

Location: On The Road to Munich

POV: Kyle's

''Sir we will meet up with the convoy in 5 minutes, they will be going with us to the docking station of the Hindenburg,'' Zero said. ''Tell the convoy to hurry up, we are at war with the SS remember!'' I said to Zero who then contacted the HQ through the onboard radio.

''Also ask them what the convoy consists off. I need a clear idea of my assets that protect me.'' I ordered immediately after. Zero talked with HQ whilst driving for 10 minutes, before answering:''Sir the convoy contains the other 50 Gold Skulls on 2 trucks, 2 jeeps each having a double MG34 mounted on top of them. besides that, it has the only Panzer with it. It has the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun mounted on top for anti-tank uses.

One of the jeeps is in front followed by the Panzer III after that it has 1 truck, our jeep, truck and the last jeep at the end. We will meet up with them and integrate with the convoy on the move in 3 minutes.'' ''Good, Also if I remember correctly the Hindenburg Airship doesn't really fly to Munich,'' I asked curiously to Zero. ''Sir, haven't you been informed... It is our Organisations mobile HQ, it was bought and owned by one of the businessmen you rescued. It still flies normal routes, but if we need it, it immediately comes for us.'' Zero replied.

''INTEGRATION, MAKE SPACE FOR THE MARSHALL!'' One of the officers shouted as we approached the Convoy. the truck and jeep slowed down causing a gap wide enough for us to fit to form immediately in between. Zero nimbly wedged our car in between, ''GOGOGO!'' The officer shouted again, the truck increased pace as it closed any large gaps between the jeep and the truck. The men were even more alert since their Marshall's Life is in their hands now. 'The SS is only aware of an organisation having skull soldiers, meaning that the appearance of this Convoy will clearly trigger a response from Himmler since he will not let this slide.' I started to think about my enemy's move.

The convoy moved along silently, 'Thank god Rudolf immediately skipped the 1st few ausführungs of the Panzer III, it mostly resembles the Panzer III Ausf M. But clearly has a better engine in it. Then it dawned on me, ' he Must have read the experimental tanks already, this is clearly the Pz III/IV, which existed on blueprints.' I laughed in my heart as I saw what he did. This is a good Tank, but production costs are not cheap at all, we can produce one Panzer III and Panzer IV from this tank. Thankfully, he considered that and probably has only ordered a few to be used as convoy protection vehicles. The Panzer III and IV are not the fastest, but the Panzer III/IV is a perfect convoy protection tank.

''INCOMING!'' The officer at the back of the convoy screamed 'Ching Ching Ching' small arms fire and grenades were flying all past the convoy, the soldiers in the truck immediately threw themselves onto the floor of the truck. ''ENEMY ATTACK, ESTIMATED 100 MEN!'' The commander in the tank shouted. ''CONTACT HQ!'' an officer screamed. 'HQ will not be able to send any troops quickly, DAMMIT IF WE HAD AN AIRFORCE!' I complain in my heart. But the Golden skull Guards were not for nothing golden skulls, they heard the respective officer scream commands. The trucks started to flank us while the tank drove in front. 'BOOM!' A HE(High explosive) shell left the Tanks barrel, killing 20 closely packed SS soldiers.

''PROTECT THE MARSHALL!'' The men shouted as they threw off the trucks cover and aimed their guns at the enemy. 1:5 Golden skulls have an MG34 or MG42, making 10 men capable of unleashing hell. 'Tatatatata' A hail of bullets descended upon the enemy, all drivers increased their speed, but suddenly 20 Panzer Is started to appear behind us, 'ANTI-TANK RIFLES!' The officers shouted again, 3 men crawled over the truck's floor to the back end before aiming their Anti-Tank rifles, 'Ching BOOM' The anti-tank rifles easily pierced through the armour, but the enemy has learned, they used evasive maneuvers to make themselves harder to hit.'Interesting, they learn quickly' I praise the SS tank commanders, 'Bit that is not enough' I laughed in my heart.

The tank disengaged from frontal protection and let the jeep take its place, the tank drifted outwards coming to a stop whilst being able to point his gun towards the enemy And it immediately unleashed hell upon the panzer's, 'tatatata BOOM tatatata BOOM' The Panzer III/IV kept a continues to fire upon the enemy with HE shells, so even if it missed it still did damage, while the Panzers tried to pen the frontal armour of the tank,''REVERSE!'' The commander shouted to the driver, who immediately went into reverse. The panzers tried to flank the tank but their Puny 20mm autocannons can't even pen the rear armour plate, which is 30mm thick and angled. It took less than 10 minutes for the tank to clear the Enemy panzers before speeding up to 55 km/h to catch up with the convoy.

But while the Panzer III/IV was fighting the enemy tanks, the enemy infantry continued their relentless assault, as every 100 meters there was a group of 20 men with MG42s and other equipment. 'They have must know about our route beforehand... A traitor is in out mists'

I carefully looked around before leaning into Zero to whisper to him: ''Zero, there is a traitor in our mists.'' Zero tensed up but didn't reply, just nodding his head before getting a clearer look at his allies. He shakes his head, clearly indicating he doesn't know who it is at the moment.

We speeded through the forest as we tried to shake the pursuers off. After fighting for more than 30 minutes did the relentless assaults end, the convoy kept the current configuration, as the tank caught up we all sighed in relief. ''Marshall, we have been dramatically altering our course to shake them off, it is currently 17:30, we estimate to arrive at the Docking station at 18:00. We are sorry the Marshall had to experience this.'' Zero said while apologizing as well.

''At ease, what is the damage and casualties list?'' I demanded from the officer on the truck on the right. ''Currently, 2 jeeps are badly damaged, The Panzer III/IV has suffered minor engine damage due to overusing it when trying to return to the convoy, we have 7 injured Gold skulls and 5 dead Black skulls, both trucks have extensive damage all around and need immediate repairs! That is it, Marshall!'' The officer replied with his head down fearful of my piercing gaze.''Good Dismissed Soldier!'' the officer returned back to his seat in the truck.

'The SS is dead set to kill me and destroy my organisation, they do not yet know where it is, but only time will tell when they do. I must Increase the speed of production and construction, Open up more factories for arms production, and AN AIRFORCE!' I sighed to myself. ''ETA 5 minutes sir!'' Zero said.

I watched as the massive airship the Hindenburg came into view, 'This mighty ship burned down in America, I will not let that happen!' Equipment was constantly put upon the airship, from guns and ammo to extra radios, desks, chairs and other tools for the mobile command centre. 'It will take time, although my organisation is not strong yet. We are not as weak as well. The SS might rule Germany, but my organisation will rule not only Germany but Europe, and if possible the world!'I remember my vows, my promises I made to my men. '' I will only need time'' I said out loud

The SS still hunts our MC, but as we all know, his luck stat is -1000, will he always survive the SS manhunt?

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts