
Defeat (Part I/III)

Location: External Base

POV: Kyle's

''Mobilise the 1st and 2nd infantry regiment, open the armouries to all non-combatant personnel. Kill the prisoners. And get me my Panther!'' I replied. ''Yes sir, mobilisation order received!'' With that said the Oberst left the premises. ''Men, prepare for the worst, I want the evacuation order on standby,'' I said to the sector heads. There was silence in the room, but they all said with dry throats:''yes Marshall'' 'BOOM!' Another shell lands close by.

Dust falls off the ceiling, We were all waiting for the reports to start flooding in any second now. The time ticks by, shells drop constantly, and the Gun fighting could be heard outside. One minute after Mackensen left he returned with a solemn look on his face. He approached me and leaned into me so he could whisper:'' Sir, we estimate 6,000 Men, same clothing as the ones in London, we have also found the cause of why they were able to know where all supply bases were. The only man besides the intelligence Sector head that knows each base location is the logistics head. We suspect him giving away our positions.

We have also spotted Tanks that look awfully similar to the Panzer IIIs Ausf. A. Meaning our logistic head must have sent one tank from production as well since the intelligence head is unable to do that. That is all I have to report Kyle.'' ''Thank you Mackensen'' I whispered back. ''Okay Gentlemen, I need every single one of you to stand up one by one and come in front of me,'' I ordered the Sector heads. Although they were baffled they still complied to the Marshall's orders. I took out my Loyalty scanning tool and gave it to Zero, Before giving instructions,'' When you step forward to extend your left arm, Zero will place the tool on top of your hand, the tool will then give you a tattoo, this tattoo will be an identifier for the tool in the future.''

First, the Head of Healthcare stepped forward, extended his arm and let the tattoo be imprinted. I opened the App linked to the tool, and yes a name appeared with his loyalty factor, which stands at 86. 'Not bad, not bad at all'

Sector head after sector head was scanned, all until now were above 80, with most being 90 and 3 being a 100. the last 3 were the Intelligence head and logistics head and the Head of the white skulls.

The Intelligence officer extended his hand, Zero pointed the tool at his hand and a tattoo was imprinted. I checked and I was amazed by the Loyalty level being 100. 'Mackensen's Speculations until now were spot on, he sure has a sharp eye.' The Logistics head second, He extended his arm and Zero pointed the tool at him. the tool imprinted the tattoo. I opened the List but was baffled it also had a loyalty factor of 100. So I beckoned Mackensen over. I learned in before whispering to him:''It isn't the logistics head, who else do you think it could be Mackensen?'' 'BOOOM!' A shell close to the headquarters impacted.

'DAMMIT as long as there is a traitor in our mists the less we can act, if we act now they will most likely know and counteract!' I cursed myself for my bad luck again. Then the head of the white skulls stepped forward, I didn't pay much attention to the man when he was scanned since I was talking with Mackensen about potential suspects on the lower levels. But when I checked the list all the blood drained from my face, 'Negative! He has a loyalty factor of -84?!?' I looked at the commander, he just smiled. I Beckoned Mackensen again, ''Mackensen we are in deep trouble, do you know why people are not coming in, why it is silent inside.

Because the traitor isn't the Intelligence head or Logistics head, its... The largest military force we wield, the Head of the white skulls!'' ''All Blood left Mackensen's face as well. ''Kyle, what will be the best course of action now? The best case scenario is that only he has betrayed us, the worst... Is it all white skulls are enemies.'' He asked. ''Mackensen, go get the Panzer III/IVs and all black skulls, put them so that they can immediately kill the white skulls, if they are already starting to kill our soldiers just retreat to the second line of defence, that is always mounted by black skulls.'' I gave my orders to Mackensen, who immediately left.

I then beckoned Zero over, ''Zero, I want you to get the Gold skulls, station them everywhere in the HQ, we might have an internal battle very soon...The Head of the white skulls has betrayed us.'' ''I do as you command sir, these traitorous bastards will die soon at the hands of the elite guard!'' Zero said firmly

I patiently waited, I saw Zero from the corner signalling me that all troops were in place. The fighting has continued for more than 30 minutes, yet the intensity is increasing, the occasional explosion nearby has become frequent explosions. 'I must confront him now' I pull out my m1911a1 from the holster, I undo the safety and prepare to immediately shoot. ''Head of the White skulls, why did you join the organisation?''

I asked curiously. He gave a monotone response: ''I was forced out of my home due to the great depression, I lost everything, my home, my sister, my brother, my family. But I fought, I fought on, because I heard that one of my relatives was still alive. In order to search for him/her I joined the organisation, first to abuse it, but now I feel like an actual part of it!'' The monotone voice becomes stoic and full of pride. '

'So why did you betray us 'George'?'' I said while watching his every move. ''Wha what are you talking about! I have DEVOTED MY LIFE TO THE ORGANISATION! HOW DARE YOU TO ACCUSE ME OF BEING A TRAITOR!'' He shouted. The other sector heads were baffled by seeing their old friend accused by their Marshall. But their faces were like steel, no emotion was shown, also clearly indicating their stance with their Marshall. Seeing that it was hopeless he started to laugh. But just before I could point my gun at his face and shoot, he whistles. 'BANG!' the .45 Bullet went right through his head. But it was all too late, as hell started in the command centre.

I will edit a few old chapters after finishing the second part of Defeat. Enjoy :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts