
Operation Citadel

Location: External Base

POV: Kyle's

''HEAR MY ORDER!'' I shouted. All men perked their ears to listen. ''I WANT MASS MOBILIZATION OF THE TRADE SECTOR! PURCHASE AS MUCH AMMUNITION AND HEAVY WEAPONS AS POSSIBLE, NO MATTER THE COST!'' My order echoes through the Command centre, and immediately the 2 Businessmen representatives started to write the order down, the logistics head included. It suddenly became noisy as people started to beckon their advisors over for planning, men came and went from the command centre as plans were being drafted and sector heads started to debate on the best course of action. 'This is how it is supposed to be' I thought to myself

1 hour passes as I wait for multiple plans to be drafted. ''Sir all parties have finished drawing up their plans respective to their departments. The 1st one is from the Logistical team, the 2nd is from the external core businessmen representatives, the 3rd from the Storage department and 4th from the general staff.'' Rudolf reported. '' Go ahead start, start with the 1st one, I will see which one is the most viable,'' I said whilst looking at one of the 3 projector screens.

The head of the Logistical department stepped forwards to explain:

''Sir we have based the plan on our logistical capabilities, which are currently very limited, we do not have enough personnel to move large quantities of equipment, I fear that in order to achieve a good result we might have to compromise the location of our base, which I do not recommend. So I propose a plan for the next 10 years, which will be completed in 1944. We would have adequate equipment to supply all strongholds and money to spare. We do this by creating supply points where equipment is being handled and later through secure routes transferred back to base. This is just the preliminary plan, if you give the green light we will expand upon this. Marshall.''

Some groans came and some whispering went around the room as the plan was discussed, criticized, etc. ''SILENCE!'' I bellowed through the command centre, before continuing:''The key are the businessmen, let them propose their plan.'' The 2 representatives stepped forward:

''All Hail the Marshall!'' They shouted before continuing:''Our plan is a 6-year plan of massive purchases in the time period, we buy it so quickly that prices are unable to respond before we sit on top the largest quantity of weaponry. This does mean using every connection and favour we have available...but that doesn't matter, it is for the greater good of the Organisation! We will implement a total spending policy, emptying our reserves of liquid money.

Using the name of one company as a scapegoat.'' The 2 men stepped backwards and mulled over this plan, 'it is more within my time range, we are preparing for total war, means I need to purchase the best of the best, from every country as well. Tanks I can produce, planes I will produce later, I will need better planes for the current situation.' I started to form my own plan already based on these two planes before. ''Okay head of the Storage sector, please present your plan,'' I said looking at the man in front of me.

''Marshall, our plan revolves on meeting supply and demand critically, by analyzing the situation. We will not spend more than necessary and than also meet our targets on time. We will also be able to reduce the number of external members to be used for this operation.'' The Sector head stated before sitting down. ''General staff, please step forward,'' I ordered. Immediately 4 men of the inner circle stood up and walked towards the projector, the men include Rudolf, 2 Officers I rescued from the prison and another Wehrmacht officer, holding the rank of Oberstleutnant, just one rank below Rudolf. Rudolf started to speak:'' Our plan revolves around the idea of spending money on army officers to get them to 'give' us top grade military equipment, this will also reduce the burden on the businessmen and Logistics, as we are part of the Wehrmacht, making the order for transportation easy. We not only drain part of the SS dry and weakening them we are also strengthening our current position.'' Rudolf immediately sat down after speaking.

''I have heard your plans, each sector has given positives and negatives whilst drawing their respective plans. Now, this is a UNITED organisation, means you all overlooked one thing, I DO NOT WANT INTERNAL STRIFE! You forgot to consult other departments on how to improve, you only debated how their plan is bad. I DO NOT tolerate THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOUR!'' I almost got red from anger. 'What took down the USSR? What took down the Ottoman Empire? What took down the Roman Empire? What took down the Chinese Dynasties? WHAT ALWAYS BRINGS AN EMPIRE DOWN! Internal Strife! I must squash this idea out of their heads.' I thought to myself.

I stood up, and pulled the mic closer before stating my own plan:

''If you all, just went and worked together you might have come up with a plan like mine, yet you all worked separate, here is what you could have gotten. We Adopt the Storage Sectors head's idea of critical analysis on what to buy in the beginning and afterwards we increase sales, this solves the logistical problem in the beginning, then using small storage depots outside the base is a perfect plan, not only for current purchases but also as bases for other operations. We then use the businessmen's plan on purchasing quickly to get low prices in the beginning. Whilst also using the money to bribe Wehrmacht officers of equipment meant for the SS. With this I have incorporated all positives and removed all negatives, I think you all knew this, yet you didn't present such a plan, and that is what has disappointed me in this first meeting. I coin this operation, OPERATION CITADEL! For we will finish our core to make it worthy of the name Citadel.''

The Command centre was again stirred back to life as advisors went to the communication hall to relay the orders to each respective sector. ''Initiate the plan immediately, cooperate together, and I want to see a more cohesive organisation the next time I come back, Dismissed!''

I beckoned the Businessmen over and pulled them to the back of a room. '' I have 2 questions, 1 which company that the organisation will most likely be obsolete the following 5 years? and second, if you have enough prestige or power can you buy on credit?'' The 2 men stared at each other before replying:'' It would be Enigmotors that is currently struggling, we kept it above water for the Organisation, as for the second question... It is possible, but only multinationals and very large businesses are able to guarantee a purchase on credit to later be repaid. Or a show if financial might will also do the trick, but I would watch out, since many companies who did buy on credit could later no longer pay up, causing them to lose everything.'' ''Thank you, gentlemen, my men will provide the details tomorrow,'' I said before sending them off. ''Get Rudolf in here,'' I said to the Guard at the door. ''Yes Marshall!'' white skull said before heading off.

''You asked for me, Kyle?'' Rudolf said while walking into the room. ''Yes I will want to review the plan that is being prepared for tomorrow, also I will need to make a trip to England, and while you are on it book a trip immediately afterwards to Oslo,'' I said, and immediately waved my arm signalling that he could leave. Just before Rudolf left I thanked him.

''I will probably take on the current world, I have to start to get a second base in operation. Time is of the essence as they always say. Currently owning 12% of the European market I have a large financial capacity, yet I cannot get any TUs. I problem I still have to fix.'' I complentated. ''Hauptmann, follow me, it is time for me to train again. '' With that said we head off towards the drilling grounds.

The organisation is forming, but our MC's ambition is growing as well.

I will try to not go to quick through less important parts, but i will not write as much detail as i did on the escape part :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts