

Location: Max Security prison

POV: Kyle's


I slowly rise out of my bed as I hear the soldier scream, 26th of November 1934, Hitler should have been at power for more than 1 and a half years.

'It is time for me to escape, I have had enough time to train and prepare. I need to go back out and contact Rudolf again, that, no matter the expenses we have to finish the external base and recruitment even earlier.' I walk towards the prisoner's canteen, as I slowly walk past the security door did I go to my group of inmates. Everyone here is in the highest level security prison of the SS. People from politicians to teachers to soldiers, everyone deemed extremely dangerous is put here.

''Yo Kyle, your spot is over here, we saved it for you!'' an older man who is in the teacher's clique shouted to me. ''No, we saved a spot for our martial master!'' The clique made of elite soldiers said. ''NO, HE IS A BUSINESSMAN, he can come to sit here!'' A fat man shouted across the canteen, who was the leader of the Tradesman clique. ''I am going to sit alone! whoever wants to come to join me can, who does not can leave!'' I shouted. All people immediately fell silent and started to eat. 'It seems in the period of 1 and a half year, with my knowledge on both history, and other subjects, plus my martial arts skill caused everyone to buddy up with me to get a favour. Even the guards don't dare to touch me after a few 'incidents'.' I think smugly to myself.

As I sat down a few people who were in the shadows came close to me. these are men I recruited over a period of 1 and a half years. They are highly capable, the most respected was August von Mackensen! He never addressed me with sir or anything, he respects the strong and knowledgeable. Yet he still follows me, he is classified as a subordinate on my screen, means he is utmost loyal. The other people include old German generals, businessmen leaders, Military administrators. All Germans who were crazily smart and knew what to do were locked up for safety for the new regime.''I lowered my head and whispered,''Tonight we are breaking out.'' The other people had complicated gazes as they looked at me, Mackensen spoke in a stern voice,''Are you sure the plan is foolproof, we must fight against the SS, and I believe only you are capable of that!'' I nodded, the plan is as followed,

''1. I create a distraction to lure the guards of the 3rd level down to me, with that you, Mackensen and Gunther take care of the men on the second level, here take this'' I gave them each a Luger that I procured after 1,5 years.'' They only have 1 Mag inside and you have one Mag reload, make them count.

2. Then, Wolfram you take the boys from the martial arts clique and guide them through the entrance, there should be 2 Mg 42s located there, but if you strike between 19:05 and 19:10 you can catch the shift off guard. With the entrance secure I need you, Angela, to bring the businessmen clique out towards the vehicle depot, with you at the head it will look the least suspicious if you wear soldier clothing and since you can impersonate anyone you hear.

3. After the businessmen are in the clear bring them towards Kiefersfelden, I will make sure someone is there to pick them up. the tricky part comes here, the alarm will have rung by now, we can either save the Teachers and scientist or raid the armoury for guns and weaponry. Both are vital to my operation. Oh and before I forget, here I made a few for everyone.'' I hand out a bunch of keys to all of them. Gunther was the first to notice,'' These are exactly the guard's keys!'' I nodded to them showing he is correct. ''I made these over the past 1 and a half years after studying each lock and key. 'it took me 1000 TUs for a thief kit!' My heart churns as I remember the price.

Mackensen was the first to notice,'' Kyle, how are you going to get out of here then? As you will be stuck at the lowest floor, while we will be at the 2nd and 3rd floor, we are only 1 floor away from the ground floor. while you need to go through 3 floors. And if reinforcements come than the ex-soldiers will not be able to hold out.'' I shook my head and replied: ''Mackensen and Gunther will take the ex-soldiers towards the armoury to take as much as you can and leave. I will be right behind you all.'' 'I have equipment that you guys don't have.'

Besides the Thief kit, I also bought a 'Modern' Katana, made from Damascus steel and a Tanto. Also an m1911a1 Colt pistol with 2 mags, I bought besides that a basic Black trench coat with special steel plating at the front and back layered with Kevlar, Able to stop light arms fire.' I only have 200 TUs left, I am back to square one with money.'

We all return from the canteen back to our living quarters, aka cells. the plan is for Mackensen and Gunther to start at 18:45, it is now 14:30 so only 4 hours and 15 minutes until initiation.' I can only hope Rudolf has continued the plan and finished recruitment for the external base'

18:30, 15 minutes before the start, did I hear the news that I hoped never to hear, 'Himmler is coming in an hour and extra troops have already entered the base? this can't be true, not now! DAMN YOU LUCK AND BASTARD CONFEDERATION, GIVE ME 1,000,000 TUs AND I'll DRIVE OUT IN FASHION!' I roared inside my head, 'I can only depend on my fellow inmate's skill to overcome these pleb SS men.'

'I can only leave it to fate' I thought, when suddenly a white dove came between the Iron bars, it had a paper around its leg. 'YES!' I shouted in my heart. I opened the Paper and started to read the message, ''Marshall, we have successfully located the Convoy Himmler is on, with this we will finally be able to locate you. As you asked we have used Indoctrination techniques using your statue as a symbol, we were successfully able to convert many men to give their lives blindly, your idea of using religious means is very handy. Using the picture made at the Kiefersfelden they will be able to identify you. Hold out as long as you can, Rudolf!'' I read. I put it on top of the other 50 papers, I quickly looked through a few others;

'The Dove has successfully returned for the 5 times, we can now use this as a means of communications....'

'100 men joined this month, all are being trained by me, trying to follow the dove to your Location proved to be too difficult we must find another way....'

'... so yes the Technique you described has been successful on the 10 test subjects, they proudly say your name and when I asked them if you ordered them to die what they would do, they replied they would follow any order.....'

'Construction of the External camp is almost complete, the base is growing but your absence is making things more and more difficult, the men who have been indoctrinated want to know your location, I am afraid if we do not liberate you soon something bad might happen....'

'The dove was hurt when it arrived so it took longer for it to return, excuse the lack of messages because of it.....'

'.....The Sector heads have been carefully selected on your criteria, we are currently trying to subconsciously indoctrinate them as well but...'

I Grab the dove and removed the paper holder, ''you can go now'' I whisper at it while pointing at the outside world through the iron bars, the dove just sat there not knowing what to do, I just let it be. 'With me guiding Rudolf I have been able to launch my organisation, although in a cell and through a dove..... Oh well, we'll see' I lamented. 'I just hope Rudolf is on time to rescue us.' I thought nervously. I didn't tell the other on purpose afraid that one might snitch or say it accidentally. 'Well, time to get ready anyway.' And with that thought, I started to prepare.

Ah, i didn't think of actually adding him but yea, welcome a WW1 bigshot August von Mackensen!

I wonder why he landed inside prison?

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts