin) The Commander shouted, Before continuing, ''Leave now, The Crimson King doesn't like the look of you people! We will resort to extreme measures if you do not leave!''(Latin)

''Could we speak to The Crimson King? We need to know directions.''(Latin) Hermann was still polite, but he was reaching his limits.

''SCRAM!''(Latin) The Commander ordered them, ''HALT YOU BASTARD!''(Latin) Hermann snapped and shouted back at him.

''In the Name of The Crimson King, we shall wipe you from the face of the Earth!''(Latin) The Commander was frenzied and hotheaded, causing him to forgo any preparation, just ordering the Vanguard to attack,

'Fuck, what did Hermann say?!?' I cursed the opposing people in my mind, I just looked calmly at the approaching horde of men and sighed,

Lifting the horn of the radio to my mouth I gave my order, ''Fire!''

Massive booming sounds came from Behind as the SPGs shot their first shells towards the incoming army.

Don't play with time Space and TIme People, it can mess things up...

This is a Side Story, I hope people like it, of not put a comment tell me what needs to improve or if you don't find it fitting to the story :D

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts