
Tricky kitty

Void held his head low and looked slightly up to the woman in front of him. He could smell Keylee's fear but it is what he had counted on. 'If you're so brilliant enough to know I'm a demon you must know I can be very... tricky. So I have an offer for you, you let us talk for a while, I will convince her to tell you where the Nemeton is and then you'l let us go.'

'Oh, but you don't seem to understand that you are not in the position to ask things.'

'Technically, I can always ask things, it's just if you answer them or not...'

Araya Calavera showed a tight lipped smile. 'Of course. Now, gatito, I think you should reconsider your previous choices. Where is the Nemeton?'

Void gave Keylee a warning glare not to say anything. He could only hope she had enough trust in him tricking everyone. Luckily she did. 'No.'

'Very well.'

With that they turned the electricity on at Void. He screamed. Not because it hurt, but because they had to think it did. 'Stop! Please stop!' Keylee begged them.

'Tell us where the Nemeton is.'

Keylee glanced at Void, who shook his head in return. She stared at the ground in silence. Biting her lower lip to prevent herself from saying anything.

'If you don't give us a location we'll electrocute the both of you.'

Void snapped his head up. 'No! Wait! I know where it is, please, just don't hurt her.'

Everyone looked at him in surprise. 'Well, talk. Where is it?'

'It is probably still at the place where I last saw it. Oh, and Keylee, I think you should do the same thing as our deal when we first met. We wouldn't like them to electrocute us again would we?'

Keylee caught up on his plan and nodded slightly. 'Y-yeah. No good plan to pass out now huh? Just uhm, I- I got you. You can try to remember.'

Void smirked. Knowing she really got it. The hunters exchanged a few glances.

'Pass out?'

'Oh, Nemeton defense. But Keylee got it, you know, healing ability and everything.'

The hunters looked at Keylee who smirked a bit unsure with bright glowing green eyes. They the looked back at Void. 'Well, we don't have all day, where did you last see the Nemeton?'

'Ooof, uhm, yep. I think- yeah, I definitely last saw it at the last place I saw it.-' Void looks at the angry getting hunters and at Keylee who slowly shakes no. 'Which was... If I remember correct. Let me think a little. Oh, yes, it was in the woods.'

Void smirks and pulls a proud expression like he just did something amazing. The man seems to get pretty angry about this and ready to attack him but Araya stops him.

'Wait. What is your plan demonio? (demon) She is not helping you is she? So what are you doing?'

As if on cue everyone pulls a gun out and points it at Void. He looks up and sighs. 'Alright, you got me. What can I say? You cannot catch a fox unless it wants to be caught.'

He smirks. 'You might have 40 years of hunting experience...' He snaps his wrists out of the chains. 'But I'm more than thousand year old, I know every trick, don't think you can beat me in my game! Especially when I don't play alone.'

⚠️ !!! Trigger warning, killing and stabbing people and those stuff. If you are uncomfortable with it, please skip to the next long white space and trigger (⚠️) symbol !!!

All the hunters start to fire the gun but they all get deflected by long silver blades. The hunters are slowly forced back as the familiar creatures of the night keep getting closer. Their silver blades going fast enough to deflect every single bullet.

'Los Oni...' One of the hunters breathes scared, right before the Oni stabs him through his heart.

Void completely ignores the fight and walks to Keylee to untie her. 'Ready, the Oni won't hold once they got to the silver bullets.'

Keylee nods and Void starts to take her pain, using it to get stronger. 'You cough on pretty quickly huh? You knew I wanted you to take pain so I could use it...'

'You made it pretty clear, it's the deal we made when you kidnapped me, you'd take my pain and tell me what I wanted to know. I remember.'

Void smirked. 'I know. Now lets kick their asses.'

They turned around, out of the 6 hunters, 4 were killed by the oni. Araya was still standing behind the last man, looking furious. No one knew how to kill an Oni but Void was sure they would find out soon enough, or they would just accidentally use a silver bulled.

That moment came to soon for their liking.

Araya Calavera might be no match for a nogitsune but she was certainly not someone to mess with. She broke of the handle on the door and it turned out to be a gun.

'Another gun? You got to be kidding me!' Keylee sighted. 'What makes you think that gun will do something?'

'This gun has a special surprise gatito.'

She pointed the gun at Keylee. 'Now no one moves. I believe you know what this is.'

Keylee looked extremely confused, not having a single clue of what was so special about a gun that fitted in the door. Void seemed to understand though. It was like a silent conversation was exchanged between him and the huntress while Keylee and the other hunter just kept some sort of glaring competition. The Oni were all frozen in place.

Void eventually took a small step closer, raising his eyebrows. 'Are you threatening us?'

His usual smirk faltered to a frown. 'That's not a very smart move of you.'

He grabbed the gun and pointed it to the other hunter and a shot sounded. The man stared at his chest in disbelieve. Blood pouring out of his chest. 'M-madre...' (mother)

Araya stared at him in horror before looking at the gun in her hand and from that to Void and Keylee who both didn't seem to care much.

Void stared deep in her eyes and placed a hand at her throat while tossing the gun to Keylee. 'Investigate it would you.'

He didn't break eye contact with the huntress in his grip and slowly started to feed of her pain. 'You know, I have to admit I'm curious. Why would you wanna find that Nemeton?'

'You know why demino. You know it would be the only way to- before Keylee could hear anything else Void slid her throat. 'And so another hunter bloodline dies.'


⚠️ End trigger part


Void focused his gaze on Keylee to test her reaction on the whole murdering party. She just raised her eyebrows and whistled slightly. 'And suddenly I'm very happy that I'm too tired to see ghosts.'

Void smirked and swung an arm around her. 'Come on, lets head out of here. I bet you have some questions.'

Keylee stared at his arm with a little surprise but didn't protest. It felt safe and they were both comfortable with it so why change that?

'Yes, to start with this gun.'

They walked out, not meeting anyone on their way to the car. As soon as they started to drive away, Void started to explain.

'This gun, it was used to, to kill you in your previous life. I believe that Araya wished to scare you into some sort of memory state in which you would lead her to the Nemeton but I'm not entirely sure. It's still in a good shape, you should keep it.'

Keylee nodded. She had absolutely no idea how to use a gun, or why she would use it. Or why she would keep the weapon that killed her. But she was sure Void had his reasons. 'And why again did she needed me to find the Nemeton?'

'You've found it before. I don't know how much you remember but as far as I know you kind of sacrificed yourself to it. Like, twice. The first time it made an entire town sink into the sand. It caused an earthquake and it became a ghost town except the church. The church wasn't leveled with the other buildings, or ruins now, and stayed a safe place for creatures. The second time, or last time, you sacrificed yourself it made some sort of powerful shield. No one dared to come closer, low grumbles were heard, stories about missing people. It became, just as you wished, a safe place for creatures where they could regain strength. It even went as far as regressing people's age.'

Keylee listened in awe. That sounded pretty powerful. 'So, you say I did that. Can I do things that powerful again?'

'With the right training.' Void replied calmly. He was sure she would be able to do things like that if he could just train her enough. He just had to make sure it didn't tangle with his own plan.

'Hey, I wanna try something, but I don't know if I can do it again. I- I just remembered it when- when they-' She didn't wanna think about getting electrocuted again. It didn't sound that bad when she heard about it but once she felt the fear herself, the pain. When she was in that position...

'Hey, it's alright. What do you wanna try.'

'Okay, just, wait.' Keylee closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Breathe in, breathe out. think of the easiest one. Just go with the flow." She though. "I wanna be a Iriomote cat. I know how that looks, the dark, dusky brown coat. The dark spots that tend to merge into bands. Not very big, just like a house cat. Long body, short legs and tail, and dark, rounded ears with white, central spots on the backs. The dark stripes on my neck. How I hear things better..."

Void watched in curiosity. Keylee still had her eyes closed. He then widened his eyes as he saw her shift, the fur growing, claws, teeth, nose. Within seconds he sat besides a proud looking cat.

Keylee shook her shirt of her head, the shirt was now way to big since she was a cat, and looked up at Void. He stared back at her, almost hitting a tree but quickly enough moving back on the road.

'I knew you would master that one day but- but this is really good.'

Keylee purred and jumped at his lap. Void decided to once again park the car on the side of the road to examine her without ending up in any accident. 'You're even cuter now.' He teased.

Keylee placed her ears in her neck and pulled her lip partly up, not very happy with his statement. Void chuckled and placed his hand on her head.

'You did good Kitten, no matter what you think, this is truly remarkable and I'm proud of you.'

Keylee purred again, missing the ability to talk already.

'But I still think you're cute.'

Keylee stared up at him, almost challenging him with her eyes. "Just wait if you still think I'm cute after this." She thought. Void smirked, not knowing what was gonna happen.

Keylee then proceed to stretch herself out, not holding in her claws, while still sitting at his lap. 'Hey, careful with your claws!'

Keylee didn't listen and jumped at the headrest of the seat.

'Ohhhh, careful with my car! I fairly lend it from someone when he didn't look!'

Keylee jumped of the headrest and landed on the backseat, liking how agile and nimble her cat body was. Void tossed her shirt on her. 'Fun enough, please turn back now.'

Keylee once again didn't listen to him and jumped back to the headrest. Only now Void quickly picked her up from it and placed her on his lap. 'Alright, bad kitty, don't ruin my car. You wouldn't destroy Roscoe either right? Shift back.'

Keylee stared up at him. Was he crazy? He was still holding her, looking down at her with a smirk. Did he not realize she wouldn't have her clothes on when she shifted back?

Void seemed to read her thoughts. 'Oh I know.' He whispered in a husky voice. 'But you'll have to shift eventually. I bet you haven't asked all the questions you wished to ask.' He smirked. 'Just shift back Kitten.'

Keylee stared at him without blinking. Was she really gonna do that? She could just stay a cat but why not actually? It wasn't that big of a deal, they had kissed, they had slept together. Tho that was with clothes. She did feel safe and comfortable with him...

Before Keylee could let her mind talk her out of it she decided just to take the risk, what's life without a little risk after all?

Void felt kinda surprised that she actually shifted back but he instantly wrapped his arms around her, smirking. 'Hmmm, didn't expect you to actually trust me enough to shift back.' He still saw how uncomfortable she was so he quickly grabbed her clothes and respectfully pretended to look away in the window.

'I trust you very much Void, I told you that. I don't care if it's stupid. I wanna be close to you because that makes me happy, because every time we spend time together it feels like a part of me that was missing found it's way back. And hey, what's life without a little risk?'

Void's smirked faded a little but he made sure not to show when he turned towards her. It's not like he didn't like what she said, he liked it very much, which was also something that concerned him. Especially since he felt the exact same way with Keylee.

A part of him didn't wanna tell her, afraid of what would happen. But he was a demon, a fox, a trickster. No one could beat him and it would only bring Keylee closer. So maybe caring for someone wasn't that bad, as it did make him feel as good as causing pain and chaos. He smiled. And it was a genuine smile. Maybe this was just another way of fun, and what was there to lose. Keylee was right, what was life without a little risk?

'That's great you know, cause... I feel the same with you.'


I'm not quite sure how far I should develop the relationship between Keylee and Void, should they be like besties? Lovers? Family?

What do you think? Any other suggestions perhaps?