
Internal Fallout

Time: 30 minutes after the HMS Dreadnought appearing

Location: Geneva

POV: Multiple

''This is Rudolf speaking, we shall clear a path through the central road of Geneva to the Command centre, all soldiers should walk on that path to be under our protection...'' Rudolf said over the Radio, a pained expression on his face as he was thinking about Kyle,

''Captain. Bombs away!'' Rudolf ordered.

The bomb bays opened and dropped the remaining payload into the enemy controlled zone, opening a straight path for stuck soldiers to the defensive lines. The Soldiers were cheering seeing the massive Zeppelin fly over them, it represented their might, their power! The enemy Air-superiority was utterly shattered,

''GIVE THEM ARTILLERY COVERING FIRE!'' Mackensen ordered, but less happy with the return of the HMS Dreadnought than expected, ''Establish contact with the HMS Dreadnought,'' He followed up his command.

The HMS Dreadnought flew low using its light artillery batteries mounted on the bow of the Zeppelin to fire on enemy positions, although the enemy fired back it had almost no impact. Small calibre bullets couldn't penetrate and large calibre shells were not making a big enough impact on the Zeppelin.

''Sir, the North of Geneva is back under our full control, we are currently shelling fortified positions in the south.'' An Oberst reported, ''Understood, block all attempts to establish radio contact with us from Mackensen.'' Rudolf ordered.

''Send in the Ravens to hold key positions to cover the retreat of the main armies, Target enemy artillery positions as well, we cannot afford anymore loses!'' Rudolf continued with his barrage of orders as he looked down through the glass bubble, the same room where Kyle killed the Captain who betrayed them.

The Oberst just nodded before heading off to relay the commands,

''Commander Rudolf, isn't it necessary to report the kidnapping to General Mackensen?'' The Captain asked.

Rudolf just looked coldly at the Man, ''Captain, you must understand that in the absence of the Marshall I have full reign on Internal affairs of the Organisation, Mackensen is not allowed to know, else hiccups might appear when I try to Stabilize the Organisation.''

''Excuse me, I have overstepped my allowed jurisdiction.'' The captain stepped backwards by one step, showing that they are no longer equal under the Marshall's command, but the Captain a Subordinate under Rudolf.

While Rudolf was clearing the Battlefield Mackensen already got a report from a man on the HMS Dreadnought telling him what has happened.

''HOW! HOW DARE HE SHOW HIS FACE WITHOUT THE MARSHALL!'' Mackensen shouted angrily. Only 3 of his most trusted men were in the room, and unlikely the head of Intelligence as well. They have joined hands to combat the ever-growing power of Rudolf in the Organisation.

It was eerily silent in the command room. ''I suggest talking to the Head of Logistics and Construction to get them on our side as they have been constantly been held back by Rudolf and the other Heads.'' The Head of Intelligence suggested.

''No, the Head of Construction has already been supporting Rudolf since the beginning. I would pin my hopes on the Head of education and the Head of Electricity/water. Especially with our ever-growing underground city complex, they hold the most strategic value.'' Mackensen suggested.

The Head of Intelligence looked weird at Mackensen before speaking up, ''That is weird because the Head of Education, Water/Electricity, Healthcare and Construction have formed their own group which have projected their power over the underground complex. As of currently, We have almost complete grasp over the Military, while Rudolf has complete control over the Administration together with Hoffman. Sadly unknown to us since now, the Head of Healthcare, Mr Zimmer has established his own faction controlling the underground complex by 60%.''

''WHAT! How did this go unnoticed by me and my men!'' Mackensen exclaimed,

''That is natural, they have been the most secretive and low laying of them all. If Hoffman wasn't in the picture that is...'' The Head of Intelligence shook his head.

''What about that fatty Hoffman?'' Mackensen asked with doubt.

''You do not know? Hoffman has been amassing wealth and power in the external faction. Basically, everything outside of the complex is known by him. He has almost Zero control in the City Complex, but outside he is the one you must be careful of Especially since he works with Rudolf'' The head Of intelligence looked bewildered, thinking that it is weird that Mackensen was unaware of it.

''We must go and Talk to the Head of Intelligence, he is fital to all operations and has been on the fence for a very long time, it is our only option!'' Mackensen said a bit desperately.

''Sometimes I think that the Marshall is unaware of the happenings?'' Mackensen asked doubtfully, the head of Intelligence looked bewildered at Mackensen,

''Mackensen, I mean no offence, but you do not know what reach the Marshall has, I am not sure. I think that there is another faction hidden in the dark, utterly dedicated to keeping the Organisation together and doing the missions no one is allowed to know. That is a feeling I have been getting ever since operation Dragon...''


Time: 5 Minutes after the Marshall's Kidnapping

Location: Secret Police HQ

POV: Zero's

''WARNING! ALL PERSONNEL ASSEMBLE AT MEETING ROOM ONE! WARNING!...'' Warnings sounded all around the compound. ''ZERO WHAT IS GOING ON!'' The Other members of the agency demanded, Zero just sat there silently looking at a piece of paper in his trembling hands. ''SHUT UP!'' I shouted. The other agents were scared out of their wits, this is the first time they have seen me lose my composure.

Everyone sat down and waited for me to speak,

''The Marshall's life is in danger.''

People a hint: This chapter will show again a bit of the Battle of the Factions in the Organisation.

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts