

Time: 100 years after the Defeat

Location: [Unknown Temple]

POV: Kyle's

I large statue of stood in the middle of the room, one hand holding a planet like Earth, the other holding another plant, yet I'm unable to recognize it. Below a Statement was put, 'Translating language': ''Hunted and despaired, destroyed and broken, we only wanted peace, yet a thousands year of war has brought us nowhere. We are humanity, we are the rightful people of this Universe! To the people who shall come and to the people that will go, heed my words, worlds exist, worlds exist in our timeline that we can go to. Hunted and despaired, destroyed and broken, our ark will return...''

I looked at it with a hint of sorrow, 'Why! what did my society do to these people to deserve such treatment...' I sat down on the stone slab in front of it, my legs crossed over to fully understand my mission, 'Unknown data stream found, access the information?' My processor asked. I was baffled and hesitantly agreed. My mind was pulled into another world, full of numbers and letters I have never seen, only one word stood out, 'Humios' a word which probably translates to human.

The letters and numbers started to fade as I saw a beautiful planet come into my view, billions of humans moved on the planet like ants, it was green and lush while spaceships entered the dark universe exploring and bringing back plentiful of resources back home. It was then that I noticed I was onboard a gigantic spaceship, ''Sir, when do we announce the news to our citizens?'' A man which looked like it had a high rank asked what is presumably the captain of this ship. The captain sighed deeply, ''In 10 days we'll announce the news, combine it with the news about the new deposits of Trinium being found, after which you can announce that we are the only ones in this universe with till this day no habitable planets found and our terraforming projects being a complete failure.''

The letters and numbers appeared all around me again. Time suddenly seemed to advance thousands a year a second it was then that I found myself in a huge square where millions of people gathered. Looking upwards I noticed a man which looked like the leader dressed smartly, dressed lavishly, donned by medals and surrounded by hundreds of bureaucrats. ''LONG LIVE THE UNITED NATIONS!'' The man shouted, ''LONG LIVE THE UNITED NATIONS'' the crowd shouted wildly, ''CITIZENS OF THE UNITED NATIONS I, YOUR PRESIDENT, HAVE FINALLY FULFILLED MY PROMISE! TOMORROW OUR ARMIES WILL MARCH THROUGH THE PORTAL TO NEW LANDS AND FIND NEW PLANETS FOR US TO INHABIT! MARCH CITIZENS MARCH TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE!'' The president pointed up towards the sky where you could see the portal hanging in the sky while in front of it hundreds of spaceships waited to enter.

Just as I thought it was finished my brain got a massive headache as the same old numbers and letters entered into my eyes, soon I landed in the middle of a space battle, With my consciousness being present in the same ship as I was in before. I looked at the captain seat, it was the same man as before but looked like he had one foot in the grave. ''Captain!'' ''Captain!'' un unfamiliar man was standing next to the captain, however, not the same as last time. ''...thousands of years of peace and stability, ruined by greed...'' the captain murmured under his breath. The last image I got was the bridge exploding as alarm signals fired of continuously. My consciousness moved across space and time to arrive at the main conference room where the generals and the president are situated.

''IMPOSSIBLE!'' One of the generals slammed his fist into the table as he heard the report of their flagship being obliterated. ''How did this come to be...'' The president from before also looked old and wittered, ''HOW DARE THEY BETRAY US!'' An ambassador shouted as he came in the room, ''Sir! The Union, Confederation and 3 others have officially signed a declaration of war against us. The face of the president went pale, ''Even our oldest allies and our first alien contacts have betrayed us! Who is it that can overturn all of this in less than 1000 years!'' The president shouted angrily. But he sat back helplessly as he watched the enemies approach their home planet, ''LAUNCH THE SHIELDS AND DEFENCES!'' one of the generals ordered quickly. ''...What's the point...'' the president whispered, The general stood up knocking his chair over in the process, ''DON'T YOU GIVE ME THAT CRAP! MILLIONS OF MEN LOST THEIR LIVES PROTECTING THEIR LOVED ONES! WE SHALL NOT DIE WITHOUT A FIGHT FOR WE ARE THE HUMIOS! THE CREATOR OF MODERN CIVILIZATION!'' He picked op the president causing the guards to quickly rush over and hold him down.

Everyone was thinking about the end that's coming, some generals already started drinking alcohol while others planned a defence in depth hoping to stall them to the very end. It was then at this moment a man in scientist clothing came running over, 'WE FOUND IT! WE FOUND IT!'' The man shouted as he ran towards the president. He looked over towards the scientist with lifeless eyes, ''What?'' he asked. ''WE HAVE FOUND UNIVERSE 0! THE UNIVERSE WHERE EVERY UNIVERSE IS BORN FROM!'' He said anxiously, it was then that the president finally woke up, ''REALLY!'' he asked shacking the scientist from his chair while tears came down his eyes. But then they dimed completely, ''...even if we are surrounded...'' he said quietly. ''We know, but we do have the old ark program and spaceship which could be our last hope... after which my brain felt like it was being split apart as the letters and numbers appeared in front of me.

Soon the letters faded and a planet came into view, it looked identical to earth when it just formed, volcanos spew tons of ash into the atmosphere while a moon is starting to form, years pass in the millions, and soon after an object appeared outside of the planet's orbit, I was teleported into it, seeing 2 men and 1 woman standing around an unfamiliar object, their faces were showing signs of exhaustion, while their bodies withered. ''Will this work?'' The man asked, ''We have no choice!'' The other man said angrily tears rolling down his eyes, they looked at some screens, showing their home planet being bombarded, and a counter going up, all ready showing more than 10 billion casualties.

''So many deaths... and for what?'' The woman cried, ''HOW DARE THEY! WE SHOWED THEM THE PATH! WE SHOWED THEM CIVILIZATION! YET THEY STAB US IN THE BACK!'' The bulkiest man with scars shouted as he heaved angrily, the woman shed a tear, ''100 thousand planets, 2000 Civilizations, we brought them prosperity, yet they turned towards the outside, another Universal power...'' She wanted to continue when she was cut off, ''SILENCE!'' The bulky man shouted, ''We... We have failed what our leader asked us to do before, but...'' the other man talked softer and softer he went,

''NO! WE HAVEN'T FAILED! THIS UNIVERSE IS OURS, UNIVERSE 0 IS OURS! THEY SHALL NOT DEVOUR IT LIKE THE OTHERS! 2 BILLION YEARS WORTH OF KNOWLEDGE! WE SHALL BE REBORN'' The bulky man shouted as he pulled the lever, the Orb was launched going at astounding speed towards the earth, soon it breached the stratosphere. Flames licked the edges of the orb as it was constantly accelerating. After a quick descend it impacted the planet. ''We shall return... We shall conquer, enough is ENOUGH! This Universe is the only one which can support our plans, this Universe shall become our Humios Imperium! And when the new Humios are ready... They'll be worthy and ready for our knowledge. Now as discussed I will guide evolution towards the development of us Humios while staying in the shadows, after which I'll wait for the right moment to introduce the right morals and values continued with the introduction of our technologies at a later date. The genes have already been injected, we now just have to wait for evolution to procure the most outstanding Humios, through a thousand trails!'' The man entered a weird pod-shaped device as well before being launched towards the scorching planet. They watched as their companion was slowly approaching the planet, tears rolled down both their eyes as this was the end for them.

The other two people both press a button on the ship as they looked at each other, '' For our Universe, for our people...'' They both whispered as a small blackhole crunched and destroyed the ship with the two of them in it after which it also disappeared.

Soon the Weird letters and Numbers faded slowly, another minute passes as the place is completely dark, following that I returned into my own mind. Two tears stream down my face as I looked at the statue. 'It makes sense now, the hatred towards humans, the warring between civilizations, the differences between them, a foreign power has influenced them. Without knowing they have been colonized by someone worse...'

I stood up with newfound vigour and confirmation of my destiny, ''I must not only destroy the civilizations of old, but I must also go beyond...'' I said to myself. I calmed myself down, 'Initialize reconstruction protocol...' I ordered the chip, it immediately started to act, my entire body structure was being edited through the cybernetics and nano-mites, my mask stayed the same, that of an old man, while my clothing changed into clean white robes, while my height was increased to 1 meter 90 centimetres. But it then dawned upon me, my legs have been fixed! While another cybernetic implant has been placed into my spine, 'Tiny power supply,' It is called. I beckoned the boy over, ''Today, son, you shall be called Ares, he is known as the god of war. And I will train you to be the best one!'' I said to him as I looked with newfound vigour in my eyes.

He looked baffled at my transformation but was quick to react and nodded, I grabbed a Dusty broom from a cupboard, ''Now your first act of training is to completely dedust and rebuild this temple'' I said while throwing him the broom. He looked flabbergasted and stood there looking at the broom, ''The broom won't work without someone guiding it!'' I said before sitting down in front of the statue to internalize what I just saw
