
Point of no Return

Time: 1 Week after the Kidnapping of Kyle

Location: Unknown

POV: Kyle's

''SPLITSCH!'', ''I shall make you feel what pain is...''

My knife pierced right through the torturer's heart, ''HA!'' I shouted,

After 1 week of constant torture did I finally manage to make his guard drop, allowing me to access my app and buy a knife and a gun, I walk out of the torture room and enter a complete white hallway, scientists and workers run amok as they tried to finish their jobs.

I pull out my gun and aim it into the crowd, it was then that I was spotted by some people, ''RUN!'' They screamed, but it was too late, I fired and fired shell upon shell on the people, merciless killing each and every one of them! 'These bastards!' a few of these people weren't human looking, some looked surreal and some looked outright weird,

''DIE BASTARDS!'' I shouted crazed, The people fell dead left and right, as my gun fired non-stop,

'These bastards are inhumane! Their torture methods, their way of living, is NOT CONSIDERED HUMAN!' I said to myself.

I walked past the rooms, horrified by the scenes they show me, torture, experiments, death and misery, hundreds upon hundreds of rooms were lined up, it was a world of disgust, I looked at a particular room, but the moment I caught sight of what was Inside caused me to vomit everything I had, organs were spread out, but the worst thing was that he was somehow kept alive through certain machines.

''MONSTERS!'' I shouted at the top of my lungs,

I pulled out my MG42 loaded the bullet chain. Before I cared about a certain group people, people who only carried some goods and weren't involved, but they all worked on these horrid experiments indirectly, there was only one answer, one way to achieve justice for these people.

Eradicate all! The MG42 unleashed a fiery hell in the compound, alarms were flaring, people were running, only after 10 whole minutes did the security team finally arrive, but a whole 8 minutes too late.

Bodies lay everywhere the walls were full of bullet holes, I already equipped all my gear. My mask covering half my face, a heavy black trenchcoat and a 7-star badge shining brightly. I looked at the security team, a smile on my face as I looked at them,

The people of the security team looked at me in horror like I am a demon from hell, the fire couldn't burn me, the bullets couldn't stop me, the neck hairs of the commander of the security forces stood up straight,

''FIRE!'' he ordered anxiously, the soldiers didn't hesitate, unleashing every bullet they had,

I just walked over to them, the small calibre shells unable to penetrate my Wanderer's gear. The soldiers shot more frantic as I slowly walked over to them whilst reloading my MG42, 'Americans, Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, Europeans,' I analysed the people in front of me,

I stood only 5 metres away from the line of soldiers, a few even peed their pants,

''You dare touch my people,

you dare touch my continent,

you dare touch my organisation,

YOU DARE TOUCH ME!'' I shouted angrily, anger overwhelmed me, the hate for these people reached its peak, I said silently:


I pulled the trigger of the MG42 and in less than 5 seconds the entire security team was decimated, I looked at the corpses, seeing people from my own organisation in those experiment seats caused my eyes to tear up slightly, 'I swear, I swear to exact vengeance on those who harm my people, let it start by eradicating these people here today,' ''If they are not human, do not look human, they are no longer allies but foes!'' I shouted through the compound, which was heard by a few people who escaped. These words will be known by many in the future, not only out of fear but also out of hope, hope for others.

I kept running through the compound until finally stumbling upon an exit, I ran out of the compound only to be halted by the hearing of footsteps.

''Now now now, Wanderer. It is not nice to leave without saying goodbye...'' The voice gave me goosebumps as I heard them, ''YOU!'' I shouted as I turned around to see, my biggest worry came true.


Time: 1 Week into the Battle of Geneva

Location: Genevan Market square in the South

POV: Commander Ross man

''KEEP SHELLING THEIR POSITIONS MEN! I shouted, ''Show those Skulls bastards that we will kill them with everything we got!''

In the distance you could see houses being blown up by artillery shells, tanks moving up towards the centre of the City, aeroplanes covering the sky, it was all showing that the Union is going to win,

when suddenly an eerie silence cloaked the battlefield, A calm before the storm. I looked at the Radar screen, seeing nothing made my heart calm down,

''COMMANDER!'' A recruit came in shouting, ''Show your manners!'' The officers shouted angrily, I signalled the officers to quite down,

''What is it, boy?'' I asked him, a bad feeling suddenly came over me just as he started to speak,

''Commander! The HMS Dreadno...'' The lad couldn't even finish his sentence before the FOB(Forward operating base) was obliterated by the Artillery fire of the HMS Dreadnought.

The massive shells devastated the HQ, nothing was left standing, it was all but rubble and dirt.

This was the moment the Union had to adopt a defensive stance instead of an aggressive one. The tables have turned...

Hope you all enjoy :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts